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Dream Dictionary

words beginning with the letter H...


It represents all of those things that most people hope for. Some of us may not be convinced of its existence, but all of us have definite ideas about what heaven should be like. In your dreams it may symbolize happiness, peace, understanding, rest, love, union with God and man, and many more positive things. Some people work for a "heaven on Earth", and others believe that there are many different heavens and in their dreams they visit those place through soul travel. Whatever your belief system or your dream experience, this dream usually leaves you feeling good and generally energized.


Holes, as all other dream symbols can only be appropriately interpreted by considering all of the details, and the emotional content of the dream. Holes in socks, clothing, furniture, etc. may represent feelings of faultiness or lack. You may be bringing your attention to the fact that there is something missing, or in need of repair in your life. At times holes can represent the female sex organs. Dark holes can symbolize the great "unknown", the entrance to the unconscious, or if there are many negative or frightening feelings associated with this dream, you may be becoming aware of some problematic or troublesome situation in your life.


Sweet experiences and good health are in your subconscious and most likely in your life.


The horse is a noble and powerful animal. As a dream symbol it can represent a wide range of positive thoughts and ideas, about self or others. Depending on the details of the dream, horses can symbolize freedom, power and sexual energy. At times, they can also be considered messengers, relaying information from the unconscious to the conscious, from the spiritual to the physical. If you are horseback riding, it suggests that you are self assured and feel a sense of control in your daily life. Old dream interpretation books say that the color of the horse is also significant. (Remember that this is based on superstition.) Black horses are said to point out delays, white horses are reinforcing the positive and transformative aspects of life, gray horses may point to the difficulties in the dreams current situation, Piebald horses are symbolic of confusion, brown horses of mental pursuits and tan horses are said to be symbolic of love and sex.


It is common to dream about houses. They usually symbolize our emotional and psychological selves. Pay attention to the details in this dream and you may learn a thing or two about yourself. Also See: Kitchen, Bathroom, Attic


Dreaming about being in a hurricane, or if a hurricane is approaching, usually suggests that the dreamer is going through sudden and unpleasant changes in his life. It indicates that there is an emotional storms in the dreams life, or on the horizon. Old dream interpretation books consider hurricane dreams to be dreams of warning, and recommend that the dreamer does not take any unnecessary risks. Additionally, if you are uncertain about doing something, don't do anything at all! Also See: Disaster

words beginning with the letter I....

Illness If you are ill in your dream please pay attention to your health. At times our subconscious gives us warnings before we are consciously aware of any symptoms. Emotional health can also be included in such dreams, so take care of your relationships and express your feelings in positive ways.If someone you care about is ill in your dream, maybe you are concerned about loosing the support and love of that person.


This could be an extremely disturbing dream, but it does not necessarily have anything to do with sex. It is possible that you may be worried about other aspects of your family life. If this dream persists you may consider talking to a professional about it. If you are currently making important decisions, don't do anything that is morally questionable.


Dreaming about being unfaithful suggests that you take a look at your current relationship. What was the person in your dream giving you (emotionally or otherwise) that your real life partner does not. Communicate effectively and begin to develop those areas of your relationship that need most improvement.


Some dream interpretation books name specific insects and their symbolism. However, the main idea to consider when you are interpreting this dream is that you may be currently annoyed or "bugged" by a person or a situation in life. Use common sense and some general impressions about the specific insect when interpreting your dream. For example, if you are dreaming about bees stinging you, think about some of your relationships and the motives of others.


Experiencing sexual pleasure in your dreams is most likely wish-fulfillment. If you are watching other people having sex, you may be holding back an emotional difficulty. The meaning of this dream also depends on your emotional reaction to what is going on, and the mood of the dream.


Seeing an intruder breaking into your house or hurting your or someone else, can be a very scary dream. Depending on the level of fear, this dream can at times be a nightmare. The intruder braking the law or braking into your house may be representative of your subconscious feelings. The intruder may be a symbol of your guilt and self-indulgent attitudes or behaviors. Or it may represent the more negative side of your nature. If you had a fearful real life experience with an intruder, in this dream you may be reliving this experience and hopefully letting go of the fear.
