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Name: Gulliam Tarrant (Deceased)
Number: 00T416
Convicted: January 2, 2000
Charge: Destruction of private property
             Concealment of a deadly weapon
Sentence: 10 years
Up For Parole: 3 years
Gang Affiliation: None
Allies: Ryan O'Reily
Enemies: Kenny Wangler, Poet, Pierce

Was arrested for destroying a statue with a mallet. Was robbed for his shoes by Wangler, Poet, and Pierce his first day in Oz. O'Reily told him that he has to do something to let the afforementioned know that he can't be messed with. Seeing an opportunity, Adebisi slipped the gun that Clayon Hughes gave him under his blanket. The next day, when Wangler, Poet, and Pierce tried to rob Gulliam for his new pair of shoes, he whipped out the gun and killed Wangler, Poet, and a black C.O, he also wounded Chris Keller before turning the gun on himself and splattering his brains on Adebisi's pod. Adebisi's plan worked perfectly as this incident proved McManus' incompetence as Unit Manager of Em City and lead to his eventual firing.