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Crawl In Some Rugmold !!

Okay, 4 months, 4000 people, 10000 coffees, 20000 petorleum chugs, 5000 women and 1000000 bottle caps later... this page is still horrible. I mean it looks nice but I want to do better. Don't worry I have great ambitions. Give it another month or 2 and I'm sure you'll be chugging down my petroleum. We all love petroleum chugs don't we? Yeah so there. Go down for some fun.

Dostoevsky had once said:

"But what can a decent man speak of with most pleasure?
Answer: Himself.
Well, so I will talk of myself."

I will piss in my pants if you don't sign my guest book.

Uhm, more thanks to all the people who keep my site up and running by visiting every so often. No more Kilbasa by the way. I am switching over to a strict petroleum diet. I hope I spelled it right. So the more you come the more of your petroleum I will chug. Amen!