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White Wolf & Train. -A little background:

Hi !! My name is Connie.....(AKA Whitewolf)......I was born and raised in Wisconsin..... I am Amy and Chef Don's daughter, and very proud that I am !!! :)))) I have lived in Florida for 2 years now, with the love of my life, who I met in this newsgroup !! :)))) It doesn't get any better than this !!!

Amy & Chef Don! When asked, Amy offered this:

I am Amy (Donna) from Wisconsin. I am one of the original residents of Webville, invited here by _cat_. Have been on the web for almost four years now, and am still using my original classic. Have worn out a keyboard, though. I am Whitewolf's mother, have two grown daughters, 6 grandsons, one great grandson, and a surprise on the way. Chef Don and I run a little gift shop out of 130 year old former tavern-dance hall. We love to travel, and do our buying for the shop mostly in the Southwest.

At last, a pic of Cat & Gonzo! Cat is one of those people you just love to have fun with. She sure keeps you on your toes! Unfortuntely, building a website does not interest her.

Sherry offers this information about herself:

Hi, I am Sherry and I live in western Michigan. I have an 18 year old daughter named Kerry. :-) I love to read, some of my favorites are Dean Koontz, Anne Rice, and Patricia Cornwell. I love music and dancing. I am also a psychic...   :-)) To visit her site, click here.

(author's note: Sherry has become my "soul sister". I treasure her friendship.

Debra & Jim, who met in Webville and are the proud parents of Jonathan. Jim surprised Debra with a marriage proposal on her birthday, December 6, 2001.

All of Webville wish them many years of happiness.To visit their sites, "click here"

This is Bobby & Jeanette & family, from Tampa, Florida. (aka "TripleBars")Top, L to R, Bobby, Jr, Greg & Bill. Middle, Teresa, Brigid & Jeanette. Bottom, Josh, Bobby & Kayla.

Jeanette adds this note:

I'm Jeanette from Tampa,married to Bobby,3 sons,2 dil,one 15 yr old gs and one 11 yr old gd..We are retired and loving it..Love to read,travel and play slots.. Been on webtv since 7-98...Webville was the first NG I posted in... Great to see it growing again...

(author's note: Great looking family Jeanette)

"LW", quite a handsome dude and a longtime Webville resident & hubby of "Miss Sarah" (who still is anonymous picture wise) "L"

This is me, Diana, aka "Dolphin's Dream. I live upstate in Highland, NY. I've been married to "Deep Diver", Paul, for 16 years. We have 3 grown children, each with 2 children of their own. I'm a retired accountant/event coorinator. I've been on this "LBB" since it first came out. My interests are in music - all kinds except heavy metal & rap. family, travel, "LBB", scuba, all things to do with water. The photo was taken on our vacation to Negril, this year. (5/01) To visit my midi site, "click here"

Sharon, aka "Blondie" has this to say:

I am Sharon, married to Grant for 37 years. I drove School bus for 20 years and retired this last June..... I am now painting on the school dist. paint crew... I have one daughter and 4 Grandchildren, and I have been told that I am going to be a Great Grandmother by my almost 20 year old Granddaughter....... I live in Bend, Oregon, which is in the central part of the state..... I have had my PM plus unit since I started 3 years ago,but this is my second key board . I have been in and out of Webville for most of those three years. along with a couple of other ngs......
(Hey Blondie, What cha drinking?)

Our newest citizen, @llen and his lovely wife, Bonnye. When asked to say a little about himself & his family, @llen offered the following as a way of introduction:

"We live near Pascagoula MS -- Retired USAF in '77 -- retired from civilian life in '87 -- I have 2 daughters and 6 grands and Bonnye has 4 sons (all single) so we share the grands I have -- we've been married for 9 years -- my hobbys are webtv and relaxing at our camp on an island in the middle of the Pascagoula River and Bonnye cans a lot of jams, jellies, a few veggies and makes a lot of her clothes (and does some for gifts)"

Meet †Michael†. All Webville regulars need no introductions as he has been a long time, respected citizen. †Michael† is a single, non-smoking, Scorpio, who hails from Huntington, West Virginia. You may want to visit his web site to learn more about him.

Meet Mark - (D.W.B aka railbird aka Uncle Marky)I live near the capital of NY, Albany. 5'8" or so, 200#s, blue eyes, brown hair (almost bald), gray short beard with mustache. Play on the worlds largest ameteur pool players league called the APA- American Poolplayers Association. You can learn more about me here.

"Glo" and her family. Steve, top. Max middle left. Right, "Glo". Brad, bottom left and bottom right, is Sam.

"Glo" is the daughter of Amy & Chef Don and the sister of "Whitewolf".

The two photos above, are of Barbara, aka "Pokey" & Bill, aka "Unk".
This lovely couple have been happily married for over 40 years.
"Unk" is usually the one in control of the keyboard, but does on occasion, graciously share it with "Pokey"

Please Webville citizens, send me your picture so I can get them added.

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