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An unusual amount of research has been done on this family going back to England. The first mention of both the farmstead and family of Underhill in surviving records is a quitclaim deed in 1308 showing that the tenant of the farm is Thomas, son of Robert de Underhille.


ROBERT DE UNDERHILLE probably born about 1250 in or near Bushbury Staffordshire; died after 1313.


Children of ROBERT DE UNDERHILLE and unknown:

1. Thomas.

+2. RICHARD born before 1311.


Children of RICHARD UNDERHILL and unknown:

+1. THOMAS born before 1343; died after 1398; married (1) Elena (unknown); married (2) Isabella.


Children of THOMAS UNDERILL and Elena or Isabella:

+1. WILLIAM born before 1402; married JOAN (possibly Stanley). William was of Wolverhampton by 1423.

2. Thomas.

3. John.

4. Julia.

5. Joan.


Children of WILLIAM UNDERHILL and JOAN (unknown):

+1. NICHOLAS born before 1432; married (unknown) BATTE.


Children of NICHOLAS UNDERHILL and (unknown) BATTE:

+1. JOHN born about 1450; died 30 Nov 1518; married (1) Susan Slade; married (2) AGNES PORTER; widow of Myles Norwood; died 1526; daughter of Thomas Porter of Ettington Warwickshire. John eventually lived in Warwickshire on lands inherited by his wife. John left will dated 16 Dec 1514; proved 10 Feb 1518/19. Agnes left will dated 2 Apr 1526; proved 9 May 1526.

2. Richard died 1535; married (unknown) Congreve.

3. Nicholas.

4. William.


Children of JOHN UNDERHILL and Susan Slade:

1. William died about 1544; married Alice (unknown).


+2. THOMAS born about 1485; died 1520; married ANNE WYNTER; died 1546 after marrying Edmund Lydiard; daughter of Robert Wynter. They resided on the Manor of Huningham in 1512.

+3. Edward born 1486; died 7 Mar 1546/7; married Margaret Middlemore; died 1563; daughter of Thomas Middlemore and Eleanor Throckmorton.

4. Robert died 1527; left will dated 22 Mar 1527; proved 13 May 1527.

5. Susan married Richard Salway.

6. Dorothy married Humphrey Young.

7. Elizabeth married (1) John Agard; married (2) about 1519 Jans Gresley.



1. Edward born 1512; died after 1579; married in London England 17 Nov 1546 Joan Sperin; widow of (unknown) Downes. He was known as the "Hot Gospeller" and was imprisoned in 1553 for having published a Protestant manifesto.

2. Ralph born about 1514; died 7 May 1557 married Mary Colles. His will was dated 1557.

3. Thomas born about 1516; died 1571 London England; married (1) in 1538 Christian Arnolde; married (2) 1 May 1542 Ann Wood.

+4. HUGH born about 1518 Hunningham Warwickshire England; died 1593 Greenwich Kent England; married (1) unknown; married (2) Katherine Manning bp in Downe Kent 3 Apr 1548; died June 1627 at Greenwich as widow of Richard Goodman; daughter of George Manning and Joan Walles. On 6 Feb 1563 he was appointed by Queen Elizabeth Keeper of the Wardrobe at the King's Manor at Greenwich. In 1563 he was elevated to be responsible for the Wardrobe of Beds. This position was one of the highest maintaining the countless hangings of tapestry and the Cloths of State, the great carpets and all upholstering of chairs, stools etc., curtains, and bedsteads. In 1590 he was appointed by the Queen as Keeper of the Garden in the manor of East Greenwich. He is mentioned in several wills of the Royal Household, an indication that he was held in high regard. He left will dated 1 Jan 1592/3.

5. Elizabeth born about 1510; married Edmund Lidiard.

6. Alice.

Children of Edward Underhill and Margaret Middlemore:

+1. William who inherited the estate of his uncle, William above. He was clerk of House of Commons 1510-1514.



+1. THOMAS born 1545 Greenwich Kent England; died 1591 Kenilworth Warwickshire England; married 1570/1 MAGDALEN AMYAS; died 1597; daughter of John Amyas and Anne (unknown). Thomas was keeper of Kenilworth Castle, to the Earl of Leicester, who was one of Queen Elizabeth's most intimate friends and at one time expected to become her husband.

