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Canterbury Choral Society

1st Season 1952-1953

11-23-52 Palestrina - Missa Brevis

11-23-52 Rameau - Quam Dilecta Tabernacula (1st U.S. performance)

12-21-52 Handel - Messiah (Part 1)

04-26-53 Mozart - Requiem

2nd Season 1953-1954

10-18-53 Buxtehude - Cantate Domino

10-18-53 Buxtehude - Sicut Moses

10-18-53 Purcell - Saul and the Witch of Endor

10-18-53 Schuetz - Der Herr is Mein Licht

11-18-53 Handel - Organ Concerto No. 6 in B flat Major

11-22-53 Bach, J.S. - Cantata 158, Der Friede Sei Mit Dir

11-22-53 Bach, J.S. - Cantata 202, Weichet nur, betrubte Scha

11-22-53 Bach, J.S. - Cantata 37, Wer da glaubet

12-10-53 Bach, J.S. - Magnificat

12-10-53 Palestrina - Missa Brevis (2)

03-21-54 Faure - Requiem

03-21-54 Langlais - Missa In Simplicitate (1st U.S. Performance)

3rd Season 1954-1955

11-07-54 Vaughan Williams - The Hundreth Psalm

11-07-54 Vaughan Williams - O Clap Your Hands

11-07-54 Vaughan Williams - Five Mystical Songs

11-07-54 Vaughan Williams - Toward the Unknown Region

11-07-54 Vaughan Williams - Festival Te Deum

12-19-54 Handel - Messiah (Part I) (3)

12-19-54 Buxtehude - Magnificat Anima Mea

03-13-55 Brahms - A German Requiem

05-15-55 Haydn - Lord Nelson Mass

4th Season 1955-1956

11-06-55 Mozart - Great Mass in C Minor

12-18-55 Bach, J.S. - Cantata 140, Wachet auf

12-18-55 Bach, J.S. - Magnificat (2)

02-26-56 Langlais - Missa Salve Regina (1st U.S. Performance)

02-26-56 Gabrieli - In Ecclesiis

02-26-56 Gabrieli - Benedictus

02-26-56 Gabrieli - O Jesu Mi Dulcissime

02-26-56 Gabrieli - Jubilate Deo

04-29-56 Mozart - Requiem (2)

5th Season 1956-1957

11-05-56 Honegger - King David

12-23-56 Handel - Messiah (Part I) (4)

12-23-56 Vivaldi - Gloria

04-19-57 Bach, J.S. - St. Matthew Passion

6th Season 1957-1958

11-24-57 Kodaly - Te Deum

11-24-57 Schuetz - Herzlich Lieb hab' Ich Dich

11-24-57 Schuetz - The Annunciation

11-24-57 Buxtehude - Jesu meine Freude

11-24-57 Worgan - The Spacious Firmament

11-24-57 Schein - Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland

12-22-57 Holst - The Coming of Christ

01-26-58 Beethoven - Equali for All Saints Day

01-26-58 Dufay - Magnificat in the Eighth Mode

01-26-58 Dufay - Gloria "Ad Modum Tubae"

01-26-58 Bach, J.S. - Cantata 118, O Jesu Christ

01-26-58 Senfl - Ewiger Gott

01-26-58 Purcell - Music for Queen Mary II

01-26-58 Willaert - O Salutaris Hostia

01-26-58 Bowman - Festival Te Deum (1st U.S. Performance)

01-26-58 Schuetz - Sehet an den Feigenbaum

01-26-58 Schuetz - Fili Mi, Absalon

02-16-58 Handel - Samson

03-30-58 Carissimi - Jephte

03-30-58 Schuetz - The Seven Last Words

04-27-58 Brahms - A German Requiem

7th Season 1958-1959

11-02-58 Vaughan Williams - The Hundreth Psalm (2)

11-02-58 Vaughan Williams - Five Mystical Songs (2)

11-02-58 Vaughan Williams - Benedicite (2)

11-02-58 Vaughan Williams - Festival Te Deum (2)

12-21-58 Bach, J.S. - Cantata 140, Wachet auf (2)

12-21-58 Bach, J.S. - Magnificat (3)

03-08-59 Handel - Samson (2)

8th Season 1959-1960

11-01-59 Verdi - Requiem

12-20-59 Handel - Messiah (5)

