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Section Eleven

Playing With The Guidelines


Note: We'd like to mention here that the Guidelines are receiving a wide level of acceptance so situations where you run into people not using them should be rare.


It is helpful to let people know you are using these guidelines and to forward them to any and everyone you game with or may game with. There are lots of people who are already using these Guidelines (in their previous form). The more who use them the more legitimate they become.


- If you encounter someone who is not playing by the Guidelines, let them know you are. In general, it won't be a big issue unless you are in a combat situation. In combat, things may become awkward with them generally accepting everything you do but you not being able to accept everything they do. Don't compromise your way of play for them and don't use a powered-up sheet to deal with powerplayers, this undermines the entire point of the

Guidelines. Just be polite and tell them you are not accepting anything that violates these Guidelines. They will either try to work with you or they will not. But you have every right to stand by your way of gaming. There are a surprising number of players that follow these Guidelines so you may not encounter too many problems. Also, feel free to send a copy of the Guidelines to whomever you wish, so they can see what's up.

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