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Karen Towers and Family

Karen Towers (nee Graham)
DOB: 13-5-65
Age: 33
I currently live in Bradford, West Yorkshire, England with my husband of nearly four years. We were married on 5th October 1994 in a wonderful 100 year old church. I was born in London, Ontario, Canada and have two sisters - Heather (34) & Mary Lynn (31). I am an Aunt to my two nephews, Curtis (5) and Gregory (3) and my niece, Meghan (4).
I have been living in England for 7 years now. It is a very nice place to visit, but I miss my family and home very much.
I am employed as a Marketing Executive for a publishing company in the UK and last year I was lucky enough to attend an exhibition in South Africa where I demonstrated our products. I enjoy my job and most of the people have been supportive.
I enjoy travelling around England and learning about all of its history. I don’t have much free time now a days but when I can, I like to dabble at watercolour painting. I feel so fortunate to have met some very wonderful people from the onelist and hope that I, in some small way, am helping to give some comfort and support to others who have suffered like myself.

Husband: Christopher Towers
DOB: 10-12-65
Age: 33

I meet Chris at my sister’s wedding which was in Canada. He was over from England to be an usher for his cousin, my brother-in-law.
It was love at first sight. We communicated by post and phone which was difficult. We meet in June, I went to see him in England that October, he came over the following May and by July of that same year, I moved to England to be with him.

Son: Adam Matthew Towers
DOB: 5-10-96
Age: 3

Adam is the centre of my universe. He has helped me tremendously over the last year. He started playschool last September and has come on leaps and bounds. He is a whiz with our home computer and I am hoping that he applies this when he gets to school. He is a typical 3 year old. Loving and sweet one minute, a little tyrant the next but I love him so much. He looks so much like his father but there is a lot of his Mom in there as well!

Daughter: Rebecca Grace Towers
DOB: 18-12-97 Born Asleep

Rebecca was my dream. I had always wished for a little girl and I knew while I was pregnant that my wish was to come true. I hadn’t been told, I just knew. My dream was taken from me on Thursday, 18th December at 5:35 pm. After nearly 12 hours of labour, my little angel was silently born.
Rebecca was a perfect, 6lb 11oz baby. Chris has said that she looked like a miniature of me. Unfortunately we could not hold her as her skull was very soft but Chris sat with her and gave her a teddy which she was buried with. I did see her but I was so overcome with grief and shock that I could not approach her as she lay so still in the moses basket.
Rebecca is buried along side her great-grandma (she passed away just five weeks before Rebecca). Her headstone is a flower box made of black onyx with the words "Forever in our Hearts" inscribed. Heathers and primroses decorate the place where she lays with an angel watching over her day and night.