12-20-59 Bach, J.S. - Cantata 51, Jauchzet Gott

02-28-60 Honegger - King David (2)

05-08-60 Haydn - The Creation

9th Season 1960-1961

10-30-60 Palestrina - Missa Papae Marcelli

10-30-60 Langlais - Missa Salve Regina (2)

12-18-60 Charpentier - Messe de Minuit

12-18-60 Vivaldi - Gloria (2)

04-30-61 Bach, J.S. -- Mass in B Minor

10th Season 1961-1962

11-05-61 Coke-Jephcott - Variants for "St. Anne"

11-05-61 Bach, J.S. - Cantata 29, "Wir Danken Dir, Gott"

11-05-61 Handel - Organ Concerto No.5 in F Major

11-05-61 Hanson - The Cherubic Hymn

11-05-61 Piston - Prelude and Allegro (Organ & Strings)

11-05-61 Vaughan Williams - Festival Te Deum (3)

12-17-61 Bach, J.S. -- Christmas Oratorio

02-18-62 Britten - Rejoice in the Lamb

02-18-62 Kodaly - Missa Brevis

03-18-62 Satie - Messe des Pauvres

04-15-62 Mozart - Requiem (3)

11th Season 1962-1963

11-04-62 Bloch - Sacred Service

12-16-62 Scheutz - The Christmas Story

12-16-62 Buxtehude - In Dulci Jubilo

12-16-62 Buxtehude - The Infant Jesus

03-31-63 Bach, J.S. -- St. Matthew Passion

12th Season 1963-1964

10-27-63 Mozart - Great mass in C Minor (2)

12-22-63 Britten - A Ceremony of Carols

12-22-63 Vaughan Williams (arr.) - Sussex Carol

12-22-63 Praetorius - Lo, How a Rose e'r Blooming

12-22-63 Walther - Joseph, lieber Joseph mein

12-22-63 Costeley - Allon, Gay Bergeres

12-22-63 Willan - The Three Kings

12-22-63 Victoria - O Magnum Mysterium

02-23-64 Vaughan Williams - Mass in G Minor

02-23-64 Vaughan Williams - Old Hundreth Psalm Tune

02-23-64 Gabrieli - In Eclesiis (2)

02-23-64 Langlais - Psaume Solennel, No.1 (1st Public Performance)

04-26-64 Brahms - A German Requiem (4)

13th Season 1964-1965

10-25-64 Hindemith - Apparebit Repentina Dies

10-25-64 Britten - Hymn to St. Cecilia

10-25-64 Holst - The Hymn of Jesus

12-20-64 Mozart - Regina Coeli

12-20-64 Mozart - Exultate, Jubilate

12-20-64 Mozart - Vesperae Solennes de Confessore, K339

04-11-65 Bach, J.S. -- St John Passion

14th Season 1965-1966

10-31-65 Handel - Solomon

12-19-65 Britten - Saint Nicholas

12-19-65 Bach, J.S. - Cantata 191 (2)

03-27-66 Verdi - Requiem (2)

15th Season 1966-1967

04-29-57 Cherubini - Requiem

12-18-66 Charpentier - Messe de Minuit (2)

12-18-66 Charpentier - Te Deum

03-12-67 Gabrieli - Jubilate Deo (2)

03-12-67 Langlais - Psaume Solennel, No.1 (2)

05-05-67 Handel - Samson (3) (Philharmonic Hall)

16th Season 1967-1968

10-29-67 Durufle - Requiem

12-17-67 Copland - In the Beginning

12-17-67 Bach, J.S. - Magnificat (4)

12-17-67 Poulenc - Concerto for Organ, Strings and Timpani

02-16-68 Haydn - Missa in Tempore Belli "Paukenmesse"

05-05-68 Berlioz - Te Deum (Cathedral of St. John the Divine)

17th Season 1968-1969

10-27-68 Dvorak - Stabat Mater

12-15-68 Bach, J.S. - Cantata 140, Wachet auf (3)

12-15-68 White - Rejoice, Emmanuel Shall Come

04-27-69 Gregorian Chant - Te Deum

04-27-69 Haydn - Te Deum

04-27-69 Verdi - Te Deum

04-27-69 Kodaly - Te Deum (2)

