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Edgefield County, South Carolina

Will Book D Index

Volume One 1836-1853

This is only an Index to the Will books.Volume Two can be reached through the link at the bottom of this page. I have no other information on the Wills themselves.These records come from microfilm I ordered through Heritage Quest. I have done my best to be as exact as possible but i'm am human and do make mistakes on occasion.If you would like to obtain a copy of the Wills write to: South Carolina Department of Archives and History 8301 Parklane Road Columbia, South Carolina 29223-4905 E-Mail Lesley Thanks and come again soon.

These pages maintained by Lesley Prey and last updated Nov. 2006

William Adams Sr. 227 1 14
Allen Anderson Jr. 245 1 13
John Bailey 271 49 2090
Amos Banks 239 48 2048
Jessie Bettis 75 6 185
John H. Black 169 48 2049
Pressley Bland 125 3 76
Nathan Bedie 196 28 2045
Elizabeth Bolger 11 3 71
James Bones 214 48 2038
Daniel Brunson Sr. 250 48 2042
John Burgess 69 6 188
Armstead Burt 129 3 78
Allen Y. Burton 137 3 65
John B. Bush 300 48 2040
Issac Bush 6 2 58
William Bush 52 2 69
William M. Butler 121 6 184
William Carson 213 48 2059
William H. Cary 17 8 273
John Cheatham 221 48 2071
Jesse Christian 118 34 1278
Susanah Christie 264 48 3060
Henry Clark 144 8 271
Noah Cloud 78 will not in file  
Thomas A. Cobb 163 34 1280
Robert Cochran 110 8 269
Hannah Coghburn 37 8 266
Mathew Coleman 146 8 256
Hillary Collier 180 48 2052
Joicy Culpepper 156 34 1279
Sarah Cunningham 254 48 2053
Charles H. Dagnel 296 37 1494
Mary Dalton 164 37 1403
James C. Dawson 140 36 1367
Thomas Dean 135 37 1402
Mary L. Dunton 175 36 1266
William Ferguson 33 56 2339
William Flin Jr. 46 11 375
William Fortner Sr. 273 49 2078
John Fox 39 11 374
Edward Garrett 20 16 583
Elizabeth Garrett 287 49 2081
William J. Glover 231 52 1297
James Goggins 277 52 22?3
John J. Gray 283 49 2980
John Griffie 94 16 558
William Hagan 25 13 458
William Hamilton 25 13 458
Charles Hammond Sr. 29 40 1569
John Hampton 289 56 2226
Richard Hampton 148 39 ????
John Harrison 279 29 ????
Benjamin Hatcher 78 will not in file  
Lacey Hatcher 111 18 428
Druey Hearn 156 39 1517
John Hollingsworth 202 49 2095
Caleb Holloway 151 49 2096
William Holloway 76 12 487
Esther Howls 243 49 2087
William Howls Sr. 297 53 2210
Gideon H. Hull 170 39 1521
Jesse Jay 47 15 543
William Jennings 236 59 2119
William S. Johnson 198 50 2118
Richard Jones 81 15 546
John Key 210 59 2122
Reuben Landrum 259 50 2124
Ann Leavenworth 61 18 632
Richard Lewis 80 17 617
Benjamin Lindsay 191 59 2125
William Little 49 55 2294
Nicholas Lowe 258 59 2123
John Lyon 178 50 2129
William Marlow 93 42 1747
Sarah Martin 299 53 2821
Sussanah Mathews 122 20 732
Roger McKinnie 261 56 2396
B. Mims 23 26 722
Green B. Mitchel 198 50 2126
Daniel A. Mitchell 195 ? ?
Rachel Mofs 298 will not in file  
Creswell Moore 183 42 1755
Evan Morgan 8 20 730
Joseph Morris Sr. 150 20 726
Casper Nail 224 91 3642
Robert Newton 228 133 5493
Ingram Nunn 105 43 1790
Joseph Phillips 127 23 842
Andrew Pickens 94 44 1830
George Pope 202 90 3632
Daniel Prince 272 90 3633
Thomas Rainsford 65 25 912
James Ramage 35 25 910
Peter Rampy 266 51 2172
Thomas Reynolds Sr. 190 51 2161
David Richardson 293 51 2173
Jefferson Richardson 1 25 915
William Robertson 175 51 2171
William Robertson Sr. 233 51 2174
Daniel Rogers 274 51 2160
Benjamin Roper 200 51 2175
Gaines F. Rushton 280 will not in file  
Thomas Scurry Sr. 54 26 941
Thomas Scurry Jr. 229 will not in file  
Daniel Self 14 26 946
Jeptha Sharpton 100 26 944
George Sigler 241 will not in file  
Eliza H. Simkins 56 26 952
James M. Smith 68 45 1994
James Smyley 96 27 965
Elisabeth Spann 256 will not in file  
John Sullivan 123 26 945
Pressley G. Sullivan 10 27 957
Vann Swearingan 5 27 959
John Taylor 219 51 2154
Henry Tate 27 46 1959
Anna Marie Terry 285 50 2132
Jonathan Tillman 156 30 1069
Augustas M. Tomkins 257 56 2322
Martha Tucker 153 28 1007
John E. Turner 276 51 2151
Robert Turner 248 51 2153
Isaac Vann 217 46 1970
Beaufort A. Wallace 186 52 2195
Charles Warren 142 32 1139
Richard Watkins 74 32 1136
Elijah Watkins Sr. 183 52 2189
Robert Watts 115 32 1134
Jonathan Wever 173 52 2194
Fereby Whatley 268 51 2148
Daniel Wheeler Sr. 291 52 2204
Blumer(?) White 131 32 1123
Winfrey Whitlock 114 50 2462
Roger M. Williams 22 32 1143
Rachael Wise 215 52 2193
Sarah Wise 67 32 1341
Gilson Yarbrough 107 32 1159
Martin Yen 161 32 1169
Mary Youngblood 228 32 1165

Edgefield Co. South Carolina Wills Volume Two

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