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Name: Carlton Daniels A.K.A "Tug" Daniels (Deceased)
Number: 01D251
Convicted: February 20, 2001
Charge: Attempted murder in the 1st degree
Sentence: 28 years
Up For Parole: 14 years
Gang Affiliation: The Gangstas
Allies: Supreme Allah
Enemies: Burr Redding

Was sentenced to Oz after almost killing Supreme Allah while he was there visiting Poet. The whole Tug/Poet deal was set up by Burr to have Supreme killed. While in Oz though, Tug and Supreme forged a friendship and were in a scheme together to take Burr out and jointly run The Gangstas. Burr got word of this scheme and choked Tug to death and left him in the kitchen dumpster.