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All About Daisy



Hi there, Obviously you came here to learn more about this Crazy Canadian chickie eh, Well read on for more info...


Age : 19

D.O.B. : July !7, 1981

Location : Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Place of birth : Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Height : 5'9"

Weight : Dammit, i aint tellin ya that! LOL

Eye/Hair colour : Hazel / Blond

Ok so that takes care of that part, um what else would I like to tell about myself?

Well I go to Adult Day school, my school is in a mall lol. I hope to graduate by January 2002, and still not sure if I'm going to College or not, maybe I'll just work shitty jobs, and save up all my money and take off to Australia for a year or so.....hmm wouldn't that be awesome!

I don't live with my parents, I live with friends I used to go to school with, and I love living here.


Well that's all there is about me..oh yeah I might as well put a pic of myself up...but it's an old one..I have even shorter, blond , spiky hair now quite unlike the pic.

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