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Boeing AH-64 Apache Helicopter

The Apache's Features

Defense forces worldwide fly three variants of AH-64 Apache multi-mission combat helicopters - the AH-64A Apache, the next-generation AH-64D Apache, and AH-64D Apache Longbow, which is equipped with the advanced Longbow fire control radar:

AH-64D Apache Longbow
The AH-64D Apache, the next-generation version of the combat-proven AH-64A Apache, and a candidate to fulfill the attack helicopter and reconnaissance requirements of several armed forces worldwide, is in production at The Boeing Company in Mesa, Ariz.

Boeing is producing the world's only fourth-generation combat helicopters for the U.S. Army, and defense forces in The Netherlands and the United Kingdom at a rate of more than four helicopters a month. Production will increase to more than six a month in 2001. The Mesa facility is designed to accommodate a rate of more than 12 aircraft a month in peacetime operations.

The first AH-64D Apache Longbows for the U.S. Army were delivered in 1997. The first AH-64D for the Royal Netherlands Air Force was delivered in June while the first WAH-64 for the United Kingdom was delivered in September.

The Apache Longbow is the only combat helicopter in service with the ability to rapidly detect, classify, prioritize and engage stationary or moving enemy targets at standoff ranges in near all weather environments. The Apache Longbow gives combat pilots an unmatched advantage over enemy threats through the integration of the Longbow fire control radar, advanced Hellfire missiles, and an advanced avionics suite.

The first six production Apache Longbows were flown to Fort Hood, Texas, in April aboard a C-5A transport aircraft during a mission that demonstrated the Army's ability to rapidly deploy large numbers of the next-generation combat helicopter. The Army unveiled the Apache Longbows to the public in June during a formal arrival ceremony.

The first fully equipped U.S. Army unit with AH-64D Apache Longbows, the 1-227th Attack Battalion, became the Army's first combat-ready Apache Longbow unit in November. The unit also became the first to field the Interactive Electronic Technical Manual, a revolutionary Class IV computerized data storage system that eliminates the need for paper technical manuals.

The Boeing Company is under contract with the U.S. Army to produce 232 Apache Longbows over the next three years. The multi-year contract with the U.S. Army is saving millions of dollars over its term and is giving the U.S. Army more aircraft compared to single-year funding over the same period. With the savings realized under the multi-year contract, the Army will field 48 additional aircraft, or two combat-ready Apache Longbow battalions.

The contract also includes funding for Boeing to train pilots and maintenance personnel for the first two equipped units, development of interactive electronic technical manuals, development of training devices, initial testing of the production aircraft, initial spares, and a variety of program support tasks for the first production lot. A training center has been established at Boeing's Mesa facility. During the first full year of operation in Mesa, Army and Boeing personnel trained more than 250 Apache pilots and maintainers.

In addition to its contract with the U.S. Army, Boeing will produce 30 AH-64D Apaches for The Netherlands and, with teammate GKN Westland, will build 67 WAH-64 Apaches for the United Kingdom

As of April 1999, the company had delivered 69 AH-64D Apache Longbows to the U.S. Army, seven AH-64D Apaches to The Netherlands, and three WAH-64 Apache Longbow to GKN Westland for the United Kingdom.

Apache Longbow Field Tests Validate Performance
To validate the Apache Longbow capabilities, Boeing built six prototypes: four equipped with the advanced Longbow fire control radar system, and two without the radar.

All six prototypes flew on or ahead of schedule and demonstrated the advanced capabilities of the improved Apache aircraft.

During U.S. Army's Force XXI field exercises in 1996 at Fort Irwin, Calif., two Apache Longbow aircraft put on a tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) clinic in the California desert. Key U.S. Army officers characterized the Apache Longbow's performance as "the quintessential example" of how the U.S. Army will dominate the digital battlefield of the 21st century.

In earlier Army operational tests, held in 1995, six Apache Longbow prototypes competed against standard AH-64A Apaches. The threat array developed to test the combat capabilities of the two Apache designs was a postulated 2004 lethal and digitized force consisting of heavy armor, air defense and countermeasures. The tests clearly demonstrated that Apache Longbows:

AH-64D Apache Longbows have greater weapons accuracy at longer ranges and have the ability to fight more effectively at night and in virtually any weather. The Apache Longbow's advanced communications and combat capabilities gives battlefield commanders the ability to more effectively manage the 21st century battlefield.
AH-64D Apache
The AH-64D Apache Longbow, the next-generation version of the combat-proven AH-64A Apache, and a candidate to fulfill the attack helicopter and reconnaissance requirements of several armed forces worldwide, is in production at The Boeing Company in Mesa, Ariz.

Boeing is producing the world's only fourth-generation combat helicopters for the U.S. Army, and defense forces in The Netherlands and the United Kingdom at a rate of more than four helicopters a month. Production will increase to more than six a month in 2001. The Mesa facility is designed to accommodate a rate of more than 12 aircraft a month in peacetime operations

All next-generation Apaches have the designation AH-64D. Without the radar, the aircraft is the AH-64D Apache. Equipped with radar, the aircraft is the AH-64D Apache Longbow.

