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A Mother's Hart--Part One

Jonathan leaned against the doorframe watching Jennifer, as she stood silent, strong, and peaceful. It didn’t matter what she did, he could watch her forever and be totally captivated. But there was something mystifying and alluring when she did her stretches. She stood drenched in early morning sunlight on one foot. Her other foot was nestled comfortably against her thigh. Her arms over her head, palms together. It was called "tree" in yoga but Jonathan called it beautiful. The stance was made even more amazing by the fact that at 39 ½ weeks pregnant, she stood firm and steady on one foot.

He watched as she slowly exhaled and lowered her foot. Taking a few more deep breaths, she turned. "Darling? I didn’t hear you there."

"Sorry. I was memorized. How do you do that with 30 extra pou…"

"25," she said.

"25 extra pounds." He pulled her close, letting her belly rest against his.

"Well, I didn’t’ have this weight overnight. I had time to adjust. I imagine it will be harder when this baby is born and I’m suddenly 25 pounds lighter, then I might have some trouble re-balancing."

"You can always count on me to hold you."

"Ah, you are always there when I need you." She pressed her lips to his. "Aren’t you late for work?"

"I would be if I were going," he led her to the bed and had her sit on the edge.

"You aren’t going? Don’t you feel well?"

"I feel great." He knelt in front of her, resting his hands on her thighs. "But, it’s not long now before baby Hart arrives."

"Jonathan, Catherine says that first babies are usually late…."

"First babies?" He looked at her amused as his hand absently stroked her belly.

"Well, this is our first baby. Anyway, she said it could be another week or two even."

"Regardless, I don’t want to be stuck on the Santa Monica freeway trying to get to you and miss the whole thing."

"No, that would be bad."

"So, from now on where ever you go, I go."

"Mmmm, sounds divine." She let her fingers run though his hair. "Will you go on my walk with me?"

"Of course."

"Good, then you can tie my shoes for me."

Jonathan looked up at her and smiled. "Anything you need."


Jonathan entwined his hand with Jennifer’s as they walked along the boardwalk. "You walk at a pretty good clip for …" he stopped.

"For what? A woman with 25 extra pounds?"

"For a woman carrying my baby." He grinned.

"Your baby? Do you think that maybe you could carry your baby even for just an hour?"

"Ah darling, you know I’d love to."

They walked along some more in silence until Jennifer said, "Darling, are you afraid?"

"Afraid? Of having the baby?"

"Of being responsible for a little life?"

"I wouldn’t say afraid. I suppose there are some nerves involved. And, well, I’m a little sad that some aspects of our lives will be changing for the next 18 years."

Jennifer stopped, pulling his hand to join her. "I have felt that too. That it won’t be just the two of us."

Jonathan rubbed his hands up and down her arms. He nodded. "I’m certain though that new things will come our way and be as fulfilling."

Jennifer nodded and looked away.

"Jennifer?" Jonathan used the crook of his finger under her chin to turn her back to him. "Are you okay sweetheart?"

"Yes, I’m just… well, Jonathan you are going to be such a good father. You are so natural with children. So confident. You had all that experience helping the other children in orphanage. But I have no experience and so far I don’t feel particularly maternal…." Tears began to run down her cheeks.

"Oh darling," Jonathan gathered her into his arms. "I don’t know how you can say that. Since the day you found out about the baby you have taken care of it. You have watched what you eat, exercised. You talk and sing to it …"

"But what if after its here … I haven’t held a baby … what if it doesn’t feel natural…"

"Jennifer. How could holding a child we created out of love not feel natural? Its an extension of us and our love."

Jennifer looked down. He was right of course. Still, she was scared out of her wits.

"Hey, I love you and I have total confidence that you are going to be a terrific mother. It’s going to be hard. It’s going to be a change but together we can do anything. You are the most caring, compassionate woman I know Jennifer."

Jennifer rested her head against his shoulder. She wasn’t convinced and yet she knew with Jonathan she’d be able to get through anything. "I want so much to give you a child…"

"Wait a minute," Jonathan pushed her back so he could look in her eyes. "You aren’t carrying this child just for me are you? You wanted this too, didn’t you?"

"Yes, yes of course."

"Are you sure Jennifer?"