In 1585 the Queen appointed the Earl of Leicester commander of her forces in the Netherlands, fighting with the Dutch against the Spanish. Thomas accompanied the Earl on this assignment.

Children of HUGH UNDERHILL and Katherine Manning:

2. George born 1573; graduated 1588 Oxford University; married (1) (unknown) died 1604; married (2) Elizabeth (unknown).

Children of William Underhill and (unknown):

+1. William.



1. Thomas born about 1572; died after 1591.

+2. JOHN born about 1574; listed as dead in the muster rolls of Capt. Roger Orme's Company at Bergen-op-Zoom in the Netherlands Oct 1608; married at St. Ives, Lelant Cornwall about 1596 HONOR/LEONORA PAWLEY born about 1575 Uny Lelant Cornwall; daughter of James Pawley and Isabelle Bonython; died at Newport RI before 18 Dec 1658 as widow of Richard Morris.

3. George born 1578; probably the one buried 28 Apr 1625 at St. Martin in the Fields, London.

4. Lettice born about 1579; married 6 July 1600 at London Reynold Spicer.

+5. Hugh buried 9 Dec 1624 at St. Vedast's London; married 26 Oct 1612 Pertsey Bateman. Hugh was a London goldsmith.

6. Mary buried 16 Dec 1601 at St. Martin in the Fields.

7. Clement died after 1597.

Children of William Underhill and (unknown):

1. William; sold his home "New Place" in Stratford-on-Avon to William Shakespeare in 1597.



+1. JOHN born near Kenilworth England about 1597; died 21 Sep 1672 Oyster Bay LI NY; married (1) 12 Dec 1628 at the Kloosterkerk at the Hague, Holland, Heylken de Hooch; died at Southold LI NY before 19 Aug 1658; married (2) 1658 Southold LI NY ELIZABETH FEAKE born about 1633 Watertown MA; died at Killingworth Oyster Bay LI before 4 Nov 1675; daughter of Robert Feake and Elizabeth Fones. John left will dated 18 Sep 1671.

John was a cadet in the guard of the Prince of Orange in 1628; he went to Boston MA arriving there after 26 Feb 1630. No doubt he came to the Bay Colony with John Winthrop; he and Daniel Patrick became the first paid military officers in Massachusetts Bay.

He is given credit for the colonists' victory in the Pequot War in 1637 but soon after signed a petition in behalf of Anne Hutchinson and Rev. John Wheelwright and his citizenship rights in the colony were removed. He was banished and went to now called New Hampshire where he served as Governor of Exeter and Dover for a year.

In 1641 his banishment was lifted and he returned to Massachusetts Bay Colony for a short time. By 1642 he had leased a farm in New Amsterdam and was also granted eight acres of land in Stamford CT (New Haven Colony). He finally settled in New Amsterdam by 1644. In 1653, war broke out between the English and the Dutch and he went to Rhode Island offering his services to fight with the English. A year later, after peace was declared, he settled in Southold LI where his first wife died in 1658.

Shortly after, he married Elizabeth Feake and they lived at Killingworth, the family home at Oyster Bay. He died in 1672 and was the first to be buried in the Underhill Burying Ground on his property.

John was a man of extremes and in many ways eccentric. Though devoutly religious, his moral conduct on one occasion suggests that he was open to temptation. He was accused of daily visiting a young, lonely woman and confessed: "that the woman was in great trouble of mind . . . that he resorted to her to comfort her; and that when the door was found locked upon them, they were in private prayer together." He admitted to the adultery and was made to publicly "sit upon the stool of repentance" where he lamented about his wicked way of life and hypocrisy and asked for forgiveness.

2. Lettice married at Boston MA about 1633 Richard Bulgar.

3. Petronella married about 1638 Ulrich Lupold.

Children of Hugh Underhill and Pertsey Bateman:

1. Margaret.

2. Elizabeth.


Children of JOHN UNDERHILL and Heylken de Hooch:
Named in will of John dated 18 Sep 1671; (*);

1. Deborah born before 1631; died before 1659.

2. Elizabeth bp First Church Boston 14 Feb 1635/6.

3. (*) John bp First Church Boston 24 Apr 1642; died 23 Dec 1692; married Oct 1668 Mary Prior born Mar 1651; died 29 May 1698; daughter of Matthew Prior.