18th Season 1969-1970

10-26-69 Hadyn - The Creation (2)

12-14-69 Poulenc - Gloria

12-14-69 Starer - Ariel

12-14-69 Brahms - Geistliches Wiegenlied

04-26-70 Brahms - A German Requiem (5)

04-26-70 Brahms - Alto Rhapsody

19th Season 1970-1971

11-01-70 Honegger - King David (3)

12-10-70 Handel - Messiah (Part I) (6)

12-10-70 Vaughan Williams - Fantasia on "Old 104th"

05-02-71 Bach, J.S. - Mass in B Minor (2)

20th Season 1971-1972

10-31-71 Palestrina -- Missa Brevis (3)

10-31-71 Purcell - Te Deum

10-31-71 Purcell - Jubilate

12-19-71 Mozart - Coronation Mass. K317

12-19-71 Mozart - Ave Verum Corpus, K618

12-19-71 Mozart - Exultate, Jubilate, K165

12-19-71 Mozart - "Epistle" Sonatas (Organ and Strings)

05-05-72 Berlioz - Te Deum (2) (Philharmonic Hall)

05-05-72 Britten - St. Nicholas (2) (Philharmonic Hall)

21st Season 1972-1973

10-29-72 Gabrieli - In Eclesiis (3)

10-29-72 Schuetz - Sehet an den Feigenbaum (2)

10-29-72 Purcell - Music for Queen Mary II (2)

10-29-72 Kodaly - Missa Brevis (2)

10-29-72 Langlais - Psaume Solennel No. 3

12-17-72 Vaughan Williams - Hodie

05-06-73 Mendelssohn - Elijah

22nd Season 1973-1974

10-28-73 Rorem - A Sermon on Miracles

10-28-73 Pinkham - Three Lenten Poems of Richard Crashaw

10-28-73 Messaien - O Sacrum Convivium

10-28-73 Durufle - Requiem (2)

02-03-74 Mozart - Great Mass in C Minor (3)

04-07-74 Bach, J.S. - St. John Passion (2)

23rd Season 1974-1975

11-10-74 Haydn - The Seasons

02-09-75 Verdi - Quattro Pezzi Sacri

02-09-75 Britten - A Ceremony of Carols (2)

05-04-75 Stravinsky - Symphonie des Psaumes

05-04-75 Poulenc - Gloria (2)

24th Season 1975-1976

11-09-75 Mahler - Eighth Symphony (Part I)

11-09-75 Mahler - Kindertotenlieder

01-25-76 Parker - Hora Novissima

03-14-76 Britten - Noye's Fludde

04-16-76 Bach, J.S. - St. Matthew Passion (3)

25th Season 1976-1977

11-11-76 Kodaly - Psalmus Hungaricus

11-07-76 Barber - Toccata Festiva (Organ and Strings) (2)

02-06-77 Brahms - A German Requiem (6)

02-06-77 Piston - Prelude and Allegro (Organ and Strings) (2)

05-08-77 Handel - Messiah (Complete)

05-08-77 Handel - Organ Concerto No. 13 in F Major

26th Season 1977-1978

11-11-77 Mahler - Eighth Symphony (Avery Fisher Hall)

02-05-78 Honegger - King David (4)

04-30-78 Britten -- Hymn to St. Cecilia (2)

04-30-78 Britten - Rejoice in the Lamb (2)

04-30-78 Vaughan Williams - Mass in G Minor (2)

27th Season 1978-1979

11-05-78 Verdi - Requiem (3)

02-11-79 Debussy - Le Martyre de Saint Sebastien

05-06-79 Schubert - Mass in E Flat

28th Season 1979-1980

10-28-79 Handel - Saul

02-10-80 Faure - Requiem (3)

02-10-80 Poulenc - Mass in G

04-19-80 Britten - Noye's Fludde (2)

29th Season 1980-1981

11-05-80 Loewe - Die Sieben Schlafer (Alice Tully Hall)

12-21-80 Handel - Messiah Sing-Along

02-08-81 Walton - Belshazzar's Feast

02-08-81 Vaughan Williams - Five Mystical Songs (3)

04-17-81 Bach, J.S. - St. John Passion (3)

30th Season 1981-1982

11-08-81 Bach, J.S. - Mass in B Minor (3)

