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Some Totally Awesome




Well here is the page where I list the people I consider very goooood friends, real life and online :) So if your name is up here, you are special, if your name isn't up here? WELL, you'll just have to figure that one out yourself *evil giggle*

sweetgirl , peachie, watcher & WOLF, Zeke, Clarkkent, Zelda, Aunt Mavie, zombie666, Lachdanan, wonderful, S2catz, Keith, Rashida, Shallan, & the Mike's lol. Sonofs2, Cindy M, Merlin, REDWINE, K@it, Julianne & Honey boy, Zeke, Scubachic, Amelia, Sassy & Rat, Viper(my neice) , sunspot, Gemini, TARZAN, BLADE, Banshee, SmoknRed, DR@GON, doodles&silverbullet, ed, georgia girl, Helen, akira. jennifer, john e bogus, Jules, Karen, mack, Fireacid, Heavy Metal & Blackwidow, Mr Anathema, Ms Thang, Ophellia & Baldguy, grunt (hey cutie), Steveny ( lol), SweetD, Tectonic Frog, Texas Lady (Giggles), Vampires Familiar (meow-purr), Pagan, Manni & Chris, Horndog, Lady Baked, Kaye, JAMIE & RON, LIONESS, Bud, Dude, katie, stacey, Juci Judi, Sweetlady (i miss u-come back online),Steele, Todd, Boobielover, Miss Romantic (me *fingering* ho), Chi Town Sweetie, ginaoozz, Megumi, Nightingale, Kalla (NPBD LMAO), bullwinkle, Poe, Kidder, CAL, Mushroom, STB,  and Sara Lynn!


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