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My Books. Misc.
המציאות האחרת, עם הקדשת המחבר

- The Catcher In The Rye
- "The Alchemist" Paulo Coellho
- Ahavat Zion
- The search for the miraculous, (A Synopsis) / P. D. Ouspensky

Labyrinth Books

:ספריות וספרים
התקופה" - הוצאת שטיבל 1923-1934...
הספרייה הביתית שלי. אורי קציר
ירון לונדון, עיתונאי. אפקה
רונה קינן (27) מוסיקאית. תל אביב
סיפורי ספריות: לא רק לתולעים
ספריית כלא איילון, רמלה

TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE. As of, May 6th 2001, the book was 186 weeks on the NonFiction, HardCover, NewYorkTimes' Best Sellers List.

The following poem, I found in a "Newsletter - Women's Auxiliary Hebrew Home & Hospital of New Jersey" Volume 25, March 1964:
"My Son! Make thy books thy companions, let thy cases and shelves be thy pleasure grounds and gardens. Bask in their paradise, gather their fruit, pluck their roses, take their spices and mirth. If thy soul be satiate and weary, change from garden to garden, from furrow to furrow, from prospect to prospect. Then will thy desire renew itself, and thy soul be filled with delight". (from Judah Iben Tibban's will (12th Century).

TITLE: Alice in Quantumland: An Allegory of Quantum Physics (ISBN: 0387914951)
Publisher: Copernicus Books, Author: Gilmore, Robert

Books & Writers (Great)
(from Vergil (70 B.C.) to literature Nobel Prize winners)

TITLE: Oxford Companion to Food (ISBN: 0192115790)
Publisher: Oxford University Press, Incorporated

Titles I never had a chance to look into

[Ever Wonder Why?] [Do Fish Drink Water?] [What Are Hyenas Laughing at, Anyway ?] [The Little Brown Book of Anecdotes]
[Why You Say It] [The Dictionary of Misinformation] [The Big Book of Knowledge A-Z] [Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins]
[Handy Science Answer Book] [How A Fly Walks Upside Down] [A Third Browser's Dictionary] [Just Curious, Jeeves]
[Imponderables] [Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Things] [The World Book 1999 Multimedia Encyclopedia]