
Joey was watching Dawson from his bedroom door. He was sitting at his window, lost in thought. She watched as he turned on his radio that was sitting next to him. The song that came on was Savage Garden's "Truly, Madly, Deeply." Dawson just sat there and listened to the song, as he continued to stare into the night sky.

" I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, Be everything that you need
I'll love you more with every breath truly, madly, deeply do
I will be strong, I will be faithful, 'cause I'm counting on
A new beginning, A reason for living, A deeper meaning, yeah....
I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bath with you in the sea
I wanna lay like this forever until the sky falls down on me"

Before the next verse Joey walked in to his room. Smiled, waved, and shut the door behind her.

She walked to the bed and sat down looking at Dawson. He smiled back at her, and got up. He walked over to her side, and sat down next to her.

"With tears of joy for all the pleasures in the certainty
Thou we're surrounded by the comfort and protection of the highest powers in lonely hours the tears devour you
I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bath with you in the sea
I wanna lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me"

Dawson brushed Joey's hair behind her ears. Looked at her, her expression was of shock and confusion. He bent his head down, and kissed her as the song continued on.

"It's standing right before you
All that you need will surely come
I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, Be everything that you need
I'll love you more, with every breath, truly, madly, deeply do
I wanna stand with you on the mountain
I wanna bath with you in the sea
I wanna lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me
I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I wanna lay lie this forever
Until the sky falls down on me..."

Dawson pulled away as the song ended. Realizing that he shouldn't have done that, he jumped up, and walked away from her.

"I am sorry, Jo..." he said leaving the room.

Joey was left in a state of shock, confusion, and above all else...happiness. Dawson had kissed her, and she had reacted to it, just like she had reacted to it in the library that fateful Saturday in detention. She watched him leave, and what he said as he left didn't register until a minute later. She jumped up off the bed, and ran after him.


Joey ran into Pacey at the Icehouse. She was searching for Dawson, and she started to walk up to him, when she noticed that Jen was with him. She was about to turn and walk away, find Dawson without their help, but decided to go ahead and ask them if they had seen him this evening.

"Pacey,..." Joey asked as she walked up to him and Jen's table.

"Hey, Jo. What's up?" Pacey asked smiling that chester cat smile of his.

"Look, I don't mean to interrupt your guys date...or anything, but I need to ask you something." Joey said, a little fast.

"Well, shoot...but we aren't on a date. We just ran into each other here, and decided to eat at the same table." Jen said, giggling.

"Have either of you seen Dawson tonight?" Joey said, just blurting it out.

"I haven', Pacey?" Jen said shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah, I did. On my way up here. He was in a hurry." Pacey said laughing. " And he seemed a little shaken up. Like he did something illegal or something. He wouldn't tell me what, or where he was going. You know him though, Jo. It shouldn't take you long to figure out where he'd be right now." Pacey said, giving her a wry smile.

"Thanks for nothing, Pacey." Joey walked away..."Bye!"


Joey had spent a good few hours hunting this boy down. She had checked the ruins, where he usually goes to think. But he wasn't there. She had skipped looking in the tree house, because that would have been too obvious. Wait a second!!, she thought. That should have been the first place I should have checked!, she hit herself in the head for not thinking. But he had taken a walk or else he wouldn't have ran into Pacey. Dawson must have decided to go there. She turned around and started back towards Dawson's. She hoped he wasn't regretting kissing her, because if he was...her heart would be broken.


Joey had gone into the house, and grabbed Dawson's quilted blanket off his bed. It was getting cold outside, and she wanted to make sure they didn't freeze. She left through his window, and walked over to the tree house. Draping the blanket over her shoulder, she started to climb the ladder to the tree house. When she reached to top she looked inside, and saw Dawson lying on the opposite end of the tree house. She threw the blanket into the house, and toward him. It hit him in the leg, and he turned as she climbed inside.

"What are you doing out here, Dawson?" she asked as she scooted over to the other side of him.