"Yes, I’m sure. I just want to do it right. I never played with dolls, I have so little experience with kids." She looked up into his eyes, "I want you to be proud …"

Jonathan shook his head. Was it hormones or could she really feel so insecure? "I don’t know what to tell you Jennifer. You are an incredible person. You fill my life with such joy. And so you will fill it with more when you deliver this person that we made … do you remember when we made him…"

"Well, I’m not too sure which time …."

"I am," he said with complete certainty. "It was the night that my worries about Hart Industries and my sorrow at losing Max were overwhelming me. And, disappointment that after we’d decided to have a baby that it didn’t happen. Here I thought I was this virile stud and I couldn’t get my gorgeous sexy wife pregnant…"

"That wasn’t it…"

"I know but that night, despite all that I had, I was feeling low … I was letting you down…"

"Jonathan you’ve never let me down…"

"And when I was feeling my lowest in a long time, you came to me, remember?"

Jennifer nodded, she remembered that night vividly.

"There wasn’t anything particularly different about our making love that night," Jonathan continued, "and yet for me it was like nothing I’ve felt before. Your love for me surrounded me and filled me at a time I needed you just to love me. And in turn, I felt an incredible need to give … I don’t know if I’m explaining it right, but our love that night had something magic to it and from it came this baby."

Jennifer remembered that night the same way. It wasn’t earth shattering and yet there was some sort of magic cloaked around it.

"It’s hard for me to hear you talk like this Jennifer. I love you so damn much. And I want you to be happy always. Its hard when you aren’t and I can’t seem to change it."

"I’m not unhappy Jonathan. I’m just a little scared. I’m afraid of the change and I’m afraid of how good a mother I will be."

"It’s a little late to change things now."

Jennifer looked up into his blue eyes. "I wouldn’t change anything anyway Jonathan. Certainly you have felt apprehensive and yet jumped in wholeheartedly into something…"

He smiled. "Like when I met you."

"Jonathan! You weren’t scared of me were you?"

"Jennifer, the way my emotions about knocked me off my feet scared me to death."

She smiled. It had been the same for her. "And see, it all turned out well."

"It couldn’t get any better." His eyes turned more serious. "Please talk to me though when these feelings come to you Jennifer. I’d like to know."

"You can’t always be responsible for my feelings Jonathan."

"No, but I can try."

Jennifer laughed. It would be a losing battle to tell him differently. He lived to spoil her and it was certain to happen to their child too.



They spent the rest of the day together enjoying the last moments they would have. Soon the twosome would be three and their lives would change forever. Jonathan wanted to focus as much attention on her particularly after their talk that morning. It made him crazy when Jennifer wasn’t happy. She deserved all the happiness he could give her … but she was right, he couldn’t always be the hero. But he felt certain that once the baby was in her arms, all her fears would vanish. Jennifer may underestimate her maternal feelings but Jonathan knew first hand how loving, caring, and gentle she could be.

After their walk, he provided a picnic lunch on their lawn at home. As she relaxed in the shade in her lounge chair, he fed her grapes … he even offered to peal them. After a little catnap, they took a swim. Along with walking every morning, Jennifer swam each afternoon. But the swim had nothing to do with exercise and everything to do with relieving the weight of her belly.

That evening, Jonathan took her to a quiet restaurant that was sure to be free of tabloid press snoops who were eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Hart baby. It was also sure to have the food that Jennifer had lived on for the last nine months; bacon burger and frosty mug root beer.

Then it was home with a video of Three Men and a Baby only it was the French version which Jennifer insisted was much better than the American but Jonathan could never be sure because reading a subtitles was never as good as understanding the dialogue.

After the movie, Jonathan escorted Jennifer upstairs. She rubbed her belly absently.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Hmmm, oh yes. The baby is quiet. Gymnastics doesn’t start until about 4 am."

Jonathan laughed.

"Jonathan, thank you for a wonderful day," Jennifer said as they entered the bedroom.

"It was my pleasure."

"It could be … more that is."

Jonathan raised a brow. "Are you seducing me?"

Jennifer frowned looking down at her sizable belly. "I guess it’s not quite the same is it?"

