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In the church records of the Walloon church in Utrecht Netherlands there are references to the name of Cortelyou as follows:

	1612, Apr 14  Married, Jacques Cortillon and Elsken Hendricks;
	1612, Dec 13  Baptised, Abraham Courtillon, son of Jacques Courtillon;
	1636, June 6  Married, Jerosme Bastairoux, native of Catelnau de Magnac, soldier under
		        Mr. Estrade, and Jeanne Courtailleau;
	1637, Feb 5   Married, at the request of the Flemish Brethen, Guilleaume Benet and Jenneken 	
	1640, May 25  Married, Blaise Paillot and Judith Courtailot;
	1663, May 3   Married, Pierre Courtillie, young man of Utrecht, and Jeanne Grenier, young 
		        woman of Ardensburg;
	1663, Dec 7   Died, Elsie Henricx, widow of Jacques Courtaillijo, in the Teelingstraat,
		        leaving mature children.  Buried in St. Nicholas Church;
	1684, Nov 9   Died, Judith Courteleau, wife of Blaysius Pailhot;

In 1643, Jacques Cortelyou is listed as a student at the University of Utrecht. From these records, it can be assumed this is the family of the emigrant, Jacques Cortelyou.



1. Abraham bp 13 Dec 1612.

+2. JACQUES, in 1643 a student at University of Utrecht. In 1652 he was employed as a tutor for the sons of Cornelis Van Werckhoven and travelled with them to America. In 1654 was appointed to the position of "schout" (sheriff) by Peter Stuyvesant but he refused the post. In 1657 it is recorded that he was appointed surveyor revealing another facet of his education. He laid out lots for the settlement of New Utrecht and for his home chose to build his house on a bluff with a sweeping view across the Narrows to Staten Island. Negro slaves were not a novelty in New Netherlands and Jacques acquired slaves to work on his farm and they were a part of the inventory left in his estate when he died in 1693. Jacques Cortelyou was an important part of the politics of New Netherlands and travelled extensively in his various roles. Jacques married in New Netherlands NEELTJE VAN DUYN; she presumably came to New Amsterdam with her brother, Garrit Cornelise Van Duyn, about 1649; she died prior to December 1695.

3. Jeanne married 6 June 1636 Jerosme Bastairoux.

4. Jenneken married 5 Feb 1637 Guilleaume Benet.

5. Judith died 9 Nov 1684; married 25 May 1640 Blaise Paillot.

6. Maybe Pierre married 3 May 1663 Jeanne Grenier.


All born New Utrecht NY;
Named in administration of Jacques dated 24 July 1693; (*);

1. Unnamed child; born and died in 1657. Epitaph found "Here lies the first of Cortelyou from life withdrawn, The first child in the village of Utrecht born; Brought forth in innocence, snatched hence without a strain, God gave it being here, a better life to gain."

+2. (*) Jacques born about 1660; died 3 May 1731 New Utrecht; married (1) in Brooklyn 4 Oct 1685 Marretje Hendricks Smock; daughter of Hendrick Mattyssen Smock and Geertje Hemans Coerten; died 7 Apr 1705; married (2) 10 Jan 1705/6 Altie Boerman who died 1732; daughter of Harmen Coerten and Aertje Gerrits. He left will dated 4 Mar 1726/7; proved 3 May 1731.

+3. Cornelis born about 1662; died about 1690; married 19 Aug 1683 (*) Neeltje Volckers born 1669 Bushwick NY; probably daughter of Volkert Dircks and Neeltje Cornelissen.

+4. (*) PIETER, born about 1664-5; died 10 Apr 1757 New Utrecht NY; married about 1691 DEBORAH/DIEWERTJE DEWITT born about 1660; daughter of Peter Jansen DeWitt and Dorothea Volkerts. No doubt gaining education from his father, Pieter is recorded as making surveys and also engaged in purchases and sales of real estate. He travelled extensively doing this work but also maintained one-half of the farm left by his father.

5. (*) Helena born about 1666; died 1720; married (1) 18 Apr 1683 Nicholas Rutgersz Van Brunt born 18 Feb 1678/9; died 1684; married (2) 12 Apr 1685 Denyse Teunissen bp New Amsterdam 12 Apr 1654; died before 1707; son of Teunis Nyssen and Femmetje Jans Seals and widower of Elizabeth Polhemus; married (3) about 1706 Hendrick Hendrick; son of Jacob Hendricks and Geesje Bartels Claeson.

