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George Washington By Nelidy Vera

George Washington’s family ranked the wealthiest family of Virginia. George Washington had received most of his education at home. He was a skilled surveyor and with his knowledge he assisted the Ohio Company during the 1750’s to prepare the country for white settlement. Washington invested the money he received from his inheritance into the Ohio Company.

Washington was ordered by the lieutenant governor of Virginia, Robert Dinwiddie to drive the French out of Fort Duquesne in the Ohio Country. Washington wanted to capture the Fort but realized it was too strong, so he retreated and built Fort Necessity a few miles away. French soldiers and their allies overwhelmed his Fort. This was the start of the French and Indian war that Washington remained active on the battlefield for the wars duration.

After the war was over Washington returned to his normal life in Mount Vernon. Here he grew tobacco and grain along the Potomac River. He soon became involved in politics as a member of the House of Burgesses from 1759 to 1774.

In 1774 Washington voiced his unhappiness about England’s treatment of its citizens at the First Continental Congress. In 1776 the Continental Congress appointed Washington to lead the Continental Army against the British forces in North America. Washington had few victories against the British Army but some how managed to keep the support of his men by winning just enough battles. His most important victories were the siege of Boston, Massachusetts, and the capture of German Mercenaries fighting for the British at Trenton New Jersey. Washington won two more major battles, the battle of Princeton New Jersey and Yorktown Virginia. Washington’s victory at Yorktown resulted in the British agreeing to sign a peace treaty.

After the Treaty of Parris 1783 Washington returned home to Virginia and tended his farm. He also surveyed his land holdings in the Ohio Country. Washington helped prevent an uprising by the officers in the Continental Army before he left the army. Many of the men were not paid for years for their service to America.In May 1787 Washington served as the president of the Constitutional Convention. Some Americans feared that the new government might be more authoritarian like the English. So Washington was given this position because most American citizens trusted him.

On February 4, 1789 the electoral college elected Washington as the first president of the United States of America. He took the oath of office in April that same year. While as president he succeeded in having the Constitution amended with the bill of rights. He also appointed the first Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton.

George Washington
George Washington: Valley Forge
Rediscovering George Washington
George Washington: A National Treasure