Jonathan took her in his arms. "Jennifer, I get aroused just thinking about you. You know that. And, the belly is only an obstacle…"

"A big one…"

"And your breasts … well they are magnificent…"

"You know they will sag … "

Jennifer was cut short by Jonathan’s lips on hers. "You are so beautiful. If only you could see you the way I do," he said as his lips trailed down her cheek.

Jennifer sighed. He was incredible. He never failed to make her feel pretty and sexy even when she felt nothing of the sort. It wasn’t just his words; it was that he meant them. He loved and cherished her. Jennifer knew that it was rare to have someone love her way Jonathan loved her. Just as she knew it was rare to love the way she loved him.

"The question is," he said as his lips found the soft lobe of her ear. "Do you want to risk starting labor?"

"I didn’t go into labor last week when we made love." Jonathan could hear the disappointed tone in her voice. "Besides, once the baby is here, it will be at least six weeks before we can make love again."

Jonathan’s head bounced up. "Six weeks! Jennifer we’ve never gone six days much less six weeks without making love."

Jennifer grinned. "Well, then you better get your fill while you can."

"Indeed," Jonathan said as his lips returned to her neck.

They took their time, caressing and holding. When she was naked, Jonathan stared in awe at her body. It was slightly embarrassing for Jennifer but he assured her that she was beautiful. He shared his amazement at her body and what it had done to grow their child. His hands and lips caressed her as he shared his praise of her. And as he did, Jennifer was able to forget the large belly and instead feel like a woman being thoroughly loved by a man.

Jonathan watched Jennifer as she made the accent to glorious pleasure. Her face, her body, everything about her revealed the pleasure she felt as he touched and kissed her. Despite the pregnant belly, she moved fluidly and gracefully, taking him on the ride with her. He loved her so much and there was some bittersweet feelings that their perfect dyad would soon become three. He would have to share. The joy at creating a life with her, starting a new adventure together, overpowered the sadness but the sadness was there. So he took this night, to give her everything he could. To join with her, fusing more than their bodies but also their souls.


Jennifer awoke to the feeling of tightness in her lower belly. She opened her eyes checking the time; 6:50 am. She closed her eyes again, sleeping until another tightness squeezed through her belly. She opened her eyes again; 6:57 am. Closing her eyes again; she waited. 7:04. She smiled. Perhaps today was the day. She continued to rest and watch the clock until 8:00 am. Then she rolled over to Jonathan.

"Darling?" she whispered.

"Mmmmm," he murmured gathering her in his arms. "Again?"

Jennifer laughed. "I think we’ll need to wait. I think today is the day."

"What day?" Jonathan asked still in the fog of sleep.

"Baby Hart’s birthday."

Jonathan lay still for a moment then his eyes shot open and jumped up. "Now?" He frantically tried to free himself from the tangled sheets.

Jennifer placed her hand on his arm. "Not this moment darling. Come back to bed. Hold me."

Jonathan looked at her trying to decide if he should be calling out all forces to take her to the hospital. He was pretty sure that women who were close to delivering exhibited a great deal of pain. Jennifer was calm; smiled up at him and somewhat amused. "Are you sure there is time?" He turned back to her and held her.

"Catherine said not to call until the contractions are 3 or 4 minutes apart. And, this could just be a false alarm. It’s only been about an hour."

"An hour! Why did you wait to wake me."

"Jonathan," Jennifer said his name calmly, quietly. "Just hold me."

He acquiesced, pulling her close.


She and Jonathan spent the day walking and sharing their last days together before welcoming another member of their family. By one in the afternoon the contractions were strong enough that Jennifer needed to stop whatever she was doing and use her breathing techniques. And by four, Jennifer was sure she was close, the frequency and pain were intense.

At the hospital, she was told she was only 4 centimeters dilated and Jennifer wondered if she would be able to make it to 10 centimeter. It wasn’t so much that any particular contraction was more than anyone could bear, it was that they came every minute and lasted more than a minute. It was wearing her down.

"You’re doing great," Catherine said. Jennifer could hear her but didn’t respond. She knew everything that was going on around her but somehow felt detached from it. As if by instinct, Jennifer had turned inward, acutely focused on her body and the task at hand: deliver this baby.

Looking at the clock, Jennifer noticed it was 7 in the evening.

