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Yolanda and Family

Yolanda 34, Leo is 31 and Alex is 12. We live in a suburb of Atlanta GA.

I work for a telecommunications software company. I am a Senior Software Test Engineer. I help to design and test telecommunications software that is used for cellular and long distance rating and billing. My focus is on the financial and accounting areas of the product. Basically I ensure that all of the accounting journals created by the system are correct so that companies can track profits, expenses, etc accurately. I also serve as a project manager during the testing of specific releases by ensuring that all work is done thoroughy and on time. I have worked in the software industry for 12 years now, but this is the first company I worked for that was focused on telecommunications. All of my other positions were in Accounting software. I am a beancounter and I love numbers and math!

Oddly enough I didn't major in computer science or math. I earned my college degree in Social Work. I worked as a Social Worker and did everything from counseling juvenile delinquents in a detention center, working with low income families at a non-profit agency and counseling women and girls with unwanted pregnancies at a womens clinic. When I was in college, I majored in Social Work because I wanted to save the world. Within 2 years of graduation I had figured out that saving the world doesn't pay very much and sometimes the world didn't always want to be saved. So I changed careers to software and the rest is history.

Leo is a Unix Systems Administrator and a Team Lead at Bell South Long Distance. He as been in software the past 12 years also. He is the love of my life and I can not imagine what it would be like to be without him. He is my best friend and we have so much fun together.

Alex is our 12 year old daughter. She is a wonderful kid! What more could I ask for? She is a terrific student, has a great since of humor and is so talented it amazes me. She currently dances for a performing arts company and rehearses 3-4 nights a week. The fact that she can spend so much time at the studio and still manage to get straight A's and do her chores MOST of the time...well, I feel blessed to have her. We would all love to add on to the family and can't wait until that day may come.