6. (*) Maria born about 1669; married 1697 Willem Barkelo; son of Harmen Jans Barkelo and Willempie Warnaers Elderink.

7. Willem born about 1671; apparently died before 1693.


Children of Jacques Cortelyou and Marretje Hendrickse Smock:
Named in will of Jacques dated 4 Mar 1726/7; (*);

1. Aeltie bp Flatbush 20 Nov 1687; married Jan Frederick Van Liew.

2. Geertje bp Flatbush 4 Nov 1688; died young.

3. Neeltje born 30 Nov 1691; died 1703.

4. (*) Geetje born 18 Nov 1693; married 18 Apr 1713 Hendrick Van Leeuwen/Van Liew born 10 June 1689 Jamaica NY; son of Frederick Hendricksen Van Liew and Dinah Janse.

5. Helena born 29 Nov 1695; bp 25 Apr 1696; died before 1726.

6. Jacques born 26 Dec 1697; died 1707.

7. Hendrick born 10 Sep 1699; died 4 Apr 1705.

8. Neeltje born 18 July 1703 New Utrecht; died 24 Oct 1795; married Abraham Lucasse Van Voorhees born 8 Jan 1701/2 Flatlands NY; died 27 May 1785; son of Lucas Stephense Van Voorhees and Jannetje Minns.

Children of Jacques Cortelyou and Altie Boerman:

9. (*) Marya born 16 Nov 1706.

10. (*) Jacques born 25 Dec 1707 Brooklyn; died 6 Jan 1765 New Utrecht NY; married 20 June 1730 Marretje (may be Marretje Hendricksse Van Voorhees) born 14 Apr 1713; died 22 June 1772.

11. (*) Hendrick born 18 Apr 1711; died before 5 Mar 1777 Ten Mile Run NJ; married (1) 3 Aug 1731 Antie Albertse Van Voorhees born 15 Apr 1711; died 18 Mar 1741/2; daughter of Albert Van Voorhees and Sarah Cornell; married (2) 19 Aug 1742 Catrina Hooglandt born 15 July 1719; died 19 Oct 1785; daughter of Harmanus Hooglandt and Adriana Stoothoff. Hendrick left will dated 4 Apr 1774; proved 5 Mar 1777.

12. Dyna born 1 Mar 1715; died young.

13. Marretie born 22 Nov 1716; died young.

14. Frederick born 26 July 1719; died young.

15. Aeltie born 23 May 1722; died young.

Children of Cornelis Cortelyou and Neeltje Volckers:

1. Annetje bp 9 Sep 1688 at Flatbush; married 29 Mar 1711 Isaac Lequier of Bushwick; son of Jan Lequier and Rachel Volkertsen. Annetje named in the administration of the estate of grandfather, Jacques Cortelyou.


1. DOROTHEA born about 1692; married 9 Apr 1713 REM VAN DERBEEK bp Brooklyn 21 Oct 1683; died after 1760; son of Jan Remsen and Martha Damen.

2. Neeltje bp 15 Nov 1694; died before 20 Mar 1712.

+3. Jaques born 6 Oct 1698; died 10 Oct 1757 Brooklyn; married 25 Apr 1718 Jacomintie Van Pelt born about 1698 Brooklyn NY; died 27 Sep 1769 Brooklyn NY; daughter of Jan Tyssen Van Pelt and Aeltie Van Duyn.

4. Pieter born25 Sep 1699; died 1764; married 18 Mar 1720 Neeltje Aertse Van Pelt born 12 Apr 1701; daughter of Aerte Teunise Van Pelt and Nieltje Jansen Van Tuyl.

5. Cornelis born 17 Aug 1701.

6. Helena born 21 Dec 1703; died young.

7. Willem born 27 Sep 1705.

8. Maria born 10 Aug 1707; died young.

9. Deborah born 20 Nov 1709; married Roelof Voorhees.

10 Neeltje/Helena born 20 Mar 1712; probably married Isaac Symons.


Children of Jacques Cortelyou and Jacomintie Van Pelt:

1. Deborah born 29 Nov 1720; married Derick Bergen of Gowanus NY.

2. Peter born 3 Oct 1722 New Utrecht NY; died 27 Mar 1777; married 8 Jan 1742/3 Annanetie DeHart born 4 Jan 1721/2; died Oct 1795; daughter of Simon DeHart and Angenietje Van Dyck.

3. Neeltje born 6 Mar 1725/6.