"Got an appointment?" Catherine asked amused.

Jennifer could feel Jonathan massaging her lower back as she stood with her hands on the bed. He seemed to have tuned in to her, not talking too much and yet trying to let her know that he was there and loved her.

Jonathan watched in awe and helplessness as Jennifer dealt with one contraction after another. God he wished he could help her. Hart Pharmaceutical would definitely have to come up with something to help women in labor without affecting the baby.

He wanted to hold her and talk to her but it was clear that she needed some space. Instinct seemed to have taken over and she was dealing with the labor how her body and mind told her to. He was glad she at least let him stand near, even massage her lower back. And he prayed for it to be over soon.

Jennifer lost her self again as another wave of cramping tightened in her belly. "I want to push." Jennifer said as the peak of the contraction came.

"Okay. Go ahead. When this contraction is done we’ll check you."

Jennifer cried out softly as Catherine checked her dilation. Jonathan instinctively reached for her, hating to see her in pain.

"I know that hurts. But you are close enough. Let’s get you up on the bed and push this baby out." Catherine moved to set the bed up.

Jonathan helped Jennifer up onto the bed, kissing her forehead. During moment’s reprieve he looked deeply into her eyes. "I love you, Jennifer," he said softly. Jennifer managed a smile and squeezed his hand.

"Okay Jennifer, see this bar here, I want you to pull yourself up so you are upright. It will help open your pelvis up and put gravity on our side. When you have the contraction, push. When it’s done the baby will start to slide back up a bit. Keep a little constant pressure if you can to keep it from doing that."

Jennifer placed her hands on the bar and pulled herself forward.

"That’s right. Now, whenever you’re ready."

As the next contraction came Jennifer began to push.

"Push really hard Jennifer," Catherine coached.

Next to her Jonathan began to count softly to ten as he had been taught in their labor classes.

"You need to count faster," Jennifer gasped as the contraction ended. Jonathan looked to Catherine.

"You’re doing great Jonathan, just like you were taught but, child birth is individual to each woman. I think it would okay if you counted a little faster. Besides, she’ll just ignore you or yell at you if you don’t." Catherine winked at Jennifer.

Jennifer pushed two more times before she could feel the head approaching.

"Okay, Jennifer, next time I want you to push until I say stop. Then I want you to maintain pressure there while we stretch the perineum a bit so you don’t rip okay?"

Jennifer nodded and began to push as the next contraction hit.

"Stop." Jennifer did as she was told even though the pain was the most excruciating yet. She felt like she was on fire. "Use your breathing Jennifer."

Jonathan watched on, helpless as Jennifer attempted to handle the pain. "Can’t you give her anything?"

"By the time it took affect, the baby would be here," Catherine explained. "She’s doing great Jonathan."

Jennifer held fast until she couldn’t bear it anymore. "Please," she begged.

Catherine looked up and smiled. "Next contraction Jennifer, I want you to push until the head is out." She looked at Jonathan, "Why don’t you come here and watch this?" Jonathan looked to Jennifer. He didn’t want to leave her side while she was in so much pain. Jennifer didn’t return his gaze, too lost her self to notice. He moved from her side to stand next to Catherine.

"Let’s have a baby!" Catherine said as she saw Jennifer begin to push. Jonathan watched in amazement as the area between Jennifer’s legs began to press aside from the force of a head. He could see a hairline.

"That’s amazing," he said under his breath. He looked up at Jennifer and was torn at the complete awe and joy he felt at watching the birth and the total helplessness he felt for Jennifer’s pain.

Catherine looked up at Jennifer. "It has the hair line a boy." Noticing Jennifer was petering out she said, "Come on Jennifer, you’ve almost got it. One last surge."

Jonathan moved back towards Jennifer hoping he could somehow, maybe by osmosis, give her more strength.

Jennifer mustered all her strength and pushed. She could feel it as her body opened up and a head slid out.

Jonathan watched as the baby, their baby emerged from Jennifer’s body. He had never in his life experienced the overwhelming sense of awe.

"Oh Jennifer, it’s beautiful." Catherine said as she suctioned the baby’s mouth and nose. "Now, one last push once I turn the baby a bit. Are you ready? This is it Jennifer. The hard part is done."

