Things Do Happen Part 8

All of a sudden a there was a noise and everyone looked to see Dawson's parents come in
'' hey you guys I didn't know you were having a party Dawson '' Gail said
'' just a innocent get together ''
'' well I was just leaving Mrs. leery '' Joey said
'' no its ok Joey stay ''
'' I have to go ''
and with that she left before anyone could say anything
'' I should leave too '' Jen said
'' didn't mean to spoil the party '' Mitch said
'' no its not you Mr. and Mrs. leery I have to get home ''
'' ok '' Mitch said
she went outside as Joey was getting in the boat
'' hey Jo wait up ''
Jen ran to the boat
'' what do you want , I can't believe you did that to me ''
'' do what ''
'' you could have told me Pacey and Dawson were right there ''
'' I didn't know you said it I looked up and Pacey and Dawson were at the stair case listening Jo I am so sorry I didn't know
'' I am sorry too I know its not your fault well can we finish were we left what should I do ''
'' Jo I don't know what to say you and Pacey I can't believe it does he like you too
'' I don't know he did he said so when me and him were at my house and he kissed me but I don't think he does anymore ''
'' thats a tough one tell Pacey how you feel ''
'' again ''
they both laughed
'' Jo its 1:00 o clock in the morning I have to get some sleep but I will talk to you later
'' ok ''
Joey started to row of when Jen screamed
'' good luck Jo remember everything happens for a reason ''
Back in the house Pacey went upstairs got his stuff and came down '' I have to go Dawson I will see you later ''
'' pace crash here ''
'' not tonight Dawson I have to go home I will be here tomorrow ''
Pacey walked out the house got in his car and drove off Dawson had walked out with him
'' what a good weekend '' he said as he closed the door
Dawson ran upstairs he needed to think
he turned on the radio and this song came on
well I'd like to take you as I find you
Imagine our clothes are on the floor
feel my caress so soft and gentle
so delicate you cry for more
but you know baby, you know baby does it right
Jen was at her house she was listening to the same station
universe inside your heart , you gotta let me know
so you can be free baby
you wanted it so much and now that it's over
you don't know what you want
put time in a capsule , to minds consensual
entwined to perfection , if we could.....
Jen didn't know what was happening she really loved Dawson but did Dawson love Joey that question was bothering her all night but Jen thought about it he loves me and I love him . and she might always have this fear but she new one thing she would never stop loving him .
mean while Joey was in her house listening to the same station
Cuddle up close , lay on my chest now
listen my heart beats coming down
if you get tired you close your eyes now
When you wake up I won't be found
coz I know baby , well I know you're the nervous kind
with so much going on in your mind
universe inside of your heart you gotta let me know
so you can be free baby
you wanted it so much and now that it's over
you don't know what you want
All she could think of was what did Pacey think did she really start to like Pacey and forget about Dawson she had felt so safe in his arms he had been so nice to her what was she going to do should she talk to Pacey ? or should she forget about it '' oh I can't wait until tomorrow to face him ''
but let me tell you that , this time( this time )
I'm gonna make you mine ( I won't let you go )
coz I know that this time ( this time )
I 'm gonna make sure I look out for me
coz you know baby , well you know baby does it right
and you know baby does it right
you will only end up lost in loneliness
and wake up with the words already on your lips
so I'll let you go , baby , so I'll let you go ........
Pacey just sat there listening to the song he didn't know what to do he was scared to let Joey in his heart because when he did let people in his heart they always broke it and he knew Joey had this feeling for Dawson '' like just stop being so simple '' he whispered in to the cold dark night
When Monday came and Joey was looking in the mirror doing her hair she was so scared she would bump into Pacey
Joey got to school and was at her locker
'' hey Jo '' Pacey said as he walked up to her
'' hey Pacey ''
'' got to go bye '' she said turning around but she bumped into Pacey and all her books fell to the floor
'' whats the rush '' Pacey said helping her pick up the books
'' I'm going to be late to class ''
'' class starts in 10 minutes
'' I am really really behind ''
'' I don't buy that ''
