dr. cirilo toro vargas


Ph.D. - The Union Institute (Ohio), 1992.  Strongest subjects:  Library science and automation plus administration and supervision.

M.Ed. - Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, 1982.  Major concentration:  Guidance and counseling.

M.L.S. - University of Puerto Rico, 1975.  Major concentration:  Academic libraries.

B.A. - Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, 1970.  Major concentrations:  Philosophy, Latin and education.


Professor - Dept. of Graduate Studies in  Education, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, 1981-1987, 1992 to present time.  Courses taught:  Introduction to Guidance and Counseling; Principles of Career Education; Information, Library and Society; Information Services, Reference and Library Sources; Library Resources Organization; Library Services for Children and Young Adults; Library Administration; Selection and Evaluation of Materials Plus Collection Development; The Library as a Media Center; Educational Techonology...

Professor  and  Mentor - Ronald McNair Program, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, 1990 - to present time.  Courses taught:  Computer and Library Research Skills.  Mentor in education, psychology, social work, business administration... 

Librarian  -  Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, 1972 to present time.  My experience at this University includes the following positions as described below:

Head Cataloger - Tecnical Services, Encarnación Valdés Library, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, 2000 to present time.

Head of Reference Services Department, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, 1991 - 2000.  Previous assignment as an assistant: 1983-1986.  Supervision of 40 people engaged in reference service and  statistics:  two professional librarians, three assistant librarians, plus 30 or more assistants.  Reorganization of the department.  Beginning of new services and improvement of traditional ones.  Responsible for merging Reference, Reserve and Handicapped Services into one single department during 1997.  Responsible for automating reference services.

Head of Federal Documents Depository, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, 1975-1991.  Items selection, document receiving, handling and cataloging.  Document displays and handouts for promotion.  Supervision of four auxiliary personnel.

Cataloging and classification, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, 1975-1991.  Strongest experience in English and Spanish cataloging and classification of books and non-book materials, using Library of Congress subject headings and schemes, AACR2, Dewey decimal classification system and Superintendent of Documents numbers, MARC format, NOTIS System, Bibliofile, OCLC.

Head of Circulation Department, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, 1972-1974.  Supervision of 15 people.  Made first (and  only) procedure manual for the department.   Implemented new ways of dealing with book loans and returns, such as a moratory in fine payments.  Results:  80% of long overdue books were returned.  Designed new forms for library statistics, which were readily adopted in other departments.

Head of Reserve Room Services, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, 1972.  Supervision of 10 people.

Library Instruction, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, 1975-1999.  Lectures for university students and members of the community in general about library science, research, career education, applied psychology and literature topics.

Coordinator - Integrated Model for At-Risk Young People, Sistemas Educativos y Empresariales, 1992.  Supervision of 75 at-risk young people and 20 teachers in two different area:  Ponce and Maunabo (Puerto Rico’s south area).  Remedial education, pre-employment skills and mentoring experiences.

Bilingual Guidance Counselor  -  New York City Board of Education,  1988-89.  Working as a bilingual guidance counselor in two elementary schools at District 15, Brooklyn, N.Y. (P.S. 1 and P.S. 94).

Spanish Teacher - Long Island University, Brroklyn Campus, 1989.  Teaching Spanish as a second language.

Librarian (OCLC Cataloging) - Long Island University Library, 1989.  Part-time position in OCLC cataloging.

Library Consultant - Academia Singer, Dealer Autorizado, Inc., 1990-1992.  Libray organizer and consultant to the director regarding accreditation procedures.

Guidance Counselor - Administration of Juvenile Institutions, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 1995.  Guidance and counseling of juvenile inmates at the Ponce correctional and rehabilitation facilities.

Library Developer and Director - Ponce College of Technology, 1981-83.  Organization and direction of a 5,100 title library specializing in computers and electronics.   Spanish subject headings plus Dewey decimal system.

Librarian -  Ponce School of Medicine, 1984-87.  Cataloging medicine  books using National Library of Medicine and Library of Congress subject headings and classification.

Research Professor - Escuela Graduada del Sur (Puerto Rico), 1986-1988.  Course taught:  Educational research.  Organization of the Library.  Consultant to the director regarding accreditation procedures.

Youth Counselor  and Supervisor  -  Programa  de Experiencia de de Trabajo para Jóvenses (Youth Working Experiences Program), Ponce, 1971. Supervising 85 young people in three different towns.  Employment interviews.  Evaluation and training in pre-employment skills.

Library Organizer - Peace Corps (Ponce, PR), 1971-72.  Reorganization of a 20,000 title library specializing in Latin America and U.S. history and political science.

Spanish Teacher - Berlitz Schools (Ponce, PR), 1971.  Teaching Spanish as a second language.

Alternate District Manager - El Mundo Newspaper (Ponce, P. R.), 1970.  Supervising newspaper sellers and distributors in five towns.


