By Kelly

July 2001

A little over a year ago I had the pleasure of interviewing one of my favorite musicians and pals, Dokken's bassist, Jeff Pilson. At that time, Reb Beach was just becoming a fixture as Dokken's guitarist and Dokken had released "Erase the Slate" and were about to go on the road with Poison's "Power to the People" tour. A lot has changed since then! In chatting with Jeff in the time since the tour, I have been able to (barely) keep up with all of his plans. We've even kicked around the idea of writing a book someday about the Dokken experience!

In 2001, Jeff has been keeping extremely busy. So busy, in fact, that I had trouble keeping it all straight for this interview! But, this is the exact reason I wanted to do another interview with him, to help clear up all of the confusion fans may have regarding the current status of Dokken and all of Jeff's side projects. For the remainder of 2001, Jeff has his acting debut in the movie "Rockstar," the release of his new album with his side project, and so much more to look forward to! Read on!

Kelly: Jeff, you have so much going on it made me dizzy trying to sort it all out! How are you holding up? How do you keep everything straight? What keeps you focused?

Jeff: Lots of yoga!! Just hard work, stay healthy, be happy!

K: I’m going to get this out of the way right off because I am sure you are tired of talking about this. Reb Beach recently left Dokken and John Norum has been recruited to replace him. Reb has a very nice statement up on his site regarding his departure from Dokken, but I noticed he never does really say why he decided to leave. So my question for you is, what happened?

J: I'm not too comfortable speaking for Reb, but I think he just didn't feel right about recording another Dokken record. I know he wanted to tour with the band, but the recording process is excruciating with Dokken. I understand. But like I say, he's the best to answer that question. I know I'll miss him a lot!

K: John Norum was in Dokken once before. Are you pleased with the decision to bring him back? What can he add, musically, to Dokken (besides the guitar parts, of course!)?

J: He's a great player, and a hard worker, what more do you need? He plays real tight and gets a good sound. Very pro.

K: What is going on for the immediate future with Dokken?

J: Recording a new disc. Don wants to go out and do a few shows [to sustain everyone for the making of the disc], but I think it'd be smarter to record sooner than later.

K: Underground Moon is one of your new projects with your best friend, Tommy Henriksen. I only managed to download one song, Gray, before my MP3 player decided to die. But, I have to say I really love this song! Gray is sonically heavy and has a very sexy groove.

The Underground Moon site describes the sound as "the mixture of two diverse styles, Jeff’s sharp, clean, modern rock elements combined with Tommy’s sensual and intensely soulful sound, creating music which is simply magical." I couldn’t have said it better myself! Do you think Dokken fans will be surprised by the sound of Underground Moon? How do you think they might react?

J: They'll more than likely be surprised, I just hope positively! But even though it's so heavy, it's still very melodic. And Dokken fans have always been very song-oriented, and I think the songs are as strong as I've ever been involved with. And where I'd love to branch beyond just the Dokken fan base, I do think Dokken fans will get it. They just may be a little surprised at first.

K: Congratulations on finishing the (Underground Moon) album! I wish we could have come to your celebratory barbecue! It sounds like it was a blast! Did you do anything really wild to celebrate?

J: I jumped over the Hollywood sign naked! No, just celebrated with a lot of friends and industry people- groovin on the music baby!

K: Who plays what instruments for Underground Moon? What are your plans for this CD and the Underground Moon project as a whole? Will you tour?

J: Would love to tour- hopefully soon. As far as the instruments- that's a tough one! We go back and forth, sometimes from passage to passage! Whoever plays that particular part the best, no egos with Tommy and I. So the answer is, really, that we both play everything, you never really know who it is! As for plans, I just want this cd to reach as many people as possible. I'd love it if we were in a situation to be played on the radio, because judging by a lot of people's reactions, it's very current-radio friendly.

