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MetaMorph Inc.

You have done some extensive research and found that the Beanie Baby craze is slowing down. You also have found out that if you introduced a new caterpillar beanie baby into the market the fad will re-ignite. This beanie turns inside out into a butterfly. How cool is that. You have decided to corner the market on these caterpillar/butterfly beanie babies and begin production as soon as possible.

Your production costs: $10,000 for new factory equipment and $1.50 per beanie.

You believe you can charge $6 per beanie baby.

What variable will you use for "beanie babies?
Write a formula for EXPENSES, and INCOME that uses the variable for "beanie babies".

Make a table for "beanie babies", "expenses", "income", and "profit".

Make a coordinate graph with EXPENSES and INCOME on the same graph.

Analysis and Conclusions:
Using your graphs and tables:
When you will begin to make a profit? How does this show up on the table? The graph?
When will you have made enough to pay off the factory equipment?
What if you changed the price of the "beanie"? What would happen to your formulas? Tables? Graphs?

Decide on a price to charge for your company's beanie babies.
Write a report to investors explaining to them why they should invest in your company. Include: Formulas, Tables, and Graphs in your report. Remember, the report should be concise and refer to the formulas, tables, and graphs.

Scoring Rubric

Analytical Geometry Project
Russell S. Byer 1998
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