Jennifer felt the wave of a contraction hit again and pushed. This time the baby slid easily the rest of the way.

"It’s a boy!" Catherine exclaimed setting the baby in towel held by a waiting nurse. She then gave the baby to Jennifer.

"Oh, my he’s so small," Jennifer said quietly resting back in the bed. All of a sudden she could feel herself rejoining the world. Her fatigue seemed to be diminishing, replaced by a giddy joy. "He didn’t feel that small coming out."

Jonathan’s heart welled. "You were incredible. I … I …" Jonathan couldn’t find the words to express the joy and love that filled his heart.

Jennifer reached out to take his hand. He took her hand and pressed his lips to it. "I love you," he whispered as tears ran down his cheeks. He looked down at the baby, their son.

"He’s beautiful," he said.

"He’s Max," Jennifer said looking up at Jonathan.

He smiled, "Maxwell Edwards Hart."


Jennifer looked down at the baby in her arms. He looked up at her with a serious almost questioning look. Their eyes seemed to make contact and Jennifer felt a force of awe and love she’d only felt once before. Tears ran down her cheeks as overwhelming love and joy filled her being. She was a mother. She felt like a mother.

She looked up at Jonathan. He was watching her intently, tears running from his face. "You are incredible." His voice was hoarse. "You don’t know how beautiful and perfect you look holding our son."

"Join us," she reached for Jonathan who came to sit next to her. She looked at the beautiful being in her arms and then to beautiful man next to her. "I never knew … " her words trailed off.

Jonathan nodded as he wiped his tears from his cheeks. "I never imagined myself… the awe and emotion. You look so natural."

"I feel so perfect." She grinned, "I’m a mother."

Jonathan smiled and placed a kiss on her temple. He hadn’t realized until then he had concerns about this moment. But her statement, her reaction, showed him that all was well. Her fears were unneeded.

"Would you like to hold him?"

This time it was Jonathan who looked apprehensive. "Maybe you should keep him … maternal bonding and all that."

Jennifer smiled to him knowingly. "You won’t break him, daddy."

Daddy. He was a daddy. The tears flowed again.

"Hold your son, Jonathan." She carefully maneuvered little Max to his father’s arms.

"Oh God," Jonathan said as he looked down on the little person he and Jennifer had created together. Jennifer smiled.

"Do you think Max is watching? That he knows?"

Jonathan looked to her and then up towards the heavens. "He’s grinning from ear and ear and handing out cigars."

They both laughed. At the same time, it was bittersweet that the other important person in their lives wasn’t there to share their joy.

"Okay Jennifer," Catherine said breezing back into the room. "This is Sharon. She is a lactation consultant and she is going to give you a crash coarse in nursing this little guy."

"Crash coarse?" Jennifer asked. "Women have been breastfeeding since the dawn of man, certainly there isn’t much to it."

"You’d be surprised," Sharon responded. "I have seen some pretty chapped and battered breasts in my time, all from improper breastfeeding."

"Can’t have that," Jonathan said cringing at the thought of Jennifer’s beautiful breasts suffering from any ill fate.

Jennifer took Max back from Jonathan as the nurse gave instructions on proper latching.

"So just having his lips not flared can cause all that trouble?" Jennifer asked when little Max was nursing.

"Yep, amazing isn’t it."

Jennifer nodded and made a mental note to check his lips carefully each time she fed him. She looked down on her child as he suckled from her breast. Again she was filled to overflowing with emotions. He was an eager and active eater.

"He’s doing great," Sharon said. "He’s an active eater. You’ll like that as he’ll eat quicker and sleep through the night sooner."

Jonathan had stepped a way slightly to give Jennifer and nurse some room to work. But he watched in complete awe. Little Charlie had come so far and done so much. Never in a million years could he have dreamed of having all that he had. It wasn’t the money. It was Jennifer. Did she know just how much she meant to him? There were never words to adequately express the depth of his love and admiration. And now, she sat nursing their child. The love and admiration seemed to fill his heart and soul until he thought he would burst from it.

"You did great dad," Catherine said putting a hand on Jonathan’s shoulder.

"Jennifer did all the work," he said wiping a tear from his cheek.

