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Dream Dictionary

words beginning with the letter A


A woman that had this experience is most likely to have many dreams about it. Even though the dream may be disturbing or anxiety provoking, it is a healing dream. It is possible that in your dream state you are working toward acceptance and are resolving any unconscious feelings. If a man is having this dream it usually means that he is experiencing guilt feelings and he may be anticipating failure in love or money. If a woman who has not had this experience is having this dream, it may be a warning about her health or it may indicate that she is feeling significant anxiety about her current endeavors.


Dreaming about old people, or your own aging may have several different meanings. An old man may symbolize wisdom and forgiveness, and an old woman -- life and death. In general, aging may represent wisdom that a person acquires through experience. The dream may also be giving you a message in regard to life's lessons. This may be a good time for you to apply some of your experience and knowledge in a current situation. This dream may also be a reflection of your concerns about aging. If you are thinking about your mortality and do not welcome maturing and age, the dream may be bringing out some of your worries and/or vanities.


If you are a passenger in a plane you may be subconsciously thinking about someone or something that is far away and you wish to get in touch. If you are the pilot it suggest that you have a sense of control and an underlying confidence that you will succeed in your endeavors.


This cold blooded animal could hold several different meanings in your dream. It could symbolically represent something from your memory, your emotions, or a current situation or individual in your life. Some think that the alligator represents verbal power, used in a destructive way. Others think that it represents an enemy. Consider the details in your dream and your level of fear. This dream symbol should encourage you to look at some of your more "dangerous" emotions, memories and experiences. The alligators in your dreams, will begin to loose the power to frighten you as your understanding increases.


Some say that dreams containing angels are good omens and suggest that you will have an increase of joy in your life. If you are the angel in the dream or if an angel flies over your house, it is exceptionally good luck. However, if you are dreaming that the angels are talking to you or you are calling upon them, it may indicate that you are overly concerned about your activities and their moral implications.


This may be a carry over from your daily life. In our dreams we can experience and express such feelings safely. Feeling great anger in your dream may be disturbing, but pay attention to it and attempt to deal with all of your emotions in a more appropriate and productive manner.


For a more specific interpretation please look up each animal by its name. If you are dreaming about wild animals the interpretation depends on the circumstances in your dream and on the level of their hostility. Wild animals are generally a good omen, but if there is aggression, see how this is relevant to a current issue in your life, be warned and proceed with caution.


Research shows that the content of most dreams is more frequently unpleasant than pleasant. Most people have experienced violent dreams and dreams in which they are being attacked. To understand your dream consider all of its details and think about whether you are being attacked or you are attacking. If you are being attacked then maybe you are feeling somewhat vulnerable in some area of your daily life. If you are doing the attacking, it may be that you are releasing some of your frustrations and anger. You may be expressing negative feelings in such ways that you are unable to do in daily life.


Any part of a house usually represents a part of yourself (You are the house). The attic is the last thing built. Consider the details of the dream and try to figure out what your unconscious is trying to tell you. Some believe that the attic symbolizes the higher self, or your best self. The self that is in contact with the eternal. Others think that the attic symbolizes the sum total of your life's work. That it may predict how well you will do in old age. If the attic is full of "neat" stuff, it may imply that you are accomplishing wonderful things and are living up to your potential in this life time.


The material which makes up the avalanche is snow, and snow is frozen water. Water symbolizes your emotions. Thus, this dream is about rapidly and violently descending emotions. The emotions which may have been held at bay, and you have not been dealing with for a very long time, have finally been unlocked and may be overwhelming you. You may have this dream during emotionally turbulent times of your life, or in your dreams you may be remembering and reliving some difficult emotional experiences. Old dream interpretation books say that if you are buried in an avalanche that you will have good luck in the near future, thus they think that it is a dream of the contrary.