"Nothing, Joey. I just needed to think. I didn't mean to get carried away like I did in the bedroom. I didn't know I was going to kiss you." He said looking at her with his confused, sad expression.

"What? Look, Dawson. If that's all the problem is...don't worry about it." she said...her heart beginning to feel a sharp pain. Almost like a knife started to cut it in two.

"What do you mean, Joey? I kissed you...I shouldn't have done that. And its something I can't just forget about doing. And I can't take it back." he said turning away from her face. Her always smiling face.

"What kiss?" she said, giggling. "See, its easy. Now come out of this tree house with me."

"I can't forget about the kiss Joey..." his voice trailed off.

"Why?" she asked confused.

"Because Joey...It was the most incredible, most intense kiss I have ever gotten. I wanted to kiss you. I have since the day I got back from Province." he said, turning his head, and looking at her.

"You did want to kiss me?" she asked...smiling a half smile. Her heart was beating a million times a minute.

"Yes, and now I think I might have ruined our friendship. I know I love you...I didn't love Jen. I have always loved you..."

Joey pulled his face to hers, and kissed him. His reaction was shocked at first, but then he kissed her back. His arms went around her waist, as her hands went behind his neck. Her fingers moving through his hair. She pulled away, almost breathless.

"I love you too, Dawson." she said tilting her head, so it laid against his.

"You do?" he was shocked...but ecstatic.

"Yes...YES!!" she said laughing." All the higher powers that be up there knows, how much I love you. I love you enough that I didn't stand in between your relationship with Jen....that I would do anything for you, as long it made you happy. I love you, Dawson Leery. And this has been a dream for me. I can't believe I am not dreaming now." she kissed him again.

"Joey, I am so sorry I hurt you. If I had known I loved you before I started going out with Jen, and that you loved me too...I wouldn't have gone out with you at all...." she placed her finger on his lips.

" didn't know, and I was too scared to tell you how I felt." she kissed him again. "But that's all over now. We are together now, and nothing will come between us. Our friendship is solid, and our trust and honesty are too. That is what a real relationship is based on." she said smiling.

"You know my dad said the same thing." he said smiling.

They both laughed.


Joey woke up to the alarm clock by her bed. She shouldn't have been surprised that it was all a dream. But a part of her really thought it was real. Well, she had face the facts. Dawson loved only one girl and that seemed to be Jen. yet, when she thought about it, all day yesterday he had not said one word about Jen, which struck her as odd. At least for Dawson. But his fever had broken, and she had fallen asleep on his bed...watching Dirty Dancing. She woke up around six, and snuck out without waking Dawson. It was now Saturday, and Joey and Dawson had been given detention for ditching school. Even though when Bessie tried to tell the principal what had happened, he refused to take the detention back. Joey shoved the blankets off, and got out of bed. She just couldn't wait for another day in detention.


Jen was eating a blueberry muffin as she walked to school. It was Saturday, yes. So why was she going to school...for Saturday Detention. This time not just for saying Bitch in class. She had been having a bad day on Friday, and was blaming everyone around her for it. She had run into Warren the jerk that caused all the problems for Joey the other day. She had yelled at him, and when he wouldn't listen to reason, she kicked him hard, and in a painful spot for any male. She laughed at the thought. He had deserved it. All men deserve it at times. She wondered who else would be there today...hopefully not Abby.


Dawson was walking to school, ready for a long day at detention. So far the only person he knew would be there is Joey. He Dawson heard someone walking behind him, and stopped. Turning around he saw it was Pacey. He had his school backpack with him, and curious Dawson stopped and waited for him.

"Pacey? Where are you going?" Dawson asked as Pacey reached him.

"To school Dawson....for detention." Pacey said. not very thrilled.

"Why?" Dawson laughed, starting to walk again.

"This time its not so embarrassing. But before I tell you, where are you going?" Pacey asked him seeing his backpack.

