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Catch phrases,quotes,whatever you want to call them.

These are some phrases that were said in the past years that were really funny,wierd,or my friends and I just liked them a lot.If you have any you would like to see here, mail them to me.My E-mail address is at the bottom.

"Here comes the bride,she's out of her friggin' mind."
"My experience shows that 95% of all humans are morons."
"It's not whether you win or lose, it's how many rules you can personally make up during play."
"I don't sit on your car, so don't drive on my ass."
"You're all evil and I hope you all have snacks!"
"Is there something Arch Hall Jr.esch about her?"
"What if they ziplock the evil?"
"How does this chair work?"
"Get the clown hammer Mike."
"Evil book.Evil sofa.Evil Rhodendendrom."
"Wow.They held the tension for a full second."
"There's a dark oily spot on my headband."
"There's a black greasy smudge on my pillow."
"Wow.It's raining Vaseline."
"When a leather-mug salesman dies..."
"Hi ho.Hi ho.It's off to death we go."
"So how much of North America did the elves colonize?"
"Frosted Lucky Charms,they're magicly delicious."
"It's the 'be there when we can' cops."
"Ah!My heart!"
"Dear movie,thank you so much for this scene!"
"Speedy hurst to the rescue!"
"Here's the wind up,and the scream."
"Ironically,he collapses into an armchair."
"I like you Brak.You have the gentle touch."
"Hey,it's honey roasted."
"Dumb as a bag of hammers."
"And in the back,Drew Carey."
"Jonny Mathis and the Conan O'Briens."
"This door sounds brown."
"But Resuchi,you is a chick."
"I'm late for my ice dancing lesson."
"She's got Dilbert's bosses hair."
"Resuchi-Annie drives to her next demonstration ."
"Sodium,won't you?"
"Daktari stool?Whatever."
"Like father,like son.Think about it,won't you?"
"I'm going to drink the hell about this Coke."
"Hey.I wanted that bone marrow."
"Jonny Mathis?Alright.Get my gun!"
"Michael Nelson IS Lord of the Dance."
"A part of me is gone and it's never coming back."
"Stop or my heart will explode!"
"Bite me!"
"The inflamed tissue,the burning.Better put some peroxide on it.Smuckers brand peroxide."
"Trumpy,you can do stupid things!"
"What is it about the gates of Hell that compells people to walk through them?"
"Spike the egg nog and get ready for 'Santa Claus Conquers the Martians'!"
"Oh great.We are saved by the gates of Hell."
"Twenty-three dollars to get in?Huzzah my butt!"
"Sample my fist you community theater reject!"
"We'll be right down...down..." "MIKE!"
"Everyone loves tar.Sure,who doesn't?"
"Ah,Mike.I see you've decided to do pshyco.God speed."
"In thier last desperate chance to escape,they tapes thier plastic salad bowls to the roof."
"Baby oil?Ahhhhnooooo!"
"Bite me,froto."
"Hush,child,you'll anger the overlords."
"The master wouldn't approve..."
"Hope they landed on Yahoo serious."
"I sing whenever I sing whenever I sing.."
"C'mon.I can use her in my act.Huzzah!"
"But what does turning them into clowns prove John?"
"Let's kick into Grand Funk Medly!"
"A pentagram and a reindeer?You figure it out,folks."
"Get off my laundry,Steve."
"Let us be gay,for he is a dickweed."
"Oh,just do it;and don't screw it up this time!"
"And remember,when you touch yourself,the saints cry."
"I wish those hands would push him over."
"Manure dust overtakes the sleigh!"
"I think I hear a giant sucking sound."
"Ha ha ha ha!You're stuck here!"
"He tried to kill me with a forklift!"
"Oh no,they're on to us.Quick!Get the death ray!"
"Lupita chooses her refrigerator..."
"Alcoholism sure is a hoot."
"Get these spiders off me!"
"Mikey oh Mikey it's you that I likey..."
"Two twenties!" "That's thirty dollars!"
"Oh don't tease us,put your legs up."
"Oh that's my urine!Even I don't do that!Ugh..."
"She was a fast machine.She kept her motors clean."
"Smells like the stuff you put on throw-up!"
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