4. Deborah born 29 Nov 1659; died 30 Jan 1698; married 1677 Henry Townsend.

+5. (*) NATHANIEL born 22 Feb 1663/4 Oyster Bay NY; died 10 Nov 1710 Westchester NY; married 1686 MARY FERRIS born after 1670; daughter of John Ferris and Mary Jackson.

6. Hannah born 2 Dec 1666; died 23 Aug 1757 Newtown LI NY; married 1685 Richard Alsop born about 1660; died 1718.

7. Elizabeth born 2 July 1669; married Isaac Smith born 1657; died about 1747; son of Abraham Smith of Hempstead LI NY.

+8. David born Apr 1672; died 1708; married (1) (unknown) Wright; married (2) Hannah (unknown).



1. John born about 1687; probably died before 1719.

+2. NATHANIEL born 1690 Westchester NY; died 1775 Williamsbridge NY; married 19 Apr 1711 MARY HUNT born 22 July 1692; daughter of John Hunt and Grace Fowler. He left will dated 25 Feb 1775; proved 1 Dec 1775; on file at Westchester County.

+3. Abraham born about 1694; died 1750; married about 1715 Hannah Cromwell; daughter of James Cromwell. Left will dated 18 Aug 1750; proved 5 Nov 1750.

4. Mary born about 1697; married 1715 Walter Kippen.

5. Thomas born about 1700; died about 1762; married Phebe Davenport.

6. William born 1707 Westchester NY; died 1777 Dorset VT; married 1729 Mary Bayley born 1713.

Children of David Underhill and first wife:

1. Peter born about 1698; married Penelope Alling.

Children of David Underhill and Hannah (unknown):

2. Benjamin born about 1706; married Hannah Townsend.


Named in will of Nathaniel dated 25 Feb 1775; (*);

1. Phebe born 8 Nov 1713; probably died before 25 Feb 1775.

2. (*) SARAH born 9 Mar 1715; died 2 Nov 1805; married (1) ELISHA HYATT born 24 Apr 1714; died before 30 Apr 1761 White Plains NY; son of Caleb Hyatt; married (2) Samuel Embree.

+3. (* probably dec'd) John born 2 Aug 1718 Westchester NY; died 16 Aug 1786 Greenburgh NY; married about 1739 Ann Elizabeth Bowne born 1722; died 1786 Greenburgh NY.

4. (*) Mary born 2 Jan 1720; married (1) Obadiah Purdy; married (2) Dr. Nicholas Bayley.

5. (*) Nathaniel born 31 Aug 1723; died about 1784; married Ann Honeywell; daughter of Israel Honeywell and Dorothy (unknown). Nathaniel left will dated 29 Mar 1783 and codicil dated 13 Feb 1784 with legacies to brothers Bartow and Israel; sisters Sarah, Mary, Helena, and Elizabeth; sons of John and Israel. It seems his wife had died previous to the will date and they had no children.

6. (*) Bartow born 23 Oct 1725.

7. (*) William born 16 Feb 1727; died about 1784; married Mary Dean; daughter of Nicholas Dean and Deborah (unknown).

8. (*) Helena born 26 Jan 1729; married James Morgan.

+9. (*) Israel born 10 Sep 1732; married Abigail Lispenard.

10. (* mentioned as mother of Drake grandsons) Elizabeth born 17 Feb 1735; married (unknown) Drake.

Children of Abraham Underhill and Hannah Cromwell:
Named in will of Abraham dated 18 Aug 1750; (*)

1. (*) Abraham born 1723 White Plains NY; died 1789 Mount Pleasant Westchester Co. NY; married (1) 1746 Phebe Hallock born 1720; daughter of John Hallock and Martha Quimby; married (2) Keziah Farrington.

2. (*) Isaac born 21 June 1726; died 8 Dec 1814; married 15 Aug 1756 Sarah Field born 6 Feb 1734; died 20 Mar 1812; daughter of Robert Field and Abigail Sutton or Rebecca Burling.

