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Section Nine

Unique Items, Military Paraphenalia, and Other Items


Unique Items - It can be predicted that a possible route to circumvent the aim of these Guidelines will be to start stocking up on unique or extremely rare items (e.g. Hand of Conrad, Elixirs of Distillation, Waxen Poetica, Heart of Midnight, Dragons Ichor, etc.) or extremely hard-to-get military items (e.g. the famous White Phosphorous grenade, Napalm, bombs, rocket launchers, massive automatic machine guns,

etc.). Unique or rare items are not accepted. They are too easily abused.


Military Items - Firearms accepted under the Guidelines are limited to normal handguns (up to .45 caliber), shotguns, and street weaponry (9mm and Uzis). If we have to actually make a list of these then we'll do that. No incendiary rounds, napalm, C4, high-caliber rifles, Gatling guns, rocket launchers, WP grenades, TOW missiles, tanks, Stealth bombers, battleships, tactical nuclear weapons, asteroids, or supernova will be accepted.


NonFirearm Weaponry - Hand-to-Hand weaponry of any sort (except where otherwise prohibited) is allowed that is detailed in a WW book.

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