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The Strider A-Class Award

Winners of the award

NeoStrider's Strider Zone

Doesn't exist anymore

The Blue Dragon: Among the Elite.

Strider Island Moralis

Welcome the Strider Army A-Class Award

The Strider Army A-Class Award is an award for excellence in a webpage. Whether it is design, graphics, content, or concept. It is meant to recognize what the Army believes is a quality webpage.

The A-Class Award can only be won if it is nominated by the President, the Vice President, or Directors The winner of the award will be notified by mail and the award will be mailed to him also.

The winners of the award will be linked on this page, if there is a site that has this award on their page and it is not linked, they will be asked to take the award off their page.

How do You get the Award?

Simple, e-mail Strider Army and nominate a site or yourself...we'll do the rest

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