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Here's the Pic's you wanna see!!!

So, we finally figured out how to get pictures of ourselves on this thang... After Fen had his hand stuck in the scanner for an hour, we called the paramedics. They showed us how to scan the pictures without personal injury, and thus we have some of our ugly faces on the net.... click on the links to see the pictures...

1. Live shot from Nietzche's 8/97
2. The sexy horn section at our show with Bim Skala Bim
3. Scott and Leif on stage at Nietzche's
4. Joe on the lookout
5. The classic KICKLINE!
6. Live shots you gotta see...
7. Luke getting naked. Yes ladies, you wanted it, you got it.

Feel free to email us any photos of the Mexican Cession you might have scanned and I'll be sure to put them up here with a quickness! Thanks!
-MC Nuhzak