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An array of steroids used to enhance performance depend on their "R" group. The molecules that modify testosterone ( what make anabolic steroids diverse and tough to detect. The recent detection of a steroid called tetrahydrogestrinone (THG) came as a result of a track coach presenting a syringe to the USADA. The steroid was used for the treatment of underdeveloped children and was never registered with the FDA. It is estimated that atheletes have been using this drug for 30 years.

Professional atheletes have used performance enhancing agents including steroids ever since they knew what it could do for them. It is a highly profitable business to make and sell undectable steriods. Some businesses even capitalize on athelete^s need to beat drug tests.

A reportedly undetectable steroid has been identified and is now being detected among U.S. track athelets. MLB and MLS have both agreed to add THG to their lists of banned substances.

While the chemical structure of THG is not available, androstenedione is in the same family of muscle development steroids.

Figure 1: 

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is an adrenal hormone that that converts into androstenedione and sometimes testosterone. The conversion to androstenedione is the more likely reaction and is metabolically more efficient.

Figure 2: 


When you take synthetic androstenedione, an enzyme in the liver acts on the molecular structure and corverts the androstenedione into testosterone. The only missing ingredient for this convertion is a hydrogen in the 17th carbon. When androstenedione is process in the liver, a hydrogen is add to the 17th carbon and androstenedione is convert to testosterone.

Figure 3: 

Figure 4:

Androstenedione is a precurser of DHEA, but DHEA converts far less efficiently to testosterone than androstenedione. In all mammals, androstendione is produced within the gonads and adrenal glands. When taking androstenedione in supplemental form it is metabolized within the liver to become testosterone, with the help of a zinc-finger transcription factor.

Testosterone is necessary for the growth of healthy muscle mass, strength, and energy. Testosterone is also helpful for healthy red blood cells, sex drive, protein metabolism, and the immune system. Androstenedione increases blood level testosterone significantly, producing increased energy, quicker tissue repair after workouts.

The benefits of steroid use are obvious to athelets and spark controversy among sports fans. There is something pure about natural talent and natural athletic ability that cannot be substituted by androgenic steroids. As the chemical components of steroids become more complex by design so will the methods of detection. Steroids can run, but they can^t hide.