Catherine smiled. "You’d be surprised how much influence you have on how labor and delivery goes. Imagine if you weren’t here."

He nodded. He knew the experience would have been different for Jennifer if he hadn’t been there. "I wish I could have done more."

"You know Jonathan, psychologists think women have penis envy because throughout history men have been the ones to build really big civilizations and inventions. But the truth is, men have uterine envy because despite all their building and inventing, men can not build the ultimate creation, human life. Only one other has been able to pull it off … which is why I think God is a woman."

Jonathan looked at her wondering at first why she was sharing that. And then he realized that he had felt useless and out of the loop. And he supposed there was some envy that Jennifer could perform such a miracle. "I think you are right."

"Still, she didn’t start that baby off without some help from you."

"Releasing sperm in the throws of passion seems insignificant to Jennifer’s contribution," he said.

Catherine laughed. "Well, now you can take a more active role … you have about 18 years to ‘do more’."


Jonathan and Jennifer sat quietly watching their son resting in Jennifer’s arms. They had already counted fingers and toes and marveled at the little being they’d created. Both were trying to get a grasp on the miracle they were holding. They knew that babies were born everyday but somehow this experience seemed beyond the everyday. It was magic.

A nurse came in disrupting the quiet peace. "I’m Caroline a nurse here at the hospital. If he is done eating I can take him for his first real check-up."

"Can we go too?" Jennifer asked. Already the maternal instinct to protect was deeply ingrained.

"I’ll just be taking him to the nursery where Doctor Anderson will check him out and I’ll bring him back. I suggest you use the time to get some rest. You are going to need it."

Jonathan and Jennifer looked at each other. How could they let him go?

"I assure you I will take good care of him. And you see, here," the nurse said pointing to the band on little Max’s hand. "It has your name and the same patient number as you. So I won’t get him confused with another baby."

Jonathan looked at her sheepishly. "I guess you get this a lot?"

"Every day," Caroline smiled. "But I’d be worried at the parents that didn’t get nervous about it."

Caroline took little Max from Jennifer and placed him in the bassinette. "It won’t be long, I promise."


As promised, Caroline brought little Max back in less than an hour. Behind her came Dr. Anderson.

"You have a very healthy little boy here Mr. And Mrs. Hart. What have you named him?"

"Thank you. His name is Maxwell. Max for short," Jonathan said.

"It’s a family name," Jennifer added.

"It’s a great name. Very strong," Doctor Anderson said. "Do you have any questions of me this evening?"

"Ah… I don’t know," Jennifer said looking at Jonathan and then back to the doctor.

"Well, you can have Max here room-in with you. He should eat every 2 or 3 hours. You may need to wake him but based on what Sharon said, its more likely he’ll let you know when he wants to eat. Caroline is arranging for some dinner to be brought to you two. I’ll be back tomorrow morning and will check on him again."

"Is something wrong?" Jennifer asked.

"No, not at all. Its routine."

"How long do he and I need to stay?" Jennifer asked.

"Most insurance allows two days…"

"I’d rather go home tomorrow if I can."

"Well, if all goes well with Max’s check up and your OBGYN Okays it, you can go home. However, here you can get rest…"

"I have someone to help me at home already," Jennifer said referring to Jonathan and Ruthie.

"Then as long as all is well tomorrow there shouldn’t be any problem."

"Thank you Doctor."


Jennifer, Jonathan and Max settled into their private room. Although it was a tight fit, made even tighter by the addition of little Max, they all laid together in the same bed.

"I know I’m supposed to sleep when he does but I just can’t stop watching him."

Jonathan leaned over and kissed her temple. "Both of you are beautiful. You amaze me Jennifer. You always have but today, I’ve never been more in awe of anything in my life."

She smiled at her husband. "I love you."

He returned her smile. "I love you too, darling. More than I’ll ever be able to tell you."


As the night wore on, Jonathan slipped out of Jennifer’s bed and into his own. Jennifer slept with little Max carefully cradled in her arms. As predicted, with in a couple hours, Max awoke with a wail, demanding to be fed. Jonathan looked up from the bed and watched as Jennifer, with great love and care, took the child to her breast. She cooed and sang as little Max eagerly filled his belly. Within twenty minutes everyone was back asleep.