"To detention as well, but I ditched school, that's why. Not for the day we went to province, but for yesterday." Dawson said smiling. "I can't believe we didn't get caught, and weren't given detention for that." Dawson added, laughing.

"Well, you weren't but I was." he said

"You were? How?" Dawson asked, curious.

"Because my English teacher reported my absence to my parents. And they called the principle, and insisted I was given detention to teach me a lesson in ditching school. Man, my life sucks Dawson." Pacey said laughing.

"I am sorry Pacey." Dawson said. "But Joey will be there too. So we might have some fun."

"Why is she gonna be there?" Pacey asked.

"Because she ditched yesterday too." Dawson said..."Its a long story."


Joey arrived early to the library this time. And the person she found waiting was not one she was hoping to see. It was Abby, and she wasn't looking happy to be there. Well, she couldn't blame her for that. She walked over to the table, and threw her backpack onto the table, startling Abby to look up.

"Oh, its you." she said. "Why are you here again Joey?"

"Oh, for ditching school. You, Abby?" she said sitting down. She actually liked Abby a little.

"Oh, I had my usual string of tardies again. I just don't get up in time for school in the mornings that's all." she said giggled. "Do you think the rest of the crowd will be here again?"

"I know Dawson will be, but I can't say anything for Jen and Pacey." Joey said.

Just then Joey and Abby saw Jen, Pacey, and Dawson walk into the library. Close behind them was Mrs. Tringle.

"Everyone have a seat." Mrs. Tringle said. "I see its the group from a week ago. Well, then you know the drill. I have some things to do in the video room, and I hope nothing like last time will happen again. You all know each other, so you should be somewhat friends. I will check in on you in a little while."

She turned around and left the room. Everyone was quite.


"Well, what are we gonna do now?" Abby said excited.

"I don't know, I can't believe that we are all here...again!" Jen said, with a slight smile.

"Me either." Pacey said.

Joey got up and walked around the book shelves. She didn't know what they were talking about. She was lost in her own train of thought. She was drawn to remember the other day. She remember the kiss her and Dawson shared. It was in fact intense as Abby had put it. She sank down into a sitting position against the shelves. She heard someone walking up to her. but she didn't look up, she knew who it was.

"Hey Dawson." Joey said, still looking at the book shelves in front of her.

"Hey...what are you doing over here?" he asked as he sat down across from her.

"Nothing, I just wanted to get away from Abby..." she actually wanted to get away from Jen making sad faces at Dawson.

"Well, I can agree with you on that." he said smiling at her.


The day was a slow one. No one talked to the other for a long time, and when they did the conversations didn't last long. Dawson and Joey spent a lot of time laughing, and talking about their favorite movies and actors and actresses. But even their conversations didn't last very long. Jen and Pacey talked and laughed, and sometimes even Abby would join in on one of their small conversations. The only one out of the group that didn't really mind Abby was Joey. And Joey didn't even understand why. They talked and laughed a few times. But that was it. Abby took out her cell phone to call someone, but Mrs.Tringle walked in when she was talking, and took the phone from her. She told Abby she could have back at the end of the day. That wasn't at all good for the rest of them. Abby was bound to attack someone with her anger towards Mrs. Tringle now for sure.

Before anyone knew it, it was three o'clock, and they had two hours left to go. Abby volunteered to play Truth or Dare, but no one wanted to considering what happened after they played it before. Not that Joey wouldn't mind kissing Dawson again, but she didn't think he wanted to do that again.


Dawson wanted to go up to Joey and tell her how he felt about her, but thought it was the wrong time. Especially with is ex-girlfriend watching their every move. He knew how much Jen liked him, she had told him the last time they were in detention. But the truth of the matter was that she dumped him, so why did he care if he hurt her feelings? The way she had hurt him. A part of him was sad they were over. They hadn't even begun. But if they never broke up, he would not have realized his true feelings for Joey. At least not as soon. There was only one in his heart, and it was Joey. He had to figure out the right time, and the right way to tell her how he felt. One thought kept entering his mind. It was of the kiss Joey and he had shared that fateful day in detention. Maybe they should play Truth or Dare, he thought. At least then I could kiss her without feeling obvious about his feelings. Dawson watched Joey out of the corner of his eyes, and kept wondering what she was thinking about...


