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The Fire Place!

Firey Sky's home page

©1998 LostHope


I have a bunch of midi's and other stuff that will be here soon!

Thank You for visiting my site, enjoy your stay

My MIDI page has moved HERE
Memorial for my Iguanamay he rest in peace

I have 2- 14.4 modems, and a Web TV with the wireless KBD, any takers? this site was created on a Pentium 233 MMX

I haven't edited this site for awhile, but please be paitent.. i have just started in the creation of the replacement of this site.. and since angelfire now offers 5 mb free space i dont have to move to tripod =)

frontpag.gif (9866 bytes) i cheated on the making of this site with frontpage98, but i still did alot of the HTML myself.. hehe unlike my previous sites..... well with the exception of the cheesy frames page.! Everything on my site is copywrite © 1998 LostHope (thanx to Laraine for telling me how to make the lil ©) thanx also to all of my friends on the undernet at #tiggertalk, #the_highlands, #thisrocks, and #pearljam, and to my friends on ICQ (my# is 3872137)

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