Jennifer was up with Max three more times before the sun began rise. She was tired but the excitement of Max’s arrival still echoed in her and she didn’t mind the fatigue. Each time she nursed, she would watch him. His cupid bow lips sucking wildly as if she might turn off the flow. His fingers wrapped tightly around her index finger. She leaned over, kissing his soft peach fuzzed head, inhaling the scent of baby. How she could have ever worried about having enough love or feeling a maternal bond was beyond her. While some of the logistics still innerved her, motherhood felt as natural as being Jonathan’s wife. She looked over at him and remembered feeling apprehensive about being enough woman for him. And look how well that had turned out.

At seven in the morning a new nurse arrived to take Max to see the doctor again.

"It’s early isn’t it," Jennifer whispered.

"The pediatricians always stop by the hospital early before they go to their offices for regular appointments," the nurse explained. Checking the tags on Jennifer and Max’s arm, she then put Max in the bassinette. "It won’t be long." She smiled.

Jennifer watched her roll Max out of the room and felt a sense of unease creep in her. She shrugged it off. After all, that nurse brought him back last night. Jennifer realized at that point she hadn’t gotten this nurses name. Reaching for her robe she gingerly got up to go to the nursery.

"So where are you off to?" Catherine asked as she entered.

"I didn’t get the nurses name who took Max."

Catherine looked at Jennifer. "Its okay honey. I’ll check once I check with you."

"I know its crazy but I just feel like I need to know."

"And you were worried that you had no maternal instinct. I’ll go now and find out and then I’ll check you over."

"Would you?"


While she waited Jennifer looked over at Jonathan whose light snore let her know he was sound asleep. Quietly she climbed into his bed and wrapped her arms around him.

"mmmmmmm….six weeks…must wait six weeks…"

Jennifer giggled but was pleased his dreams were still erotic in nature. "Jonathan," she whispered.


"I want to go home."

"Hmmm," shaking the fog from his brain, Jonathan turned over. "Well, look what Santa brought." He wrapped his arms around her.

"He brought two."

"Speaking of which…"Jonathan looked over her shoulder.

"He’s been taken to see the doctor. And Catherine will be here shortly to check me out and then I want to go."

"Okay…what’s the hurry?"

"I just want to be in my own home. Starting my life with my family."

Jonathan smiled. He couldn’t argue with that. "Let’s do it then."

They both got up but before Jennifer could get away he pulled her to him. "This is the closest I’ve been to you in months," he said noting how much smaller her belly was.

Jennifer laughed. "I guess you are right."

His eyes turned from lighthearted to serious. "I love you Jennifer. So damn much. What you did yesterday… I just can’t put to words." His hands came up to her face. "I love you."

Jennifer’s heart skipped. Even after all these years, he could still make her insides quake with his love. He pressed his lips to hers, in a deep but tender kiss, showing her just how much he loved her.

"Well, that’s what got you here in the first place," Catherine said walking in on the scene.

"Just telling my wife I love her," Jonathan said not taking his eyes from Jennifer.

Catherine smiled. "Well, now she knows. Let me check her out and then we’ll see about getting you home."

"What about the nurse?" Jennifer asked.

"It was Jorjan Chrisman."

"Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure, she’s the only in there."

"What about the nurse?" Jonathan asked.

"I didn’t get the name of the nurse who took Max this morning."

"Is there a problem?"

"No," Jennifer looked at him sheepishly. "I was just being overprotective."

He smiled. "As you should be."


Jennifer’s check up with Catherine went well so she and Jonathan packed up their stuff and waited for Max’s return.

"It’s taking longer this time," Jennifer commented trying not to show her concern.

"Well, he’s coming home so maybe they are making extra sure he’s fine," Jonathan hoped.

"Here we are," the nurse said as she rolled the bassinette into their room. "All is well and baby Hart is ready to go."

Jennifer looked into the little bed but seeing the baby didn’t eliminate the unease she’d felt since he’d been taken from her. Jennifer picked him up, cradling him.

"Hey little guy," she whispered. That is when her stomach seemed to fall. She looked down on the baby and then to Jonathan. This wasn’t Max.

Continue on to Part Two

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