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LD Codes

Warning:Tomb Raider 1 & 2 are such great games ,cheating ruins the game!but if you cant handle it here they are(default controls) PSX: Tomb Raider: All Guns:L1,Triangle,R2,L2,L2,R2,Circle,L1 Level Skip:L2,R2,L1,Circle,Triangle,L1,R2,L2 To do these codes pull up the inventory screen PSX: Tomb Raider2: All Weapons:Sidestep left,sidestep right,sidestepleft,step backwards then forwards,turn around 3 times,then jump backwards and roll Level Skip:Sidestepleft,sidestepright,sidestepleft,step backwards then forwards,turn around 3 times,then jump forward and roll Do the following instructions in gameplay to make the codes work......... I do not have PC codes,so please send them to me and i will put them here
