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Dream Dictionary

words begging with the letter R


Are you competing, or running from or to something? In order to have a good understanding of this dream you should consider those factors. If you are simply running it may be an indication that you need to slow down in your every day life. If you are competing you need to consider your rivalry and realistically look at the current challenges. If you are running in a race and win, your subconscious may be expressing confidence that you may or may not feel in the wakened state. Running in your dreams may also symbolize the energy levels, the strength, or the force that you have to get through life. (Same definition appears on top of the page for Race, but since many people continue to ask me for running, I decided to list them separatel.

words begging with the letter S


Seeing or interacting with the devil in your dreams may have several different connotations, depending on the details. However, it almost always points to something negative and disturbing in your personality, daily life or environment. You may have dark thoughts or have engaged in negative actions, and now are experiencing guilt, fear and anxiety. Dream interpretations based on folklore say that seeing the Satan in your dreams may be a warning about poor health, and if the dream persist that you should get a physical checkup.


The snake in your dream has the meaning that you give it. In the pre-Christian days, snakes were considered symbols of fertility, healing and nurturing. Post Adam and Eve,snakes are often considered symbols of temptation and evil. Psychologically speaking, snakes coming out of the ground may represent your subconscious or repressed materials coming to your conscious mind. Freud thought that the snake was a phallic symbol.


The spider is usually symbolic of an unkind and sneaky individual. Are you the spider building a web, or are you being dragged into one? Spider's web represent entanglement and general complexities of life. Depending on the details of the dream, it could also be symbolic of a smothering individual in your daily life (and it doesn't always have to be your mother, just joking). Ironically, very old dream interpretations say that the spider is an omen of good luck.

words begging with the letter T


First look at the physical and note if you are having any current dental problems. Otherwise, teeth usually symbolize power and/or control. Animals use their teeth for defense and nourishment, and show their teeth when angry. Human beings are not much different, except that with the help of our teeth we can speak clearly and properly. Look and see if you are loosing or abusing power and control in any area of your life (especially if you are loosing teeth in your dream, or if they are breaking away). Old dream interpretations say that dreaming about teeth is a bad omen which suggest financial difficulties.


When interpreting this dream consider all of the details and the quality of your experience. Did you see a light at the end of the tunnel, or were you trapped in a tunnel and could not determine your location. The tunnel could represent a variety of things. If it was not an unpleasant experience it may symbolize a transitional period and a passage into new levels of understanding, or ways of living. Freud thought that any tunnel like object represented the vagina.

words begging with the letter V


Vampires, for most people, represent the dark side or evil. If you are dreaming about this creature you are most likely negotiating your negative thoughts and activities. You may be currently concerned about ethical or moral issues, and you may be experiencing anxiety as a result. If you are the vampire in your dream, you unconscious mind may be telling you that you are draining others of their energy, their resources, or exhausting them emotionally. If you are being attacked by a vampire, you may perceive yourself as a powerless victim. .
