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Offered is Instruction in astral projection by an experienced traveler. I have been traveling for 50 years and am offering my expertise to others for a nominal fee of $10.00.  Astral travel is not only used for pleasure but many times (unbeknownst to us) we summon spirit warriors on our behalf in times of trouble (Sect 7) who help us greatly in the face of adversity. Most people make astral travel much harder than it really is. They work at it, get frustrated and sabotage their efforts over and over when it shouldn't be so. This Microsoft Word© document includes 274KB of information including:    

Forward & Included Texts Sheet


1) What Is Astral Projection?

2)  Unnecessary Fears

3)  How I Got Started

4)  How I Currently Travel

5)  Alpha-Theta State of Consciousness

6)  Gaining Proficiency

7)  Spirit Guides

8)  Lucid Dreams

9)  How You Can Begin Your Journey                                                 

                                     10) Misc. Thoughts and Examples

Included in these chapters are insights and personal experiences of my own and my contact info if you need to ask me any Qs along your journey. Once purchased via Paypal (my account name is ) I will send a Microsoft Word© document (your **e-Book) to the email address on your Paypal account. If you wish it to go to a different account send it to me in email. You may also pay via USPS mail with US Money Order, US Bank Certified Check or Cash. Email me at for mailing address.

May all your journeys be fruitful ones!    

** E-books are electronic books (not paper books); fiction or nonfiction text that is distributed and read in digital form on a computer. Once you have paid for your item, I will email you your e-book in a zipped file. Once you have downloaded the E-book to your computer you can view it any time you want and even print it out if you like ... in part or it's entirety!

* All content of this e-Book is my own, taken from personal experiences and copyright to myself. This information may not be copied, reprinted or claimed as anyone’s but my own under penalty of law. Once purchased, if you have any questions regarding Astral Travel and/or related fields feel free to write me at the enclosed address and I’ll answer them as best I can according to my personal knowledge and experience in astral projection.