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Dream Dictionary

words beginning with the letter D  


This could be an indication that you are feeling significant anger toward someone or are afraid that others may deceive you or take advantage of your better nature. If you kill or wound a perceived enemy in your dream, your unconscious mind may be encouraging you to concur your fear. Freud thought that all such objects were phallic symbols.


If you are the dead person in your dream it suggests that you world like to leave all of your worries and struggles behind and start a new. Dreaming about someone that you care about dying may express your fear about loosing that individual and having to live your life without them. Dreaming that one of your parents died my express fear of loosing them, but it also may be an unconscious valve through which you release angry and other negative feelings about them. Also See: Coffin, Zombie, Smothering


This dream may be suggesting that the dreamer is loosing control. In a decapitation there is a dramatic and violent separation of the head from the body. Under normal circumstances the mind controls and directs the body. This dream suggests that the dreamer may be under the control of his bodily drives and may be separated from his feelings. Some disassociation may be occurring in regard to some behavior or issue in life. However, this dream may have other meanings. This includes, excessive concern about punishment, and it may reflect sever pressure and anxiety in the dreamers life.


Dreams which include excretory functions usually represent cleansing and emotional release. Look at all of the details of the dream in order to obtain meaning. Ask yourself which emotions you may be releasing: anxiety, anger, mockery, annoyance, etc. Some very old folklore interpretation say that dreaming of feces is a good omen which suggest a financial gain. Also See: Feces

Deceased relatives At times we dream about deceased relatives or friends, simply because we miss them. These dreams may be disturbing, but more likely they are a form of wish fulfillment, or a reliving of old experiences. Some people believe that in our dreams with meet up with the deceased on the inner planes and engage in "real" interactions with them. It is normal to miss and long for the people that we loved and that have left the physical body. Thus, it is not surprising that they will pop up in our dreams form time to time.


Dreaming about devils and demons is usually very frightening, and from fear you may awake from your dream. The devil does not generally represent something outside of yourself. It usually symbolizes the most negative and least developed part of you. It may be that part of you that is ignorant and destructive. You can determine the meaning and the message in your dream by looking at all of the details carefully. All dreams are good dreams in that they bring unconscious materials to the conscious mind. Only then you can begin to effectively cope with the more unpleasant sides of your personality.


The interpretation of this behavior depends on your circumstances and on the details of the dream (this is true for all dreams). Digging is generally considered to be difficult work, or hard labor. You could be "digging" around for the truth, or trying to get to the bottom of things. Alternately, you could be "digging your own grave". Thus, consider your feelings in the dream and the type of ground that you were digging in. Were you working a difficult area, or digging in fertile soil? See also: Dirt..


Dreaming about natural disasters, such as earthquakes and floods, is not that uncommon. People usually have these dreams at a time when there are many changes going on in their lives. Most people have ambivalent feelings about change, and some resist even positive changes. Thus, quick shifts in life styles or some type of a crisis, may bring about dreams of natural disasters. Please look up a specific disaster by name. Also See: Flood, Earthquake, Tornado.


The word disease literally means out of ease. Before you begin to interpret this dream on a psychological or metaphysical level, first check your health. The dream could refer to physical or emotional health. Also see: Illness


Having this dream may mean that you are trying to "get to the bottom" of a current situation or feeling. Water symbolize the unconscious, thus another interpretation for this dream may be that you are delving into your unconscious. Finally, Freud thought that diving may have sexual connotations and represents intercourse.


A dog or dogs in your dream could symbolize a large variety of ideas or concepts. Carefully consider all of the details and the mood in your dream. First, if you have a dog, it may be natural to dream about him. We become emotionally attached to our dogs, and we dream about them just like we dream about anything else that is important to us. Otherwise, consider all of the connotations that have been given to dogs. Dogs could symbolize loyalty and hard work. If someone calls you a dog, it's a negative reflection on your personality. If you are being treated like a dog, you are most likely being abused in some way. On the metaphysical level, dogs are consider to be the guards of the underworld, and for the dreamer they may be bringing up some messages from the unconscious. Finally, dogs could represent the more basic or "animal" parts of ourselves, and some think that they specifically represent male energy.

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