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Dream Dictionary

words beginning with the letter B


The meaning of this dream depends on what the baby looked like and was doing. The following dream interpretation is classic and comes from folk lore. If the baby is beautiful you may experience new happiness and feelings of security. An ugly baby suggests that you may not be trusting your friends and that you may be concerned about their motives. Sick babies indicate that you may have some very difficult times in your immediate future. If the baby is walking you may experience new independence, but if you loose the baby through the drain while bathing you may have a fear of not being able to live up to your expectations. Many babies indicate great happiness and joy (don't they always?). .


Most bats are nocturnal predators and just thinking about them gives us an uneasy feeling (unless you are a bat lover which is unique). Bats may be considered mysterious and unpredictable. When you are interpreting this dream, look carefully at all the details and also at your emotional reactions in the dream. This dream may relate to discretion and covert behaviors. Your subconscious mind may be relating feelings to you, in regard to behaviors which you or someone else prefers to keep a secret.


Beards are usually associated with masculinity, wisdom, strength, and the men who have them typically command respect. Moses, Jesus, Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln, all had beards. Old dream interpretation books say that dreaming of bearded men is a good omen, and good luck will follow. On the other hand dreaming about woman with beards is said to be bad luck. It's no wonder, a woman who is strong, wise and commands respects is a very threatening creature (to some). If you are a woman dreaming that you have a beard, you may be dealing with your own issues of power. You may be using more masculine energy than you would like to, or that is necessary.


This is one of the most valued pieces of furniture. It's where we sleep, rest, restore our minds and bodies and engage is sexual pleasure. The bed is symbolic of all of these things. The bed could also symbolize the bridge between awareness and the unconscious. Our daily lives and the great unknown, our spirit and our psychological undercurrent. The quality and the cleanliness of the bed in our dreams, may relate to the way we feel about ourselves and our relationships. In reality we "make our own bed", so the dream may reflect that bed and remind us that we have to either change it or lie in it. If there were things hiding under the bed in your dream, it may symbolize secrets that you, or others, are keeping.


Consider the details of this dream, as well as your emotional reactions in it, as bees can have a variety of different connotations. The positive symbols are that of a person that is hard working, has good organization skills, is cooperative and creative. The negative symbolism could be that of a follower, a busy body and of someone that "stings". If you are working on a project in which many people need to work together to accomplish a goal, this may be a topic for some of your dreams.


All vehicles symbolize our passage through the journey of life. Since the bicycle is usually acquired earlier in life than a car, it could be pointing out some of your adolescent tendencies. If you are a teenager, then it may be a routine way of getting around. Riding a bicycle in your dream, may symbolize a need for balance and hard work in order for you to succeed in a current endeavor. Some think that the bicycle could also represent your need for some type of assistance. Consider all of the details in your dream, including whether you are traveling up or down the road. Also See: Car, Road, Journey


Woman who are pregnant and men who are going to be fathers, commonly have dreams about giving birth. It is not an omen of anything to come, but simply the mind tries to cope with an event that is significant in magnitude and can be anxiety provoking. If you or your mate are not pregnant, this dream could symbolize new beginnings. Giving birth to new ideas, new ways of living, or a new stage in life. Superstition based dream interpretations say that giving birth in a dream is a sign of good luck, and multiple births are omens of forthcoming material wealth.


It is the life giving, vital part of our physiology and it may symbolize our strengths and weaknesses, our physical and mental health. If you are currently experiencing a very difficult time in your life, you may have dreams with bloody and frightening images. Don't worry, you may be venting your fears! Some believe that when you see blood in your dream, the distressing situation in your life, which is at the root of the dream, has come to an end and the worst is over. Consider the details and the relationships between of all the symbols in your dream before making an interpretation..


As mentioned in all relevant dream symbols, bodies of water represent your unconscious, your emotions and your accumulated soul experiences. Depending on the content of the dream, several different interpretations could be made. The boat in your dream could represent you and the way in which you navigate through your emotions. It could symbolize the voyage of your life, an adventure and exploration of your unconscious, or it could connect you to the people in your dream by pointing out something that all of you have in common ("in the same boat"). When interpreting this dream consider the kind of voyage and the type of boat. Superstition based dream interpretation books say that if the voyage is calm you should go forward with your plans. However, if it is a very stormy voyage get ready for an emotional upset (or challenge).


There are many meanings that you could give to this symbol. The details in the dream are just as important as the bridge itself. The first consideration should be given to how much you travel. The bridge can be interpreted literally, if it is a part of your daily commute. On a more theoretical level, bridges can symbolize transitions. Transition from one stage to another, from one level of consciousness to another. Since most bridges are over water (emotions, unconscious), this dream could also be symbolic of you raising above your emotional difficulties, or unconscious drives.


Dreaming about burying a dead person or funerals, does not necessarily symbolize physical death for you or anyone else. It could instead symbolize an ending of a different kind. You may be burying relationships, conditions or even emotions that you no longer need, and that are no longer conducive to your personal growth. On the other hand this dream may symbolize the burying of sensitivities and emotions that are too difficult to cope with. It may reflect a numbness or a feeling which is the opposite of aliveness, such as depression and emptiness. Either way, burying a person that is alive suggests some emotional turmoil. Please consider all of the details in this dream to find the appropriate message. Old dream interpretation books say that dreaming about burials is a dream of the contrary. Instead of sadness the dreamer will experience happiness and go to celebrations, such as weddings.
