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How many times you wanted to start your own home bassed Business and had a second thought after you find out about the investment required to do that?

We did a research and checked out thousands and thousands of On-line Businesses and we find that 95% of them require a investment to start as a agent or representative for them. Most of them are based on the Piramyd Scheme and - you know it too - nobody likes them. We don't even.

That's why we post in this site only those business opportunities who don't ask for any money in order to start a On Line Home Based Business. To qualify for our list, these sponsors had to meet all our requirements:

  1. None of them will ever ask you to pay any money to get started, not even one dime;
  2. Don't have to switch your Long Distance carrier;
  3. They'll pay you monthly (some of them even weekly), everywhere you are located, US resident or not;
  4. They offer a free web page for you to promote your business;
  5. They have 24 hours a day assistance;

Just check out how the next sponsors can make more money for you. If you still want more ways to get more money with "zero" investment, bookmark this page and come back soon! We have more links and free businesses on the way. Our research is still going on.


Offer your customers to change their Long Distance carrier for a great programm, with no fees, up to 5000 free minutes, 10 cents/minute anytime anywhere in the US, 13th month free! You'll make between 5-20% commision every month for the life of the contract! No investments for you at anytime!

Lowest international phone rates, no need to change your Long Distance carrier, no fees, no minimums; We also offer 7-8% commision if you sign up as a agent! No investments!

Low international phone rates; you'll also receive a free calling card with the same low rates. We offer 6-8% commision when you sign up as a agent. No investments required! Don't have to change your LD carrier!

You can make more than $50,000 a year, just by promoting our hosting service. No investments! You'll get your free URL! We also offer the best web hosting service in the market!

Visa & Master Card applications on line. Sign for free as a agent and you'll get a weekly check!

Make thousands of dollars with Streamline, just by advertising your free site! This is verry serious!
