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    Hey folks..  I just decided to throw this page together, which is why it's so bare-bones (simple).  I was going through some pics I had taken of the city, and I had some of the Twin Towers.  So here they are.  Some of them aren't of the best quality, but that's more of a case of there not being enough sunlight...   Usually, when "sightseeing" I start up in the Bronx, or nothern Manhattan, working my way down.  So by the time I get down to that area, it's pretty dark.  Something else you may notice when looking at my picture collection, is that I have a lot of pictures of buildings & bridges.  Mainly that's because that's my thing.  I get a kick out of architecture, construction, abandoned railroad stations, and the like.  What can I say, I'm weird like that.

    Before I go any further, I'd like to thank Kitty Hubbard, who was my photography teacher at Brockport.  Without her class, I never would've had these pictures come out (long story, I'll explain some other time).  I'd also like to thank you guys too; as you guys know, sometimes I'm at a loss for words, so I couldn't really describe NYC accurately.  The original intent of some of these pictures was to "show you guys around" as some of you have never been to NYC, or have been there too briefly (and any stay that lasts for less than a month is "too brief").

At any rate, it's time for me to step aside, and show ya what I got...  Enjoy

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This was taken from Roosevelt Island.  You can see the United Nations in the foreground.  You can see the Tower lurking in the background, about 2" from the edge of the left side of the picture

Another shot of the Towers, this time taken from the West Side (Miller) Highway.   The clarity, or lack thereof, was a byproduct of me taking the picture from inside of the car. 

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This one was taken from the Brooklyn Bridge

I took this one over at Ferry Point Park, located in the Bronx.  And even from this distance you can see the Towers standing

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I managed to get this while on the Staten Island Ferry.

Another shot of the Towers taken from the ferry.

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This is a wider shot of the Towers, and the skyline.  Matter of fact, St George, where the ferry docks (Staten Island side) there's a new stadium where a minor league baseball team plays (Staten Island Yankees).  This is the view you'd see from the outfield.

This was taken from the ferry dock.  This is part of the finanical district (actually, it's a little bit further north), Battery Park is a stone's throw from here, as is South St. Seaport. Once again, you can see the Tower peeking out

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Another shot of the skyline.  Looking back, I kinda wish I had gotten this shot in the middle of the day.  I'm never going to get the opportunity to.

The last and final shot.

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Images taken by, page created by Rafael Amaya