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Da White Guy's Website... Corny...


November 17, 2004

OK... Well, this week didn't start the best. Karissa and I broke up after everything just finally fell through on Monday (RIGHT AFTER HOMECOMING!), but luckily we're still friends. We lasted 2 months and 5 days together, so it wasn't that bad. I'm just having to get over her now... Ah well, I'll just have to see what happens now and focus on the future. Oh, and in case anyone has tried to access my station, its been temporarily shut down until further notice, or really until our DSL is fixed since its been going on and off the past few weeks and being a... well, we dont need to go there. Oh, but on a lighter note, my first ComedySportz game of the year is tomorrow, which I'm looking forward to, since we're playing a kick-ass team. Other than that, I'm out!

Oh, and I got my grades! They we're pretty good....

October 8, 2004

Well, sorry people that I havnt done anything on here for a lonnnng ass time.... Been kinda busy with school and relationships and stuff... Speaking about relationships, I am now going out with Karissa! W00T W00T! Anyhow, its been about a month now, and, I've been happy as hell because of it. Well, anyway, I'm also taking World History, Biology, and French 1 this semester, but thats for another day... Well, anyway people, I'm out, and I'm going to change some stuff on the site, so, enjoy!

Oh... and if you do go to Verdugo... Join Filmmaking Club!

July 31, 2004

What up y'all? Well, nuttin much over here, just sittin' around here bored. I'm adding pictures today/tomorrow onto the website, and need ideas on other stuff I should add. If you guys have any good ideas, email me!


July 25, 2004

Hey there everyone! I know its been forever since I've updated my website, and hopefully for the rest of this summer I'll have more time to, seeing that we're nearly moved out. Anyhow, I updated the pictures on the website and other verious items, so enjoy and dont eat up all my bandwidth! L8terz!

Later that day....

Forgot to mention to y'all.... I'm gonna start up my old-ass computer support work that I did before, soif any of y'all have a problem with your computer, email me!

Pictures of me and my friends

A stupid remake of a Dutch commercial I redubbed.

Some actually damn good websites (They're rare on the internet...)

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