"We need to do something!!" Dawson said. He was bored to death.

"I know what you mean." Joey said. She stood up, and walked to the front of the table where they were all sitting.

"We have an hour in a half left. What do you think we can do. We did Truth or Dare last time. We need to do something new." Abby said.

"Well,...what about Hide-N-Seek??" Pacey said, jokingly.

They all laughed, but Dawson.

"That sounds like fun actually...We haven't played that since we were eight years old, huh?" he said looking at Pacey and Joey.

"Yeah, but aren't we too old for that game, Dawson." Joey replied.

"Do you have any better ideas??" Jen asked everyone.

"No, I guess not..."Abby said.

Everybody just shook their heads.

"Alright then....Abby, your it. Count to ten." Dawson said as he started walking backwards.

Everyone heard Abby counting slowly, and they all went their own directions. Pacey hide behind the reference books. Jen took a hiding place in a far, dark corner. And Joey settled under a table in the fiction section. Not knowing Joey was there, Dawson quickly ducked under. Joey was about to say get out, when Abby hit ten. Dawson quickly placed his right hand over her mouth, and placed a finger over his mouth saying to be quiet. She nodded, and he took his hand off her mouth.

They heard Jen scream in surprise when Abby yelled found you, but Jen went running off. Abby trying to catch her. They watched as Pacey tried to sneak to a new hiding place, but Abby was close behind him. Dawson turned to face Joey, and saw her smiling trying not to laugh. Abby was right in front of the table they were under. Dawson scooted over to Joey's side quietly, and was sitting right beside her. The tension between them came extremely obvious to both of them. But when they looked at each other, it was like they were the only ones there. And Dawson got the urge to kiss her right then. But before he could....

"Gotcha ya, Dawson. You're it!!" Abby yelled as she tagged him in the back. "You know this game is actually quite fun." she said with a smile.


The day was over, and they had not gotten in one sticky situation like they had before. No one bore their souls today, and everyone had fun playing hide-n-seek. Dawson said good-bye to Jen, and Pacey. Even to Abby. Joey had already left. She was practically the first one out the door. He walked out of the library, and started home. But he wanted to stop off at one place first.


Joey was sitting on the cement bench in the ruins. The very same place she found him the night Jen came to her to talk to her about Dawson. The sky was full of stars, and the moon was full. A perfect night to bare her soul to the stars. But she had a feeling that she wasn't gonna be alone for along. So she just thought her thoughts, and waited. Waited for the familiar face that always made her smile.


Dawson walked up into the ruins and saw Joey sitting on the bench. Her head was tilted back, letting all her long hair hang down behind her. With the moon shining on the water, stars shining brightly, and the fountain running behind her, it looked like a painting. He was taken a back. He shook off his emotions, and walked up to her.

"So, nice night huh?" he said sitting down next to her.

"Yeah, nice day huh?" she said smiling.

"Couldn't have written it better myself." Dawson said smiling back at her.

They both looked at each other with their fake smiles, and turned away laughing hysterically.

"This was the dullest day of my life." Joey said, running her fingers through her hair, in the process moving her hair behind her ears.

"Yeah, I know the feeling. All except the game of Hide-N-Seek we played." he said.

"Yeah, I felt like a kid again." Joey said, giggling.

" I know." Dawson said, smiling up at the moon.

"Look, I have to be getting home for dinner. I'll catch you later okay, Dawson?" Joey said getting up, with her backpack in hand.

"Sure. See ya later Joey." Dawson said smiling back at her.

As Joey started walking away, Dawson thought of something. He turned around to catch her before she was too far away.

"Joey!" he yelled.

"Yeah?" she said turning around to face him.