'' look Jo we need to talk about that night at Dawson's ''
'' talk about what nothing happened ''
'' come on Joey ''
'' forget it Pacey ''
'' Pacey look I am sorry ''
'' about what ''
'' look after school I will meet you at the icehouse and we can talk ''
'' ok Pacey ''
She went down the hall scared of what she was going to say to Pacey at the icehouse
'' what am I going to do '' Pacey said out loud
''Hey Jo wait up'' Dawson screamed down the hall
'' what do you want '' she said as he came up to her
'' god whats wrong with you '''
'' I'm sorry whats up ''
'' nothing just thought I walk you to your class ''
Just then Jen came up to them '' hey you guys ''
'' oh hi Jen '' Dawson said
'' hi ''
'' good Jen I needed to talk to you ''
'' ok shoot ''
'' in private you mind Dawson ''
'' no its ok well I'll see you later ''
'' ok bye ''
'' Jen thank god your here Pacey said to meet him at the icehouse after school to talk what am I going to do what am I going to say ''
'' ok Joey slow down , just calm down how do you really feel about Pacey ''
'' I really like him and he has been so great to me ''
'' but do you want to be with him ''
'' I guess so I don't know , I am going to be late for class talk to you later ''
'' ok see ya ''
'' and Jen thanks for everything your a great friend ''
'' any time ''
The last bell finally rang at capeside Joey closed her locker she still had no idea what to say to Pacey
She finally reached the icehouse and saw Pacey sitting there she took a deep breath and started walking toward him '' hey Pacey '' she managed to say
'' hey Jo ''
'' I am sorry for listening with your talk with Jen ''
'' well its the past ''
'' look Joey I really have no idea what to say I am speechless ''
'' just promise me whatever happens we stay friends ''
'' you got it ''
he leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek
'' I gotta go but I hope everything is settled between us and we will always be friends''
'' bye Pacey ''she whispered
But she didn't think anything was settled between them she wanted more than friendship she just realized that she did but she wasn't sure he did she got up and started to walk home.
She finally got home but she didn't know what to do maybe Pacey didn't want to be with her should she tell him she wanted to be more than friends she got in her boat and started rowing toward Jen's house. She knocked on the door '' hello Josephine can I help you ''
'' its Joey and can I talk to Jen ''
'' ok hold on ''
'' hey Joey ''
'' whats up ''
She told Jen everything Pacey said '' maybe he just doesn't want to be more than friends '' Joey said
'' there is only one way to find out ''
'' no way I am not talking to him again ''
'' anyway I have to go to Dawson's he wants to watch a movie ''
'' but you are going to talk to him ''
'' I guess so ''
'' Joey if you don't you will always wonder what might he have said ''
'' I know Jen but I don' t want to get hurt ''
'' you never know he might feel the same way ''
'' I guess I will talk to him well see ya ''
'' see ya ''
She started to walk to Dawson's house she climbed up the ladder
'' hey Jo ''
'' hey ''
Joey sat on the bed and he sat beside her just then the door bell rang
'' hold on I will be right back ''
he paused the movie and went downstairs he opened the door to see Pacey
'' hey man ''
'' hey what are you doing ''
'' watching a movie want to come and watch it with me ''
'' ok since I have nothing better to do ''
Pacey went upstairs with Dawson, Pacey not knowing Joey was there they finally got upstairs.
'' oh hey Joey ''
'' what are you doing here ''
'' just came to watch the movie'' he sat next to Joey
Joey was so un comfortable she was in the middle of Dawson and Pacey to the one she used to be in love with and the one she was in love with now
'' you guys want something to drink ''
'' yeah ''
'' yeah ok ''
'' I'll help you Dawson ''
'' no its my house I will get it ''
'' no its ok ''
he pushed Joey back on the bed
'' sit ''
He walked out the room leaving Pacey and Joey there
'' look Pacey we need to talk ''
'' about what ''
'' well I want to be more than .....''
Just then Dawson walked in here are the drinks
They all watched the movie to the end .
'' ok I have to go '' Pacey said
'' me too '' Joey said
and they both walked out Dawson's door
'' Pacey can you drive me to my house I don't feel like rowing the boat ''
'' sure ''
They both got in the car and drove off in the night

please send all comments to faith1125 good or bad
tell me what you want to happen or give me any idea you have

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