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When the German exchange students came October 11-29, 1998

Me and my German exchange student, Matthias

Matthias and I at the welcoming party we had for the Germans

This is at the Hard Rock Cafe in Boston. All the Germans and their host partners spent a weekend in Boston. It's me, Matthias, Olli, and then Daniel. Olli and Daniel are also German.

Matthias grooming my horse, Poncho and then him riding the horse

Steffen... One of the Germans...taken on a school bus

Jan...Another German, also taken on the bus

Matthias in his cowboy hat he bought at the mall

All the Germans and Americans went to a Halloween party. Matthias dressed like a girl and was the center of attention at the party and I went as a fortune tell

Matthias in his superman shirt at the farewell party for the Germans

Brigget and her exchange student David and on bottom, Cindy and her exchange student Christian

Group shot of all of us at the farewell party...the Germans are sitting, the Americans standing behind their partners

The German teacher and the English teacher over in Germany(who both came over too), Mr. William's (my German teacher) and Tot's the clown (my friend's mom)at the farewell party

Matthias and I in my dinning room after the farewell party

Matthias, right before the Germans left

Group picture of everyone right before the Germans left


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