K: I picked up Tommy Henriksen’s solo CD yesterday. I am listening to it as I type and I have to say, it is SLAMMIN. He has one of the sexiest voices I have ever heard (not that yours is so shabby, of course!), and the music is just beautiful. He IS so soulful! I remember you telling me he should be a big star and I think you’re right, he should be! Will you be working on music with Tommy again in the future?

J: We're ALWAYS working on music together. We're partners in a new company called ZuZu Recordings Ltd., and we do several projects together, in many capacities [production, writing, etc.]. Right now we're recording Tommy's new project ZuZu Ltd., and that's coming out amazing. The music has an alternative heaviness, and a hip-hop feel that's so infectious. This one is gonna do big!

K: Let’s talk about War and Peace for a second. War and Peace is another of your side projects, and you just released a third CD "Light at the End of the Tunnel." Describe how this project differs from Underground Moon. How is this War and Peace CD different from the previous two?

J: W&P is what I call my "retrospective project". The music is much closer to Dokken than UM, and I think will be good to tide Dokken fans over til next year's Dokken cd. This W&P disc is definitely heavier and a bit more experimental than the last two.

K: Your War and Peace song "Cast the Stone" is so reminiscent of Queen, I believe I saw Freddie Mercury for a second when I listened to it! The harmonies on that song are just great, much like in Dokken. Are you a big Queen fan?

J: Yes, a huge Queen fan! In fact I'd go so far as saying the song is practically a tribute to Queen! That's what I mean by experimental. A few years ago no one would let me do a song like that- but these days anything goes. I love that!

K: Moving right along, let's discuss the movie. Is the movie you are in with Jennifer Aniston and Mark Wahlberg, now titled Rockstar, still coming to a theater near us all this fall? What promotional work do you have planned in connection with the movie? Should we set our VCRs? :o)

J: Yes, it comes out Sept. 13. And we're just now talking about promotional activities.There's talk of me doing a 30 city radio station tour to promote- that sounds fun to me! But we'll see...

K: In your recent interview on KNAC, you stated you never acted "professionally" before this movie. Did you act at all before, maybe plays in school? Was Jeff Pilson the tree in his third grade play? If so, can we see some pictures? :o)

J: No pictures [that I'm aware of], but yes, I was Scrooge in the 6th grade X-mas play- stuff like that. But nothing where I got paid!

K: Do you have any good stories from the movie set?

J: Off the top of my head, the funniest thing I remember was the day we had everyone on stage break into full-on dancing as a Marky-Mark tune came gushing from the pa! Pretty funny stuff, although probably not to Mark [ just kidding- he's a great sport]!

K: You did some work for the VH1 movie, "Hysteria" which is the story of Def Leppard. Your web site says you were the music behind the actor who plays Rick Savage, and directs us to the VH1 site for more information, but there is not much there to say what part you helped on. What exactly did you do for this project?

J: No, I just played bass as a studio musician for the music segments. And that was only when they didn't use the original recordings, mostly for scenes from live stuff, etc.

K: Have you seen VH1's new reality series, Bands on the Run, at all this season? If so, what did you think? I am absolutely in love with those adorable skanks, Flickerstick! They are an intense band!

J: Yes of course, but I wouldn't say I have any favorites, etc. But I sure wish they had those shows when I was younger! Great stuff.

K: Do you see VH1 doing a Dokken: Behind the Music, maybe next year when a new Dokken album comes out? I think you have a great story to tell!

J: So do I!! We'll see, there's been talk about it, but no follow-through.

K: Last year you left us with a hilarious Dokken story from the 80s (regarding a piano and alcohol). Any more good stories up your sleeve?

J: Millions, but I think they'll have to wait til the book we do together someday!

K: Best of luck with all of your projects! Don’t forget to thank me when you win your Oscar and Grammies!

J: You got it Kel! Take care, we'll talk soon


Where Do I Go From Here?

Back to Metal and Madness!
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Read my 2000 interview with Jeff!
See my personal Dokken photos!