"There is a Spielberg Film Festival on Ch. 7 tonight. Wanna come over and watch it with me? It starts at eight. Plenty of time..." he said trying to make it sound fun.

"Sure, I'll be over with a huge bag of popcorn around eight." she said smiling.

"Okay, see ya then."

"See ya then Dawson." she said, as she walked away.


It was seven fifty-five. Dawson had the sodas in a cooler, and all was needed now was that bag of popcorn Joey was gonna bring with her. They were all set to watch movies all night long. Dawson laid on his bed, and clicked on the TV and waited for Joey to come through the window. Sure enough, at seven fifty-eight she appeared in the window.

"Hey, you. You just made it. The first movie is ET." he got up and helped her in with the bag of popcorn as well. "Jeez, when you say a big bag, you mean a BIG bag." he said laughing.

"Hey I always come through." she said, as she kicked off her shoes and walked to the bed.

They laid down as the movie started. He handed her a Pepsi, and he took one out for himself. The ate the popcorn, and enjoyed movie after movie. They laughed, and they cried. They were having a good ol' time.

The last movie was The Lost World. By that time it was 1:00 in the morning. Dawson was half asleep, and he looked over at Joey who had fallen asleep a long time ago. She was on her side facing Dawson. Her right hand in the popcorn bowl, her left hand barely holding her drink. He took the drink out of her hand, and picked up the popcorn bowl. She moved her arm, and placed it underneath her head. He watched her for a little while, and turned the TV , and light off. He brushed her hair behind her ear, and just watched her until he fell asleep.


The next day Dawson woke up to find Joey was gone once again. She always seemed to wake up, and leave in the morning before he woke up. He got up and walked to his closet. He picked out a blue long sleeved shirt, and laid it on his bed. He picked up a pair of slacks that went well with the shirt. He walked to the bathroom, and took his shower. For the first time in a long time, he had beaten his parents to the bathroom in the morning.


Pacey climbed up the ladder to Dawson's room. Dawson wasn't there, so he climbed back down the ladder, and waited on the porch for a couple of minutes. Pacey climbed back up the ladder to Dawson's window, and saw Dawson in his jeans only, he was combing his hair. He turned and saw Pacey in his window, when he picked up his shirt.

"Hey, Pacey. What's up?" he said, slipping the shirt over his head.

"Not much, Dawson. What are you planning on doing today?" he asked.

"Nothing why?" he asked sitting on his bed.

"Do you want to go find the girls, and hang out around town today?" Pacey asked.

"Sure why not? I'll meet you down stairs." Dawson said getting up, and walking out the door.

Pacey waited for Dawson by the ladder under his window. Pacey was hoping Jen wouldn't be home, that way the three of them could hang out like they used too. He missed them being able to spend time together. The Three Musketeers.

"Jen told me she couldn't come, let's go get Joey though." he said as he moved away from the ladder.


Joey was watching her nephew, Bessie had run to the store, and left her with Alex. Joey rocked the crib lightly, and sang a lullaby to him. He quieted down, and she thanked God under her breath. She walked over to the chair in the corner of the living room, and sat down. She closed her eyes, and wanted to fall asleep. Then came a knock on the door, and she jumped up ready to kill who it was. She had only gotten a few hours of sleep last night, and was in desperate need of some more!! But when she opened the door she had a smile on her face.

Dawson was standing there, Pacey behind him. Both were wearing smiles, and walked in past Joey. She closed the door behind them, and walked in front of them.

"What's up guys?" she said, as quietly as possible.

"Can you come out and play?" Pacey asked in a childish way making her and Dawson laugh.

"Not right now no, Bessie left me here with Alex." she said, still trying not to laugh.

"We were gonna go to the beach, and have some fun. Like we used to. It'll be fun...when is Bodie due home?" Dawson asked her.

"Not for awhile...actually.." she looked at her watch. "He should be home in about five minutes. Why don't I meet you guys there? I mean, if you are going to the beach..." she said, sarcastically.

"What do you mean...if we're going? We are..." Dawson said, looking at Pacey then at Joey.

