The Absolute Truth

Author's Note: This takes place right after my first story Finally, so it would probably be a good idea to go back and read it, but hey its up to you. Oh yeah, when the characters are thinking it looks like this. And of course, I dont own anything but the ideas, so dont sue me.

Read this first!:Thank you, the first two scenes start right after Finally, like it goes back in time for the second scene....well, you'll see what I mean.

The Absolute Truth
Finally Part 2

By: Nicole

Dawson jerked back quickly. "Oh God..." He stood up and started pacing in front of Jen, "Oh God! Jen I am so sorry!"

"Hey. Dawson. Don't be." Jen said quietly from the steps.

"Uh, no, Jen. This..I mean you and me, it's not right anymore," Dawson said sheepishly,"I mean Joey and I...." He let his voice trail off.

"Oh yeah, I kinda figured you two had something going on, since, well, you kept saying her name inbetween kisses." Jen had never felt so rejected in her life.

"Did I...?" Dawson was truly embarassed, blushing even, yet he couldn't help but smile at how quickly he had fallen for Joey. I think of her even when I'm kissing another girl! He let out a small laugh at this sudden revelation.

"Oh, jee, Dawson, I am so glad I could bring a small moment of joy to your day!" Jen's voice broke on the last word and she turned to run towards her house. Yet she hadn't gone five steps before she felt Dawson's hand on her arm, Don't get excited, Jen, he's going to go on and on about how much our friendship means to him and you can bet he'll go find Joey right after to play some more tonsil hockey. She debated whether to just keep on walking toward her house. But what if I turn around and he pulls me into such a passionate kiss and tells me that that stupid tomboy Joey didnt mean anything??!

Jen turned, "Oh! Pacey..."


"Yo, Joe, I was just kidding around. Are you drunk?" Pacey asked incredously. He had never seen Joey act like this,except of course, when she had been drunk. What happened to Dawson?

Pace, now come on, you know me better than that..." Joey snaked her arms around his neck and whispered in his ear,"Hey do you remember when we went to the carnival and you almost...kissed me?" Joey didn't know what she was doing. Hurt, pain, and bewilderment were doing the talking. Only one thought stuck in her mind, I hate you Dawson Leery, and it felt like it was burned into her brain.

Pacey closed his eyes and slowly told himself to not get emotionally involved in what Joey was saying. Forget that kiss? Ha! I wish! I was just starting to get over that! And now Pacey had Jen, that kiss last night was all he could think about, he couldn't wait to tell her that day. All of a sudden he was mad at Joey, what right did she have to confuse him like this?

He turned on her, "Joey!" Pacey yelled, but to no avail, she started to kiss his neck.

"Joey! I mean it! STOP!" Pacey yelled this with a finality that made Joey step back in shock. Her face contorted into a look of surprise, then anger, then just plain hurt. Her arms dropped dejectedly to her sides and her head drooped.

"I'm sorry Pace, I.." all of a sudden Joey jumped up in anger, "Wait, why doesnt anybody want ME?! Why am I always alone?! Nobody loves me..." she started to choke up, "I thought Dawson..." Joey turned quickly on her heel and ran in the opposite direction. (Which happened to be right towards Dawson's house.)

Pacey just stared after her in shock.


Joey was blinded by her rage, pain, and embarrasment. She didnt realize she was heading for Dawson's house until she ran smack into him.

"Whoa, hold on their beautiful!" Dawson said and smiled his most charming smile.

Joey felt herself melting. Maybe I didnt see him kiss Jen, yeah, that stupid demon child Alex kept me up all night and I was just hallucinating all of this. It was a comforting thought. " Hi Dawson." She hugged him and let her head rest on his shoulder. "You may think I'm crazy but I have to ask you something.."

Dawson smiled and kissed her cheek,"Anything."

"Well, before, you weren't um kissing Jen or anything right?" She felt Dawson tense up against her and he pulled her away from him.

"Uh, yeah, Joe, I was." Dawson looked as if he were on the verge of tears, "Oh Joey, I never meant to hurt you! It just happened and I pulled away, please, please dont be mad! I dont think I could stand you being mad at me!" He took both her hands in his. "Joe...Please."

Joey yanked her hands out of Dawson's, "Dawson, oh Dawson. Why? Why did you do it?" She felt tears come to her eyes but wouldnt let him have the satisfaction of seeing her cry, "I can't...I can't, I have to leave.." And she ran off.

