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Some great sound files to start up your computer with:

A great wave file, with a chorus chanting praises to Allah(425KB)

Sura Fatiha in wav format(360KB)

The beginning statment made before every surah(well except surah Al-Thoba)260KB

Download this if you do not have Real Audio Player:

These nasheeds I highly recommend, they sound nice masha'llah!

Al-Mustafa: Arabic nasheed, more like Chant 393KB

An Arab Nasheed: Maulana Mohammad 798KB

A Little clip of Palestinian(?) children reciting along side with their Imam 196 KB

An Indonesian Nasheed 292KB

Malay group Raihan and Yusuf Islam singing Seal of the Prophets Together .008KB

Raihan singing Cahaya Selawat - Offering Peace upon the Prophet 1.1 MB

A Malay Nasheed: Awas Penggoda 387 KB

A Malay Nasheed: Bismillah 337kb

A Malay Nasheed: Ibta'idie Anna 339KB

A Malay Nasheed: Keluarga Bahagia 567KB

A Malay Nasheed: Puji-Pujian 483KB

A Malay Nasheed: Ya Rabil Mustafa 516KB

A Malay Nasheed(25 rasuls) on the Prophets of Allah 598KB

A Malay Nasheed(Sollallah) on Muhammad(pbuh) 409KB

A Malay Nasheed: Sepohon 507KB

A Malay Nasheed: Peristiwa Subuh 449KB

A Malay Nasheed: Syukur Allah 638KB

More comming soon insha'llah