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Q.E.D. Winter Guard



Our 2007 season started off strong, with 12 talented members, a show design we were excited about, and lots of energy from members and staff. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, late February found us with significantly fewer members, and not enough time left in the season to re-design the entire show for those remaining. The members were extremely disappointed, as was the staff, but we all recognized the huge task that faced the group, and one of the hardest decisions in my entire life was made, to end the season halfway through.

The end of a season is always a sad time, losing members to distant colleges or age-out, but it is usually offset with happy memories. The end of this season is more difficult to face, because it did not continue to its natural conclusion, and for those whose last year it was with us, I am deeply sorry. You deserved more. But keep in mind the happy memories we do have, and look forward to the times we will still spend together... as friends...

Deb Kress, director