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Name: Augustus Hill
Number: 95H522
Convicted: November 6, 1995
Charge: Possesion of illegal substances, murder in the 2nd degree
Sentence: Life in prison
Up For Parole: 20 years
Gang Affiliation: The Others
Allies: Kareem Said
Enemies: The Gangstas
Description: Augustus Hill, our friendly narrator for the Oz series provides us with knowledge, words of wisdom and humor during our tour of Oz. Augutus has been paralized from the waist down since being thrown off the top of an apartment building after shooting and killing a cop. Augustus was elated to hear that his favorite basketball player, Jackson Vayhue wass coming to Oz and immediatley asked McManus if he could be his sponsor. Hill's admiration of Vayhue quickly deteriorated when Vayhue started pressuring Augutus to use drugs. Augutus visited Sister Peter Marie for advice and she suggested Augutus find a new role model. Hill's new role model turned out to be himself, he's proud of himself for being (almost) drug free for over a year. Hill immediatley took a liking to Eugene Dobbins, a cello player in Oz for mudering his competition. After Dobbins was badly wounded during the riot, Augustus convinced Vayhue to carry Dobbins out of Emerald City and to try and get him medical assistance.


Hill was insulted that he was placed in the "Others" gang in Emerald City. Hill went to McManus saying he was just as tough as any of The Gangstas (The guy did kill a cop). McManus' explained that his reason for placing him in "The Others" was because of his handicap. Hill was uneasy about bunking with Beecher, fearing that he might do to him what he did to Robson in Episode 9. After learning that the judge that handled Hill's case was accepting bribes, Kareem Said tried to get Hill his freedom claiming that his client was given an unfair trial. Hill and Said's case did not hold up, and Hill's appeal was rejected. Augustus began thinking up ways to escape from Oz even asking Shillinger to mail him out of Oz. Hill finally carried out one of his plans as Season 2 ended with Hill hiding himself in a coffin.


It seems that the whole arc with Hill inside the coffin was just added for comic relief and the end of Season 2 as the storyline was never again mentioned. Hill was getting a shave from Malcolm Coyle and Malcolm told Hill that he killed an entire family-Mother, Father, and a little baby. When Hill asked Coyle why he did it, Coyle said for fun. Hill was wondering if he should turn in Coyle, and after finding out that there was a videotape of the deed, Hill turned state witness and ratted Coyle out. Wangler and the rest of The Gangstas were gonna kill Hill. Hill was placed in protective custody but then released back ito Em City after Kareem Said got The Wiseguys, The Aryans, and The Latinos to promise that they would protect Hill and show that they would not tolerate any violence from Wangler or any of The Gangstas towards Augustus.


Hill's cellmate in Season 4 Part 1 was Desmond Mobay, supposedly a jamaican immigrant, but he was really Detective Johnny Basil an undercover narc. Hill knew something was up because Basil was visiting his partner and pretending it was his girlfriend, it was the same woman police officer that had checked to see if Hill was OK after he was thrown from the roof. Basil also forgot to use his accent one night when he was real messed up on drugs. Mobay also used Hill as a tool when he killed Bruno Georgen to prove himself to The Gangstas. Hill knew Mobay was a fake and told him he was a fake, not just because he's an undercover cop, but because he's a cop who breaks the law, who kills perople, who uses drugs, and uses the law against itself. Basil cracked and beat Hill up and then turned himself in.


The man who practically raised Augustus as a child Burr Redding was covicted and came to Oz. Burr Redding told Hill that Supreme Allah was the person who turned Hill in to the cops and in essence, put him in the wheelchair. Hill tried to attack Supreme in the shower and was pushed out of his chair and stomped. Hill knew of Redding's plot to have Morales and Pancamo killed and told to C.Os to be on alert because Hill felt bad because a lot of people were gonna die. Hill was branded a rat by the rest of The Gangstas and was ostricized. Hill showed his loyalty by giving Poet info that Supreme Allah was allergic to eggs and if they wanted to kill him all they had to do was mix eggs in with his food. This idea worked as Supreme Allah broke out in hives and threw up blood, and died. Hill was once again accepted by Burr and the rest of The Gangstas.


Hill got a letter from his wife that she was divorcing him, and then later on that day, his mother died in a bus crash coming to Oz to visit him (see Important Events). Hill was deeply depressed and tried to get his mind off of it by becoming involved in the seeing eye dog program. Hill eventually did turn back to the drugs and almost died as a result. Burr Redding was pissed about this and wanted to kill he person who gave him the drugs. It was actually Poet who gave Hill the drugs but Poet blamed it on the Sicilians. Burr put a lethal dosage of LSD in the food of the Sicilian drug dealer in Em City. Hill recovered and refused to name the person who gave him the drugs saying that what he did was his mistake and nobody else has to pay for it.