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Hello my curious friend...

I see you have come to play my psychic game... very well...

What you need to do is continue to arrow down, as you complete each step... I will do the rest...

Please think of a number between 1 and 10...

Now MULTIPLY this number you have chosen by 2...

Take this number and ADD 8...

Now DIVIDE by 2...

You must be concentrating for this to work via the internet...

Now SUBTRACT your original number...

You should now have anumber between 1 and 8
(If you do not, you should not be here because you can neither read directions,
nor perform simple mathematic operations)

What you do now is match your number to it's corresponding letter:
1 - A, 2 - B, 3 - C, 4 - D, 5 - E, 6 - F, 7 - G, and 8 - H.

Now take this letter and think of any country
in the world that begins with this letter.
Concentrate on this very carefully...

Now take the next letter of the alphabet, after the first letter of your country,
and think of an animal that begins with that letter.

(For example if your number was 2 and you picked Bolivia,
the next letter would be C, and you might pick a cat.)

Be thinking of your country and your animal...

Now think of the color of the animal...

Be thinking really hard of your country, animal and color...

I am trying really hard to pick up your vibes,
but there are a lot of people on the internet...
be patient...
keep concentrating...

Keep concentrating...

you're making this really hard...

Wait a minute...

Something must be wrong...

I am getting mixed signals...

Concentrate on your animal, color and country...

Keep going, I'm getting something...

Something is definately wrong,


What's the matter with you?

Use your back arrow to return to the main page...

thanks for playing...