"Okay then...I'll meet you guys there. Now go, or so help me if you wake this baby up I'll have your heads!" she said in a joking voice, as she pushed them out the door.

She went to her room and changed into her bikini, and shorts, and waited in the living room for Bodie to come home. It was gonna be like old times. Before Jen, and they were going to have fun. Lots of fun.


Dawson and Pacey had gone to Pacey's to pick up their swim trunks. Dawson had left his there last time they all had done something like this. On their way out they picked up Pacey's portable CD player, and a few CD's.

"If we are gonna have fun...we might as well do it right." Pacey remarked.

They stopped off at the local grocery store and bought a six pack of sodas, and some chips. It was gonna be like a small party for the best of friends. And Pacey for one was glad Jen wouldn't be there. Not that he didn't like her, because it wasn't that. In fact he thought she was pretty. But he missed the time they shared together as friends. Just Dawson, Joey, and him. It was gonna be a day that would be forever in their minds.


Joey found them sitting under a tree on the beach. She had brought a long her favorite CD's. The soundtrack to Dirty Dancing, and Paula Cole. She ran down the hill to them and snuck up behind Dawson who was sitting with his back to her. She set down the CD's and grabbed his waist yelling guess who. He laughed as he turned around, making her fall backwards, but taking him with her. They began tickling each other, and laughing loudly. They rolled over and over, Joey finally ending on top of him. She stood up, and gave Dawson her hand. She lifted him up, as she heard the Dirty Dancing theme start. She turned around and saw Pacey looking at the CD case.

"Who wants to go for a swim?" Joey said looking at Dawson and Pacey.

"No I don't think that would be a good idea, Joey. The currents suppose to be strong today." Pacey said, with genuine concern in his voice.

"Alright party pooper." she said sitting on the sand as she watched the surf.

"Hey...isn't that Cliffs beach house over there?" Pacey asked pointing.

Dawson looked over, and noticed that there was another party going on at Cliff's.

"Yeah, that sure is. And it looks like another party, too." Dawson said, remembering what happened at the last one.

"C'mon you guys!!" Joey said getting up. "Somebody try and stop me from getting into the water..." she said as she walked backwards toward the water.

Dawson got up, and with Pacey started walking toward her. She gave this look that said "Oh shit!" and started to run. They ran after her, and she ran into the surf. They both were close behind her. She kept running faster, and faster looking behind her every once and awhile. She tripped and fell to the ground laughing, Dawson tripped right on top of her. Laughing, Dawson stood up and helped her up as well. Pacey was in front of them, and threw ice cold ocean water at them. Both Dawson and Joey looked at each other, and then took off after Pacey. They both caught him and started tickling him like crazy.

That afternoon was one of the most memorable ones any of them had. They had chips, sodas, dance contests, and lip sync right there on the beach. They were having so much fun, they didn't care if anyone saw them. Pacey took off early, taking his CD player with him. Dawson walked Joey home, and When they reached her house they noticed how messed up they were. She had sand all in her hair, and was soaking wet. The same went for Dawson, except that he had taken off his soaked shirt. The water was dripping still.

"Well, this was fun. I needed to get away from Alex for awhile. Thanks for inviting me to tag along, Dawson. It felt like old times. Like summer all over again." she said smiling wiping her hair back with her right hand.

"Today was fun, huh? I didn't think of it though. It was Pacey's idea. But I am glad he thought of it too." Dawson said. "Well, good-night Joey. See you at school tomorrow."

"Yeah, same to you Dawson." Joey said as she walked up to the front door and opened it.

Joey stood there for awhile watching Dawson disappear into the night. She did have a lot of fun tonight. No matter what happened tomorrow, she knew she would never forget this day. When the Three Musketeers were together again, and no sign of Jen was in sight. She heard Bessie call her name, and knew she had to go inside now. She looked at Dawson walking away, and whispered "Goodnight, my Romeo" under her breath as she shut the front door.

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