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You begin as a member of the Adventurers guild. To join one of the other guilds, you must be at least level 5 and a minimum of 60% of your essences must be of the same type as the guild you wish to join. e.g. to join the fighters guilds, at least 60% of your essences must be fighter.The Druids, Clerics, and Necromancers Guilds all use cleric essences. The Mages and Psions Guilds both use mage essences. In addition, the druids guilds requires you follow neutral ethos, the clerics require good ethos, and the necromancers require evil ethos. These guilds require you be 60% pure in ethos to join. You may choose to leave your guild to join another, but doing so will cost you 30% of your total experience. If you choose to do so, you will be asked your password to confirm you wish to proceed. The known guilds to date are:

Adventurer | Cleric | Druid | Fighter | Mage | Necromancer | Psion | Thief