  • A Tu Alcance: Referencia En Acción.   (1984-1985).  Co-editor of this biweekly bibliographic  serial consisting of a two-page summary and bibliography on certain topics like AIDS, stress, anxiety, whose resources were available at the library...
  • Apuntes Biográficos (1992).  A collection of Puerto Rican biographies.
  • Autoevaluación del Bibliotecario (1989).  A monograph on portfolio assessment from the standpoint of the librarian.
  • La Biblioteca Encarnación Valdés (1985).  Editor and script writer of this slide presentation accomplished with my fellow workers.  Deals with the effective use of the library.
  • Biografías Mínimas (1983).  Editor of this collection  of Puerto Rican biographies done by a group of my students in  the Reference and Bibliography Course.
  • Diccionario Biográfico de Compositores Puertorriqueños (in process).  A dictionary mainly devoted to biographies of about 500 Puerto Rican composers.
  • Diccionario Biográfico Puertorriqueño (in process).  A dictionary covering about 500 Puerto Rican biographies besides those covered in the composers’ dictionary..
  • Diccionario de Biografías Musicales de Puerto Rico (1992).  A dictionary covering 1,200 biographies of Puerto Ricans excelling in music.
  • Docufed (1989-1991).  Editor of this monthly newsletter covering federal documents topics.
  • Encyclopedias / Enciclopedias (1989).  Analysis of the encyclopedias available in English and Spanish, including those in non-traditional formats.
  • Essays on library science topics published in Vórtice and Bibliotemas, Puerto Rican magazines devoted to the library science literature.
  • Evaluación de la Biblioteca de la Academia Santa María (1991).  Formal evaluation of the library regarding reorganization and looking towards the school accreditation through the Middle States Association.
  • Evaluación de la Biblioteca del Colegio Sagrado Corazón (1991).  Formal evaluation of the library regarding reorganization and looking towards the school accreditation through the Middle States Association.
  • Manual Sobre el Uso del Biological Abstract (1977).  A practical handbook on the use of that reference source.
  • La Red Biográfica de Puerto Rico.  PuertoRican biographies on the Internet.  Includes biographies from other countries, genealogy and heraldry.  https://www.angelfire.com/ny/conexion
  • Registro Biográfico de Compositores Puertorriqueños  (1987).  Editor of this collection of biographies of Puerto Rican composers done by a group of my students in the Reference and Bibliography Course.
  • Sala de Referencia: Manual de Procedimiento (1995).  A handbook dealing with reference services and sources.
  • TV Script for a Program on the Use of the Library -  WRIK TV (Channel 7), 1977.


  • Agua, Vida y Tierra (1987).  Director of this slide presentation based on a poem by Julia de Burgos, a well known  Puerto Rican poet.  Achieved as a project with all the students  of my July 1987 class (The Library as a Media Center).
  • Amaneceres (1992;  2d ed. 1994).  A book of poems.
  • ¡Bienvenidos a Mi Página Poética y Algo Más!  Reflections, essays, poetry, questionnaires, etc.   http://members.tripod.com/~pirata_2
  • Ceguera Visionaria (1992).  A book of poems.
  • Creación: Arte y Literatura  (1975-1980).  Coeditor of this literary magazine.
  • Diciembre 22: Diario de Un Sentimiento (1995).  A book of poems.
  • Essays, short stories and poems published during 1975-1990 in:  Creación, (P.R.), Momento (P.R.), La  Nao (P.R.), Puesto  de Combate (Colombia), El Nuevo Día (P.R.), Revista  Chicano Riqueña (Tex.), Cayey (P.R.), Horizonte (P.R.), Nuestro (Chicago), Tolle Lege (an irregular serial; 1968-69).
  • Manicomio (1995).  A collection of short stories.
  • Nuevos Surcos (1994).  A book on practical issues regarding values and self-help.
  • Senderos Poéticos (1991).  A book of poems.
  • El Turno (1981).  Coauthor of this collection of short stories.


Ability for organizing and coordinating activities from diverse sources.

Ability to apply technology to a diverse range of library applications.

Ability to lead and mentor staff and students and facilitate good  interpersonal relations.  Mentoring at the bachelor, master and doctoral levels.

Distance education skills and knowledge.

Excellent written and oral communication skills.  Good in letter-writing, preparing essays, speeches... both in English and in Spanish.

Knowledge and excellent language skills in English and Spanish plus additional working knowledge of Latin;  proposal making, college and information information, financial aids, guidance and counseling, resumes, curriculum vitae, portfolio assessment, qualifications briefs...

Lecturer on applied psychology, administration and supervision plus literature and library science topics in New York, Maryland, Cincinnati, Puerto Rico...

Librarian. educational and library consultant, translator, short story writer, poet, biographer, researcher, music composer and lecturer.

Microcomputing skills in word processing and database management:  WordPerfect, Pro-Cite, Professional Write, Microsoft Word, First Publisher, PowerPoint, Lotus Notes, Netscape, HTML, FrontPage...  Internet skills both in searching and making webpages.

Searching and working experience with OCLC, Dialog  Information Services, Notis System and other online databases.

Strong public service orientation.

Working knowledge of library collection development and technical  services.


Distinguished Leadership Award for Outstanding Service to the Library Science and Teaching - American Biographical Institute, 1987.

Educational grant for furthering graduate studies in guidance and counseling - Delta Theta Tau Sorority, 1989.

Merit Certificate from the Phi Delta Kappa, Ponce Chapter, for the contribution to the Puerto Rican education, September 28, 1991.

National Defense Service Medal - United States Army, March 31, 1971.

Personal and professional biographical data included in:

  • International Directory of Distinguished Leadership (1989)
  • Literatura Puertorriqueña: Su Proceso en el Tiempo (1983)
  • Prontuario Literario Biográfico Puertorriqueño (1990)
  • Quién Es Quién: a Who's Who of Spanish Speaking Librarians in the United States (1994).

Menú Principal

Dr. Cirilo Toro Vargas
Published on the Internet:  October 12, 2000.