Apache Helicopter

The first AH-64Ds - with radar - were delivered to the U.S. Army in 1997. The first AH-64D for the Royal Netherlands Air Force was delivered in June 1998 while the first WAH-64 for the United Kingdom was delivered in September 1998.

Like its predecessor, the AH-64D carries a lethal array of missiles and rockets, and 1,200 rounds of ammunition for its 30mm M230 automatic cannon, which is produced by The Boeing Company in Mesa, Ariz., at the same facility where the Apache is assembled, flight tested and delivered.

Its ability to communicate digitally with other aircraft and ground forces, and to share that information almost instantly, give the AH-64D a significant advantage over current combat helicopters and will enable it to dominate the 21st century battlefield.

In 1996, The Boeing Company signed a five-year, multi-year contract with the U.S. Army for 232 AH-64D Apaches helicopters, and delivered the first remanufactured aircraft on March 21, 1997. The Army plans to remanufacture its entire AH-64A Apache fleet of approximately 750 aircraft over the next decade.

The multi-year contract with the U.S. Army is saving millions of dollars over its term and is giving the U.S. Army more aircraft compared to single-year funding over the same period. With the savings realized under the multi-year contract, the Army will field 48 additional aircraft, or two combat-ready Apache Longbow battalions.

The contract also includes funding for Boeing to train pilots and maintenance personnel for the first two equipped units, development of interactive electronic technical manuals, development of training devices, initial testing of the production aircraft, initial spares, and a variety of program support tasks for the first production lot. A training center has been established at Boeing's Mesa facility. During the first full year of operation in Mesa, Army and Boeing personnel trained more than 250 Apache pilots and maintainers.

In addition to its contract with the U.S. Army, Boeing will produce 30 AH-64D Apaches for The Netherlands and, with teammate GKN Westland, will build 67 WAH-64 Apaches for the United Kingdom.

As of April 1999, the company had delivered 69 AH-64D Apache Longbows to the U.S. Army, seven AH-64D Apaches to The Netherlands, and three WAH-64 Apache Longbow to GKN Westland for the United Kingdom.

To validate the AH-64D's capabilities, Boeing built six prototypes: four equipped with the advanced Longbow fire control radar system, and two without the radar.

All six prototypes flew on or ahead of schedule and demonstrated the advanced capabilities of the improved Apache aircraft.

During U.S. Army's Force XXI field exercises in 1996 at Fort Irwin, Calif., two AH-64D Apache Longbow aircraft put on a tactics, techniques and procedures clinic in the California desert. Key U.S. Army officers characterized the Apache Longbow's performance as "the quintessential example" of how the U.S. Army will dominate the digital battlefield of the 21st century.

AH-64A Apache
The AH-64A Apache, widely recognized as the most advanced, combat-proven attack helicopter in the world for the past decade, is the predecessor of today's unmatched AH-64D Apache Longbow multi-mission combat helicopter.

The Boeing Company produced the AH-64A in Mesa, Ariz., until 1997 when production in Mesa transitioned to the next-generation AH-64D Apache and AH-64D Apache Longbow. Some 900 AH-64As are in service worldwide for the U.S. Army and five international customers.

Until fielding of the Apache Longbow, the versatile twin-turbine engine, 225-mph Apache was the only combat helicopter in the world capable of routine operations in daytime or darkness and nearly all bad weather. The Apache uses laser, infrared and other high technology systems - like the Target Acquisition Designation Sight/Pilot Night Vision System - to find, track and attack armored and other targets.

Armed with 16 laser-guided precision Hellfire missiles, 76 70mm rockets, or combination of both, and a 30mm automatic cannon with up to 1200 rounds of high explosive dual purpose ammunition, the AH-64A was developed for the U.S. Army to help counter a numerical advantage in Warsaw Pact armored forces.

U.S. Army Apache helicopters played a key role in the 1989 action in Panama, where much of its activity was at night, when the AH-64's advanced sensors and sighting systems were effective against anti-government forces.

Apache helicopters also played a major role in the liberation of Kuwait, destroying vital early warning radar sites, an action that opened the U.N. coalition's battle plan. During Operation Desert Storm, AH-64As were credited with destroying more than 500 tanks plus hundreds of additional armored personnel carriers, trucks and other vehicles.

Apaches also demonstrated the ability to perform when called upon, logging thousands of combat hours at readiness rates in excess of 85 percent during the Gulf War. The AH-64A's advanced sensors and sighting systems proved effective in removing the cover of darkness from opposing forces.

AH-64A Apaches also have helped keep the peace in Bosnia and have been called into service in Albania by the U.S. Army.

The Army also has fielded combat-ready AH-64A units in the United States, Germany and in Korea, where they play a major role in achieving the U.S. Army's security missions.

Army National Guard units in North and South Carolina, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Utah and Idaho also fly Apache helicopters.

The Boeing Company delivered 937 AH-64A Apaches - 821 to the U.S. Army and 116 to international customers, including Egypt, Greece, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates - between 1984 and 1997.

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