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Dream Dictionary

words beginning with the letter N...


Night time appears to be a very common background to many dreams. If it is very dark in many of your dreams, it suggests that you are hiding something or are not willing to see things clearly. You may the the type who likes to ignore, minimize or hide your problems.


If you have nightmares try to understand the fears and the occurrences in those dreams. They suggest that you are holding on to very strong conflicts, which may be traumatic or guilt based. You may have a lot of powerful negative feelings which need to be reconciled. If nightmares continue for an extended period of time the individual should consider obtaining professional counseling services.


This dream may be encouraging you to come forth with what's really on your mind. Your subconscious is encouraging you to be more open. On the other hand this dream may have many more connotations. There may be sexual meaning in this dream, depending on its details. Additionally, if you see yourself naked in inappropriate places, your rebellious side may be coming through and with it some fear that people may not accept you for what you really are.

words beginning with the letter O...


It historically represents our great unconscious mind. Look at all of the details in this dream. Is the water clear or murky? Is it calm or turbulent? Are you catching fish or are you stranded and afraid? Look, listen and try to comprehend the messages in this dream. No one can really give meaning to your dreams, like you can. Concentrate and learn for yourself. Also See: Water


It is another symbol for the unconscious. It usually represents wisdom and virtue, and your subconscious may be giving you important massages, so pay attention to the details in the dream. In the American Indian tradition, the owl is considered to be the eagle of the night. Dreaming about owls may indicate that changes are on the way. Some older dream interpretations suggest that dreaming about an owl is a negative omen, which indicates a reversal in good fortune. An owl in the house predicts family arguments, unless you chase it away, in which case things will work out for the best.