12-20-81 Handel - Messiah Sing-Along (2)

02-07-82 Janacek - Slavonic Mass

02-07-82 Brahms - Alto Rhapsody (2)

05-09-82 Brahms - A German Requiem (7)

05-09-82 Debussy - La Demoiselle Elue

31st Season 1982-1983

10-30-82 Mahler - Eighth Symphony (Avery Fisher Hall) (2)

12-19-82 Handel - Messiah Sing-Along (3)

02-13-83 Rossini - Petite Messe Solennelle

05-01-83 Bloch - Sacred Service (2)

32nd Season 1983-1984

11-06-83 Beethoven - Mass in C

11-06-83 Beethoven - Elegisches Gesang

12-18-83 Handel - Messiah Sing-Along (4)

02-05-84 Haydn - The Seasons (2)

04-15-84 Bach, J.S. - St. Matthew Passion (4)

33rd Season 1984-1985

11-04-84 Bach, J.S. - Magnificat (5)

11-04-84 Palestrina - Missa Brevis (4)

12-23-84 Handel - Messiah Sing-Along (5)

02-10-85 Handel - Belshazzar

05-05-85 Honegger - Joan of Arc at the Stake

34th Season 1985-1986

11-03-85 Gabrieli - In Ecclesiis (4)

11-03-85 Purcell - Music for Queen Mary II (3)

11-03-85 Schuetz - Die mit Tranen saen

11-03-85 Bach, J.S. - Cantata 118, O Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht (2)

11-03-85 Beethoven - Equali for All Souls' Day (2)

11-03-85 Bruckner - Ecce Sacerdos

11-03-85 Strauss - Feierlichen Einzug

11-03-85 Langlais - Missa Salve Regina (3)

11-03-85 Hoiby - The Lord is King

12-14-85 Handel -- Messiah Sing-Along (6)

02-09-86 Dvorak - Requiem

05-04-86 Bach, J.S. - Mass in B Minor (4)

35th Season 1986-1987

11-09-86 Handel -- Dettingen Te Deum

11-09-86 Schubert - Mass in G

12-14-86 Handel - Messiah Sing-Along (7)

02-08-87 Mozart - Great Mass in C Minor (4)

05-11-87 Mahler - Eighth Symphony (Carnegie Hall) (3)

36th Season 1987-1988

11-15-87 Vaughan Williams - Serenade to Music

11-15-87 Vaughan Williams - The Hundreth Psalm (3)

11-15-87 Vaughan Williams - Dona Nobis Pacem

12-20-87 Handel - Messiah Sing-Along (8)

02-06-88 Verdi - Requiem (4)

05-08-88 Haydn - The Creation (3)

37th Season 1988-1989

11-13-88 Brahms - A German Requiem (8)

11-13-88 Brahms - Alto Rhapsody (3)

12-11-88 Handel - Messiah Sing-Along (9)

02-11-89 Handel -- Israel in Egypt

05-14-89 Stravinsky - Symphony of Psalms (2)

05-14-89 Poulenc - Gloria (3)

05-14-89 Poulenc - Concerto for Organ, Strings and Timpani (2)

38th Season 1989-1990

11-12-89 Mendelssohn - Elijah (2)

12-20-89 Handel - Messiah Sing-Along (10)

02-11-90 Bach, J.S. - St. John Passion (4)

05-06-90 Copland - In the Beginning (2)

05-06-90 Durufle - Requiem (3)

39th Season 1990-1991

11-11-90 Palestrina - Missa Papae Marcelli (2)

11-11-90 Haydn - Lord Nelson Mass (3)

12-19-90 Handel - Messiah Sing-Along (11)

02-10-91 Kodaly - Missa Brevis (3)

02-10-91 Britten - Rejoice in the Lamb (3)

05-12-91 Faure - Requiem (4)

05-12-91 Verdi - Quattro Pezzi Sacri (2)

40th Season 1991-1992

11-11-91 Mozart - Litany in B flat. K125

11-11-91 Mozart - "Epistle" Sonatas for Organ and Strings (2)

11-11-91 Haydn - Mass in Time of War "Paukenmesse" (2)

02-09-92 Britten - Saint Nicholas (3)

02-09-92 Vaughan Williams - Benedicite (2)