"Joey!" Dawson cried, but it was too late.


Jen was completely taken aback, Pacey was the last person she had expected to see, "Hi..whats up?"

"Oh I was just wondering if you would like company walking to school on this beautiful day." It was then that Jen even remembered the kiss.

"Pacey, it looks like it's about to rain." She tried to distance herself from Pacey but he wouldn't take the hint.

"All the same, my dear." He said in a sing songy voice.

"Yeah," Jen muttered and they walked on towards school.


Dawson sat in film class, doing anything but listening to Mr. Gold. He vaguely understood that the discussion in class was about Steven Speilberg, and he couldn't have cared less. I am so stupid. Why did I have to go and kiss Jen, in fact why did she let me? Yeah it's partly your fault Jen! And what about my parents? Dropping that on me like that. Dawson figured that this whole mess was only one third his fault. It did nothing to console him. He found that right now was a time he really needed Joey, not just because he loved her, but because she was his best friend and he wanted to talk to her about his parents divorce. "I'm so DENSE!" he muttered, or at least he thought he muttered it because when he looked up everyone in the class was staring at him.
"Heh, sorry."


"Joey! Hey, Joey!" Jen was yelling at the top of her lungs and she still hadnt turned around. Uh oh, why do I feel that she found out about me and Dawson? She finally caught up to Joey and grabbed her arm

"What do you want, Jen?" Joey said icily, "Come to ruin my day a little more?"

Jen took Joey's arm once again and steered her towards the library. She sat her down at one of the tables, "OK, Joe, what do you know about this morning?"

"Well, I witnessed my boyfriend (Joey felt a little thrill run up her spine, My boyfriend) kissing his ex and then he also denied it till I asked him about it. But then again you probably made him kiss you, you whore!" She was a little surprised that she didn't feel bad at all for saying that to Jen.

"Oh, OK Joey, I really dont have to take this from you, but," her voice softened, "I do care for Dawson so I'll tell you this. He was upset because his parents told him they are getting a divorce and when he stormed out of the house I just happened to be there, so I came over to see what was wrong and he started kissing me," Jen saw Joey tensing up, "Wait! Let me finish, well the whole time we were kissing, which was only, like, two seconds anyway, he was murmuring your name! Not mine! And then he pushed me away and said his whole love confession thing for you! Ok? You satisfied?" She saw what was a trace of a smile on Joey's face. "Good, now I have to go to my class before I get another detention!" She started to walk away.

"Jen?" She turned around. "Thanks." Jen just stared at Joey for a while and turned away, exiting the library.


Joey rushed into lunch, anticipating what was coming next. I'm already starting to like fights, I can tell how much I'm gonna like the making up part. She spotted Dawson across the lunch room, sitting alone and staring gloomily into his food.

Joey crept up behind Dawson. She hugged him from behind and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. Dawson almost jumped out of his skin.

"Joey? I thought, I mean, aren't you mad at me?" Dawson asked.

"Well, Jen explained, and since you were saying my name while kissing Jen, it's almost like you were kissing me." They both laughed and Dawson stood up in front of the entire lunch room and gave Joey his most tender, but invovled, kiss yet.

In the distance, Mrs. Tringle called, "You two kids, break it up," When they didn't relent she yelled. "Detention both of you after school, today!"


Jen was sitting alone at another lunch table, watching the scene that was being lain out before her. Great, now everyone knows Dawson dumped me for Joey, humiliation city!

"Well this is quite interesting is it not?" Jen was surprised to hear Pacey's voice.

"Hey Pace, join me, please."

I was planning to because,Jen, we need to talk." Pacey held his breath and looked for any sign that she even remembered what he was talking about. He got his sign.

"I know Pacey and I just want to get it out in the open that I didnt feel anything last night, I thank you for putting up with my bizzarre behavior and I am also so grateful to you for comforting me. Thank you." Jen was relieved that she had said it, at least one part of her ordeal was over. She didn't bother to look at Pacey's crestfallen face.

He quickly covered it with one of his famous smiles. "Of course, Blondie, I'm there when ya need me." He quickly got up and walked from the lunchroom, leaving before she got a chance to see how much she had hurt him.

The End
But a Continuation is in the future! Pleasse E-MAIL ME with your opinions!Like people always say, its like my paycheck! I love getting mail from u guys! thanx to the people who did write to me! I appreciate it!

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