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Gifts from

* La Persona Misteriosa *

I have received this gift from someone who visited my page, saw the photograph posted here and obviously became inspired to create an* alter image*.
One day I have received an email and when I opened it, this * image * was there. Just that . I loved the artistic quality of it, as well as the attention this person cared to *give* by spending time to * decorate* the image seen on my page.
Thank you !
(click bellow to go there)

  • ~ Fence ~

  • I will occasionally change the * Gift * pages. I have reveived poetry, graphic files and personal comments and critiques of my work here.

    For all that, I am grateful and I will work harder to acknowledge the gifts.

    Thank you for making me realize that all the time spent creating this website was not wasted.


    Please, click the link bellow to return to my

    Home Page.

  • Poetic Soul's Home Page

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