05-10-92 Bach, J.S. - St. Matthew Passion (5)

41st Season 1992-1993

11-03-92 Mahler -- Eighth Symphony (Carnegie Hall) (4)

02-07-93 Bach, J.S. - Magnificat (6)

02-07-93 Bach, J.S. - Cantata 146, Wir Mussen durch viel Trubsal

02-07-93 Palestrina - Missa Brevis (5)

05-10-93 Haydn - The Seasons (3)

42nd Season 1993-1994

11-14-93 Brahms - A German Requiem (9)

11-14-93 Brahms - Alto Rhapsody (4)

02-06-94 Thompson - The Peaceable Kingdom

02-06-94 Various Composers - A Celebration of Alleluias

04-26-94 Handel - Judas Maccabaeus

43rd Season 1994-1995

11-06-94 Mozart - Vesperae Solennes de Confessore, K339 (2)

11-06-94 Beethoven - Mass in C (2)

12-15-94 Handel - Messiah Sing-Along (12)

04-30-95 Bernstein - Chichester Psalms

04-30-95 Hoiby - Psalm 92 (2)

04-30-95 Langlais - Psaume Solonnel No. 1 (3)

04-30-95 Vaughan Williams - Old Hundreth Psalm Tune (2)

44th Season 1995-1996

12-03-95 Bach, J.S. - Christmas Oratorio (2)

12-18-95 Handel - Messiah Sing-Along (13)

03-03-96 Mozart - Great Mass in C Minor (5)

05-19-96 Vaughan Williams - Five Mystical Songs (4)

05-19-96 Walton - Belshazzar's Feast (2)

45th Season 1996-1997

11-04-96 Mendelssohn - Elijah (3)

12-18-96 Handel - Messiah Sing-Along (14)

03-02-97 Honegger - King David (5)

05-18-97 Handel - Samson (4)

46th Season 1997-1998

11-04-97 Mahler - Eighth Symphony (Carnegie Hall) (5)

12-09-97 Handel - Messiah Sing-Along (15)

02-22-98 Bruckner - Locus Iste

02-22-98 Bruckner - Virga Jesse

02-22-98 Bruckner - Ave Maria

02-22-98 Schubert - Mass in A Flat Major

05-17-98 Haydn - "Maria Teresa" Te Deum

05-17-98 Mozart - Coronation Mass, K317

05-17-98 Mozart - "Epistle" Sonatas for Organ and Strings (3)

05-17-98 Mozart - Exultate, Jubilate, K165 (3)

47th Season 1998-1999

11-08-98 Anon. - Alleluia Psallat

11-08-98 Bach, J.S. - Cantata 118, Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht

11-08-98 Bingham - Concerto for Organ, Brass & Snare Drum

11-08-98 Bruckner - Locus Iste (2)

11-08-98 Dufay - Gloria "Ad Modum Tubae" (2)

11-08-98 Gabrieli - In Eclesiis (5)

11-08-98 Gregorian Chant - Locus Iste

11-08-98 Purcell - Music for Queen Mary II (4)

11-08-98 Satie - Messe des Pauvres (2)

11-08-98 Schuetz - Sehet an den Feigenbaum (3)

12-15-98 Handel - Messiah Sing-Along (16)

02-28-99 Bach, J.S. - St. John Passion (5)

05-16-99 Verdi - Requiem (5)

48th Season 1999-2000

11-14-99 Bach, J.S. - Cantata 140, Wachet Auf (4)

11-14-99 Donizetti - Messa Gloria e Credo

12-13-99 Handel - Messiah Sing-Along (17)

02-27-00 Handel - Saul (2)

05-07-00 Dvorak - Te Deum

05-07-00 Poulenc - Gloria (4)

49th Season 2000-2001

11-12-00 Stravinsky - Mass for Mixed Chorus and Double Wind Quartet

11-12-00 Poulenc - Quatre Motets pour le temps de Noel

11-12-00 Messaien - Motet: O Sacrum Convivium

11-12-00 Durufle - Ubi Caritas

11-12-00 Langlais - Missa Salve Regina (4)

12-12-00 Handel - Messiah Sing-Along (18)

02-25-01 Brahms - A German Requiem (10)

05-06-01 Haydn - The Creation (4)