3. Mary born 1728; married Caleb Horton of White Plains NY.

4. (*) Jacob born 25 May 1730; died 26 Sep 1807; married 1747 Amy Hallock born 3 June 1728; died 30 June 1806; daughter of John Hallock and Martha Quimby.

5. (*) Martha born 1737; married Jabez Lockwood.

6. (*) Hannah.


Children of John Underhill and Ann Elizabeth Bowne:

+1. John born about 1739 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; died 1 Sep 1826 Newtown CT; married (1) Anne Barnes born 2 Dec 1742; died 16 Aug 1786; daughter of William Barnes; married (2) 1787 Dulhousie Outhouse; (perhaps) married (3) Sarah (unknown) born Mar 1764; died 18 July 1826 Newtown CT. John was a Loyalist and fled to New Brunswick in 1783. He returned to NY in 1785.

2. Sarah born about 1742 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; married Noah Bishop born about 1732 Crestwood Yonkers Westchester Co. NY; son of Gershom Bishop and Martha (unknown).

3. Benjamin born 10 Mar 1742 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; died 1818 Scarsdale Westchester Co. NY; married 1768 Elizabeth Bonnet born about 1747 New Rochelle Westchester Co. NY; daughter of John Bonnet and Mary Guion.

4. Ann born about 1745 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; died about Nov 1795; married Isaac Horton born 1742 White Plains Westchester Co. NY; died 28 Sep 1795 New York City; son of Caleb Horton and Hannah Underhill.

5. Lancaster born 6 Jan 1747 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; died 1845 Tuckahoe, Westchester Co. NY. Married 16 Apr 1772, Eudosia Hunt born 24 Dec 1752 Eastchester Westchester Co. NY; died 1828 Tuckahoe Westchester Co. NY; daughter of Benjamin Hunt .

6. Frederick B. born 4 Mar 1750 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; died 31 Oct 1823 Tuckahoe Westchester Co. NY; married about 1793 Jane Bonnet born about 1758 Yonkers Westchester Co. NY; daughter of Peter Bonnet and Mary Barker.

7. Nathaniel born about 1753 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; died Nova Scotia Canada; married Rebecca Ward born about 1759 Eastchester Westchester Co. NY; daughter of Thomas Ward and Jemima Pinckney. Named in will of uncle, Nathaniel Underhill.

8. Susan born about 1754 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; died 1787; married about 1771 Nathaniel Tompkins born 28 Feb 1750 Harts Corners Westchester Co. NY; died 17 Jun 1822 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; son of Thomas Tompkins.

9. Effie born 1756 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; married (1) about 1775 (unknown) Gillyou born about 1755; died before 1787; married (2) 17 Nov 1788 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY Nathaniel Tompkins born 28 Feb 1750 Harts Corners Westchester Co. NY; died 17 Jun 1822 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; son of Thomas Tompkins.

10. Nicholas born Jul 1758 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; died 7 Aug 1837 Yonkers Westchester Co. NY; married about 1780 Hannah Hunt born 31 Dec 1763 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; died 2 Aug 1823 Yonkers Westchester Co. NY; daughter of Elnathan Hunt and Mary Bishop.

11. Elizabeth born after 1760 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY died Yonkers Westchester Co. NY; married about 1782 Jonathan Odell born 11 Sep 1763 Yonkers Westchester Co. NY; died 1806 Yonkers Westchester Co. NY; son of Abraham Odell and Rebecca Dyckman.

12. Peter born 4 May 1764 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; died 16 Dec 1855 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; married (1) 1792 Ann Schuerman born 25 Feb 1765; died 28 Mar 1850 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; married (2) about 1786 Hester Bonnet born 10 Jun 1765 New Rochelle Westchester Co. NY; died 1791 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; daughter of John Bonnet and Jane Schuerman.

13. Hannah born about 1766 Greenburgh Westchester Co. NY; died about 1804 Yonkers Westchester Co. NY; married about 1796 Nathaniel Fowler; born 25 July 1776 Irvington NY; died 5 Jan 1835 Sparta NY; son of Anthony Fowler and Elizabeth Taylor.

Children of Israel Underhill and Abigail Lispenard:

1. Anthony Lispenard.


Children of John Underhill and Anne Barker:

1. Sarah born 1770.