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ESC Academia Hall Student Web Site

Academia Highlights

Welcome to Academia Hall -- the student web site for Empire State College Students, faculty and friends! We hope you, the student body of ESC, will access, use and contribute to this site!

Academia Hall is meant to serve as a meeting place for students to support each other as we embark on the wonderful journey of education and knowledge! Come here often to meet other students . . .your fellow scholars, and potential study mates and friends.

Please send your opinions, thoughts and ideas via Email to Susan Smedile-Moran. Anyone wishing to help maintain this site, please let me know. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

This web site is maintained by students of Empire State College and has no connection to the official Home Page of ESC.

Here is a search area for books available through Barnes & Noble, they have a great selection and usually have books for ESC courses.

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Academia Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages Great Book Source
Empire State College Home Page-Official
All Work and No Play...Enjoy the Adirondacks
