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Dream Dictionary

Words beginning with the letter W...  


It has three basic areas of meaning. Large bodies of water (see, ocean), usually represent our unconscious minds or soul experiences. Water symbolizes emotions (rough, smooth, clear, murky, etc.). Finally, Freud thought that since fluids are involved in sexual activities, at times water in our dreams has sexual connotations. See also Ocean, Rain, River


As mentioned in many dream symbols containing water, it generally represents the unconscious and the emotions. The waterfall is a symbol of positive energy in regard to cleansing of negative emotions and of psychological issues. Just a simple visualization or a day dream of standing in a waterfall, makes a person feel energized and refreshed. If the waterfall in your dream was overwhelming and too powerful for you to enjoy, it may represent emotional energy and unconscious drives that are currently "too much" for you to deal with effectively on a conscious level.


The waves of the ocean may represent emotional ups and downs.If you are currently experiencing a period of tranquillity and peace in your life, you may be dreaming about calm waters and gentle ocean waves. This dream suggests that you may be gathering energy and recharging emotionally. The more common dream is that of very violent and dangerous tidal waves. Tidal waves or tsunamis, suggest that you may be in a period of emotional upheaval. Anxiety, stress and unconscious materials may be coming to the surface and effecting your daily moods. Giant tidal waves from your dream may be symbolic of current emotional unhappiness and psychological stress, which are threatening to destroy you. The outcome of this dream could reveal to you how much strength you have to "ride" this storm. If you are not consumed by the tidal waves of your dream, be assured that you will survive the challenges.


This dream may be a form of wish-fulfillment for some people. However, it usually symbolizes the joining of many parts of self. The coming together in a harmonious fashion of the may parts of your personality or psyche. The integration of the masculine, the feminine, the physical and the spiritual. From this point of view this is a positive dream. However, may cultures believe that this dream is a negative omen. That it generally represents the coming of grief and maybe death. Also the dream may symbolize a sweet, but very brief, interlude. Consider the many aspects of this dream before rushing to a conclusion about its meaning, especially the mood of the dream and your feel


This dream symbol can be interpreted by examining the overall content and mood of the dream. The witch could represent evil and ugliness. The word witch is usually used to describe a mean and heartless person, and in your dream you may be making these associations in regard to yourself or someone that is important to you. A witch could also represent power, magic and goodness. Currently (as always) you can find books on "white magic" as well as on the more traditional and much darker witchcraft. However, whether good or evil, the witch always tries to defy natural law and uses a short cut to accomplish a task. Ask yourself questions in regard to the general message in this dream. Is it about revealing evil or very negative characteristics, or about solving your problems and getting what you want out of life by using shortcuts.
