Mt. Pleasant Police Department


One Town Hall Plaza  -  Valhalla, NY 10595

Phone: (914) 769-1941  -  Fax: (914) 769-7199


Lesson 8: Bullying

We have been talking about communication and how people can get along with each other. Sometimes, people don't get along with each other. In this lesson, we met Pat. Pat was influenced in a different way by some of his classmates. He was clearly stressed by what happened.

Watch the video again. It may take a moment to load.

What happened to Pat in the story? How did he feel?

What are signs Pat was being bullied?

What is bullying?

There are four forms of bullying.

DEFINITION: Bystander - someone who witnesses bullying who has the opportunity to help.

Even though bystanders have the opportunity to help, many do not.

Watch the closing video again. It may take a moment to load.